The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 512 The Sage of the 50th Level

Chapter 001 The Sage of the 50th Level

"Is this the fiftieth level?" The expeditionary force of the Loki family finally reached the fiftieth level of the dungeon despite all the hardships along the way.

It’s also the fiftieth floor that no one has ever been to.

This is the fiftieth floor, the fiftieth floor that no one has ever reached.

No, maybe there are family members who have arrived here, but they have never shared the secrets here.

This is the mysterious fiftieth floor. Except for the Loki family who are keen on exploring, pioneering and conquering the labyrinth, few members of the family can reach here.

This is a paradise for adventurers and a resting place for adventurers. This is a safe area in the dungeon where the expeditionary force can refresh themselves again.

Breaking into the 50th floor in one breath, even with the strength of the Loki family, is quite daunting.

The armor is damaged, the sword has lost its durability, the magic power needs to be restored, the wounds need to be bandaged, and the tired body needs to rest.

Everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief. Looking at the towering trees, they always felt very safe.

This is the fiftieth floor, supported by strange big trees. The entire floor is a safe zone, a floor without monsters.

The Loki family began to cut down wood to prepare for the bonfire at night, or began to set up tents to create space for sleeping at night.

Everyone was laughing and making noise loudly. The magicians rested to restore their magic power. The warriors began to eat to restore their strength. The more energetic people began to take risks in this safe area.

But what many people want more is to take a quick bath and then sleep comfortably.

Naturally, the girls couldn't hide the temptation of taking a bath. The girls in the Pioneer Group naturally gathered together and found a small, crystal clear pond and started taking a bath.

"Wow, Aisi's skin is indeed as good as ever. It's really enviable."

The short-haired Amazon with shiny black skin poked and prodded at the girl opposite's skin as white as milk. The two were comrades in the trenches. They were very familiar with each other, and there was no barrier at all. They took a shower together. It's so normal, they even slept together.

"No... La." The short girl with blond hair turned slightly red. She didn't know whether it was because the temperature in the pond was too high or because she was a little shy.

That's right, in order to obtain warm bathing water, the entire pond has been transformed into a steaming hot spring by magicians. In such an environment, there is no doubt that this place is paradise.

"Rivelia is..." The petite blond woman turned her head to look at another green-haired elf mage and said every word.

She seemed to have some problems with expression, but these companions were already accustomed to her way of speaking. Everyone turned their heads and looked at the strongest magician in the Loki family, and even the strongest magician in the entire Orario. Strong magician.

Sure enough, the talents of the elves are not limited. This elf mage who looks to be close to thirty years old has fair and firm skin, which is comparable to that of a teenage blond girl.

At such an age, she was stared at by more than a dozen people, yet she still blushed slightly and turned away. This was completely opposite to her usual majestic image, and people couldn't help but be stunned.

"Okay, wash it quickly. We have to continue the expedition tomorrow." As the deputy leader, she wrapped the clothes next to her, stood up from the water, and walked out.

It looks seamless and natural, and one can't help but admire her ability to change topics.

The short-haired Amazon girl couldn't help but suggest: "This is our first time going to the 50th floor. Although we know that the 50th floor is a safe area, there are still many places we haven't been to. Why don't we go exploring after dinner." "

"Tiona." Her sister, the long-haired Amazon, reminded helplessly.

"Just a moment, just a moment." The short-haired Amazon Tiona begged, and she turned her eyes to the other two melon-eaters: Sword Girl Ais and Fairy Lefiya.

"Hey, Aiz and Lefiya think so too, right?! Now!"

Lefiya is just a trainee pioneer. Although she has great potential, she is just a mere experience in the vanguard group, but...

"If Miss Ais goes, I will..." She secretly glanced at the blonde swordswoman next to her and whispered.

"Ais, Ais, go, go." The short-haired Amazon Tiona, who had found the key figure, held Ais's arm and said shakingly.

"Then... okay." She hesitated. In fact, she also wanted to see what was different about the fifty floors.

This is also her first time on the 50th floor.

Then the "little adventure group" composed of the Amazon sisters, the Sword Queen and the elves began to adventure on the fiftieth floor.

Although this was just a joke, the "little adventure group" was born.

But don't underestimate such an adventure group. The Amazon sisters Tiona, Tione and Sword Princess are all LV5 adventurers. Although Lefia is only LV3, she has the special talent of a magician.

This small team is already a luxurious lineup that the entire labyrinth city of Orario can hardly assemble.

This kind of lineup, let alone the harmless level 50, is very easy to fight from the first level all the way to the 50th level.

After all, they are already the most elite adventurers and pioneering group in the entire labyrinth city Orario!

To be honest, they headed towards the largest towering tree that supported the entire fifty-story building as if they were on an outing.

This is a huge tree whose roots are like mountains. If you want to get close to the main body, you have to walk two or three kilometers.

If the people here weren't all adventurers above level 3, I'd probably be out of breath just getting close to the big tree.

But when they came to the "mountain" of the big tree, they basically lost the idea of ​​moving forward.

It’s too tiring, too boring, too boring. The scenery ahead must be like this. Is it really necessary to continue going deeper like this?

Tiona, who proposed the adventure, was the first to get tired of it. She said boredly: "Hey, let's go back."

Lefiya, the weakest fairy, was about to express her agreement when she subconsciously looked at Sword Girl's face, only to see a slightly frowning expression on Sword Girl's face.

Tiona also saw a solemn expression on her sister's face.

"Tione, what's wrong?!" Her whole body tensed slightly, as if she could kill the monster that appeared next.

But Sword Girl raised her hand and pointed at the roots of the big tree in front of her and asked.

"what is that?"

Lefia and Tiona looked there at the same time, and then they realized that a face actually grew on the tree!

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