The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 513 Naked Man (2-in-1)

Chapter 002 Naked Man

Sisters Ais, Tione, and Tiona immediately became alert.

Only Xiaobai Lefiya was still confused, not knowing what was going on.

Yes, it is completely normal for humans to appear in such a place. Occasionally, sporadic adventurers will rush to the fifty floor, but...

A human being buried in a tree...

Or...this thing is not human at all? A giant sleeping monster?

"Lefiya, go inform the captain and the others." Tione called.

"Ah? Okay." The little white adventurer, who had no idea what was going on, turned and left, but Tione and the others were not here waiting for the arrival of the group leader.

"Ais..." The two Amazon sisters looked at Ais who walked forward.

"Just take a look." She slightly pulled out her sword and walked forward cautiously.

She is the Sword Lady, the most agile person in the team, so it is natural for her to do this kind of thing.

"Wind," she whispered.

A green wind appeared around her, surrounding her like a sphere.

This is an extremely useful magic. It is excellent in terms of acceleration, defense, and increased attack.

The more important point is that the casting time of this magic is only a short second. People like Sword Lady can already use it the moment it is chanted. It is possible to achieve it in 0.5 seconds or 0.3 seconds.

The wind around her surrounded her like protection.

She moves forward very lightly. If there is any trap, she will jump up, and the Amazon sisters behind her will catch her.

This is not a dangerous place. Even though the body is straightened, the senses on the body extend to the most sensitive places.

Her body and intuition still told her that it was not dangerous here.

Then this face in front of me...

She was even in front of that face, face to face, and she could reach the other person with just a stretch of her hand.

But there are still no attacks...

No danger.

"Ais!" Behind her, the Amazon sister Tiona called out worriedly.

But somehow, she reached out her hand and gently touched the face growing on the tree.

Suddenly, the bark near the tree seemed to have aged hundreds or thousands of years in an instant, changing from living and elastic wood to hardwood, then to dry wood, and finally everything was turned into wood in an instant. The wood powder flowed to the ground in large quantities.

"Ais!" the Amazon sisters behind them shouted loudly.

But Ais didn't move, she was already stunned by the sight in front of her.

That face...

is a person.

A silver-haired man.

This man seemed to have been embedded in the trees for a long time.

It seems like decades, hundreds, or thousands of years have passed.

Maybe he was just sleeping under the tree.

The trees continued to grow taller, and the surrounding roots swallowed him into the trees.

Then he kept growing as the trees grew.

He had been at the highest point of the tree's roots, and in the end, only his face was left outside, and his body had been completely swallowed by the tree.

until today……

Until Sword Girl touched his body.

It was as if he woke up from a thousand years of sleep in an instant.

The trees around him turned into powder in an instant, and he woke up from his sleep in an instant.

But what neither of them expected was that he had been sleeping for who knows how many years, and she didn't expect that such an outrageous thing would happen.

So in the horrified eyes of the Amazon sisters, in the eyes of Lefiya who hurriedly arrived with a group of Loki Familia people.

This naked man was completely pressed against Ais's body.

As a girl less than 165cm tall, Ais was stunned even though she was a level 4 adventurer.

He was directly crushed to the ground by the mountain-like body.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" Ais's little fan girl Lefiya screamed in grief.

The Amazon sisters rushed forward.

As the leader of the Loki family, a small human spear user and the deputy leader, the elf mage Riveria, looked at each other.

They rushed forward together.

"Wow wow wow, Miss Ais! Are you okay!!" The one who was faster than the two of them was actually Ais' little crush, Lefiya.

He only saw her rolling and climbing on the tree roots, and rushed up with hands and feet, trying to help Aisi up, but because the silver-haired man was too heavy, there was no room for her to do so.

Instead, two Amazon sisters rushed up, one on the left and one on the right, and directly helped the man stand up.

But both of their expressions were slightly condensed.

"It's so heavy..." This man has a well-proportioned body. If he doesn't exert any force, his body lines will look very graceful, but he didn't expect it to be so heavy...

But if you take a closer look, you will see that the muscles on this man's back are very strong, stretched out one by one, like silk threads. This means that the fat ratio of this man who is 1.88 meters tall has been reduced to one Very low level.

As level 5 Amazon warriors, the two girls knew only too well how terrifying the power hidden in their bodies would be once it burst out.

"Ais, are you okay?" After two seconds, not only Lefiya, but also the leader of the small human race, the deputy leader of the elves, the Chongjie dwarf, and the werewolf Bert all gathered around and looked at Ais with concern.

"I'm fine." Ais was pulled up by the hand of the elf deputy leader Riveria, but her eyes couldn't help but look towards the silver-haired man who was being helped up by the Amazon sisters.

Everyone followed her gaze and found that except for his eyebrows and hair, this man was really clean...

There wasn't even a single hair on his body.

His silver hair spread across his chest like a waterfall, blocking his face.

"What's going on with this guy?" Bert, the werewolf who had a slight crush on Ace, walked over there in an unhappy tone, gearing up as if he wanted to teach this man a lesson.

Although he is only 1.8 meters tall and is less than this man's nose, he is already a LV4 adventurer. He is far ahead among all adventurers and occupies the vanguard position.

His fists, legs and feet are like steel and can easily tear apart steel and monsters. Because of this, he is also called the "Ferocious Wolf".

"Wait, Bert." The leader of the small human tribe opened his hand to block the werewolf Bert.

"Why did this person... appear on the fiftieth floor?" He asked a question that everyone ignored, but it went straight to the core.

Everyone was stunned, yes, why did this person appear in the 50th floor?

You know, their expedition to open up wasteland was only the first time they came to the fiftieth floor!

"This person came out of the tree... very deep, maybe he..." As the magician in the team, Riveria is the one who has the most say. When she speaks, everyone They were all looking at her and listening to her.

"He might have been here a long time ago. Judging from his appearance, he might be a half-elf."

Elves have a long lifespan, but their features are also very conspicuous. Their pointed ears and beautiful appearance are undoubtedly their business cards.

But half-elves don't have this characteristic. For example, Aisi is a half-elf.

And this man's ears are not as pointy as those of elves, but he is still fine after surviving in the tree for so long. Maybe there is no one else except half-elves, right?

"Rivelia, can you see his condition?" the leader of the small human tribe suddenly asked.

His words stunned everyone for a moment.

Status, this is something that every adventurer has, or you can just call it data. This is the blessing given to adventurers by the gods. It is also the proof that adventurers can become stronger, and it is also the reason why they continue to bravely enter the dungeon. motivation.

But everyone's status is top secret, data that only their Lord knows. This is just like a person's private parts, which cannot be seen by others.

Nowadays, it is really rude to look at the state of a stranger like this. Of course, it is also difficult to do in ordinary times.

Only under the premise that the other party is unconscious can it be possible to see the other party's state.

Riveria hesitated for a moment, but this person was too weird. If he was not in good condition, he would be a very weird monster and needed to be killed immediately.

This is a matter related to everyone's safety. Even if it is a little rude, there is nothing we can do about it.

Not everyone can see the status.

In addition to their family's "god", only magicians have the ability to see the status of other people.

And besides the little rookie Lefiya, she is the only one here.

Riveria stepped forward, and the Amazon sisters turned around and turned the silver-haired man around, exposing his muscular back.

Everyone present is knowledgeable. All strength starts from the back and waist. It is precisely because of this that the strength of a person is completely determined by the muscles of the waist and back. Just like strength training, the most important thing is Just like the squat position, push-ups are also the core item of strength training.

The muscles on this man's body only need a little strength to show off, which is extremely terrifying. Obviously, his strength is by no means ordinary.

Except for the rookie Lefiya who blushed and looked away, everyone else took a slight breath.

This man is anything but casual.

There, Vilia came behind the man, drew a few runes, and then the man's back lit up.

It is a magical text that is completely incomprehensible to ordinary people. This is also a shackles given by the gods to ordinary people. Only knowledgeable magicians can read and understand the meaning of this text.

Her emerald-like eyes shrank, and then she pursed her lips.

"How's it going?" This time, Bert didn't need to speak impatiently, even the leader of the small human race couldn't help but ask.

"A magician with all attributes S..." She turned her head, looked at the others, and said.

"Isn't it?"

"It's a lie, mother-in-law."

"How can it be……"

Everyone showed disbelief.

Everyone has their own emphasis on things like strength, agility, and magic. If it is a magic swordsman, there may be some possibilities, but it is like a magician.

In terms of agility and strength, mages have inherent disadvantages. Similarly, professions such as Chongjie and Gunslinger cannot compete with magicians in terms of magic power.

But a magician with all attributes of S...

Never mind that I have seen it before, I have never heard of such a thing!

"Moreover." Riveria paused, making everyone stop talking. Instead of expressing their own thoughts, it was better to listen to what Riveria, who had seen his attributes, had to say.

"A Lv1 adventurer." She looked at the leader and nodded gently, confirming the truth of what she said.

After three seconds of silence, an even louder noise seemed to rise into the sky.

"A first-level adventurer? How is that possible!" Everyone was noisily saying what they wanted to say, but the core thoughts couldn't be separated from this sentence.

If the full attribute S is still barely acceptable, then when first-level adventurers reach the fiftieth floor, it is completely unacceptable to them.

If a LV1 person could reach the fiftieth floor easily, wouldn't their previous efforts be like a joke?

"Okay, let's put some clothes on him first, and then let's talk about what happens next." The leader of the small human tribe greeted the others and said.

At that time, someone took off his cloak and put it on the man. The two Amazon sisters supported the unconscious man and led him to the camp following the others.

But many people were walking and looking back at this man.

This man is so special that no one can ignore his existence.

Suddenly, the man supported by the two Amazon sisters raised his head and took a step.

"Wow!" The two Amazons were frightened at the same time. They immediately stepped back and looked at the man who stood up straight in surprise.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Where is this?" He asked the second question.

It's just that this man's aura is like that of a god, making people forget for a moment that he is only a level one adventurer.

"Where are my subordinates?" When he asked the third question, he had already tied a knot in his cloak with his hands. He straightened his waist, combed his silver hair to the back of his head, and looked around with his eyes. It swept over everyone in an instant.

Even though his eyes were closed, everyone still felt as if they were standing naked in front of him for an instant, with nothing to hide.

"I am the leader of the expedition of the Loki family, [Brave] Finn, may I ask your surname?!" The leader of the small human race stood up and matched the opponent with the same momentum, removing the members from the pressure. liberated from it.

This momentum should never appear in a first-level adventurer.

At this time, the silver-haired man finally noticed this powerful little human with short blond hair.

A smile appeared on his face, and he introduced himself with his right hand pressed on his chest.

"Kelar, Kelar Pan Dragon."


It’s so embarrassing that I didn’t write it until 4 o’clock.

I went for a massage today, but my lower back still hurts when I sit down to type. I don’t know why...

I'm so sad today, I'm sorry everyone.

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