The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 524 The sword-wielding mage

Chapter 013 The sword-wielding mage

The Minotaur is a medium-sized monster with an average height of two meters and two meters and an average weight of about 230 kilograms.

It is extremely huge and has unparalleled lethality against ordinary people. Elite monsters even have weapons and can easily kill adventurers below level 3.

Very dangerous mid-level monsters, usually around the 20th to 30th level.

These kind of gatekeeper monsters on the 20th and 30th floors are only at the level of miscellaneous soldiers on the 50th floor, but they are also dangerous when clustered together.

No, for Kelar, this kind of monsters charging in groups is a terrifying existence.

A group of more than fifty monsters is already an army.

Fortunately, when the enemy showed up, Kelar relaxed slightly, and no more than twenty Minotaurs rushed out from the corner and ran directly towards them.

On average, one person can only face five monsters. If Lefiya started singing just now, it would have been enough time for her to use a small magic.

Although this magic cannot kill them, it can always weaken them or injure them.

But when she started chanting hurriedly now that she was facing the enemy, it actually had no meaning.

Kelar looked at Ais, and the sisters Tione and Tiona rushed forward, but they did not go up together.

Let them perform, their fighting skills are sublimated through the training of these battles.

And Keilar didn't think the three of them could stop the nearly twenty-headed Minotaur.

They were full of confidence. Monsters like the Minotaur, who were kings and hegemons at the middle level, were nothing more than a group of miscellaneous soldiers when they reached the top. Although they fought hard with them before, now that they are at the top, they no longer care about them. They took it seriously.

If you underestimate anything, you will suffer.

Keilal had always thought so, so he only saw the first three or four heads of the Minotaur's charging group being knocked down by them, but the ones behind them pushed them out at once.

Although Ais and the other three immediately killed the minotaurs that pushed them out, their defensive formation was completely destroyed in an instant.

"Oops!" They kicked the top of the underground city tunnel in mid-air in an attempt to return to their original position, but a dozen Minotaurs had already dispersed and there was no way to stop them.

Ais, Tione, and Tiona blocked two or three Minotaurs respectively, but the remaining Minotaurs came towards Kelar and Lefiya.

"Oops!!" This thought flashed through the minds of the three of them at the same time.

In fact, after their two rounds of killing just now, there were only two or three Minotaurs left surrounding Kelar and Lefiya.

But for first-level adventurers, even a Minotaur is still a fatal danger.

This kind of monster is born with cowhide armor and has strong muscles. It is difficult for an adventurer to break the defense with a single blow, and even make it bleed. Even a first-level adventurer wielding a heavy weapon will succumb to its muscles. The pass is stuck.

That’s why the Minotaur is also called the Newcomer Killer. Countless first- and second-level adventurers have died at their hands.

And Lefiya is just a third-level rookie magician, with slow singing and long spell casting rhythm, while Keilal is just a first-level magician. The two of them were surrounded by three Minotaurs, and they had almost no chance. The principle of survival.

As for Ais, Tione, and Tiona, no matter how fast they speed up, there are still more than three tauren blocking them, and it is really difficult to arrive to assist them in the first time.

This scene is really terrible! !

"Is it as I expected?" Keilar stood there, holding a two-handed sword in one hand, pressing the other hand on his Cambridge, standing with his legs in front and back, like an elegant swordsman .

He had seen this scene from the beginning.

It is true that the three of them have strong attack power, but they lack one person who can withstand the monster's impact head-on. Most of their battles involve avoiding the monster's attack and then launching a fatal blow to the monster. They do not dare to attack directly. Monster attacks, it is unwise to forcefully block the impact of groups of monsters now - another important point is that they cannot block the impact of monsters.

It is precisely because of this that it became what it is now.

The Minotaurs were breathing heavily and had an unpleasant odor on their bodies. These minotaurs who didn't bathe would even secrete oil on their bodies, and then roll in the mud to put on a layer of natural material on their shells. Silt armor.

This makes their defenses stronger.

The pressure becomes more intense.

Lefiya's two breasts were now fighting, and there were tears in her eyes. She was extremely frightened.

Even a novice adventurer like her knows how dangerous it is when two spellcasters encounter three Minotaurs in such a situation.

Is there... no other way? She looked at the Minotaur who raised his fist and closed her eyes in fear.

"As an adventurer, you should never close your eyes even when you are in danger." Keilal's faint voice came through the air, causing Lefiya who had closed her eyes to open them.

The sword light seemed to split open the entire maze, moving all the way down from the upper right to the lower left side of the Minotaur, as if the entire chest was about to be cut open by Kelar.

But looking at Aisi and the others here from the corner of their eyes, they secretly complained.

Cut too shallow! Although it was cut very cleanly, the Minotaur's muscles were too thick. If they hadn't cut the Minotaur in half like Ace and the others, the Minotaur would not have died from such an injury. of!


Keilal immediately retracted his sword after striking out, took a step back, held the sword in both hands, and stabbed out without hesitation.

The distance between him and the Minotaur was only the length of a sword. Coupled with the length of the two-handed sword, the two-handed sword followed the wound he just made and pierced the Minotaur's chest without hesitation. .

Without even the slightest pause, Kelal twisted the sword with both hands, and then pulled it out instantly.

The Minotaur didn't even have a chance to roar, before it suddenly turned into ashes, leaving behind a huge magic stone.

Kelal didn't look at it, turned around, and struck again.

Like a magnificent swordsman, he dodged and slashed between the two Minotaurs, striking out with his sword no more than three times.

These monsters that were active above the 20th floor were wiped out in Lefiya's dull eyes, not even a single one was left.

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