The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 525 New playing methods and new commands (two-in-one)

Chapter 014 New playing methods and new commands

"So strong..." Tiona muttered to herself as she watched Kelal deal with three Minotaurs blankly.

She wasn't lying, she really meant it.

Although the three of them have been paying attention to Kelar, they are not slow at all in solving the Minotaur. They are level 4 adventurers.

But it was here that she was amazed. As a level 1 adventurer, Kelar could kill the three-headed Minotaur at the same speed as level 4 adventurers like them!

No, maybe it needs to be slower, but it's by no means obvious!

If you add Keilal's identity as a magician, this performance can no longer be said to be amazing!

It can even be said to be shocking.

Ais, Tiona, and Tione looked at Kelar with burning eyes. Compared with Lefia, who looked confused, they were the ones who knew best how powerful Kelar was.

"Forget it, I can't bear it anymore." Keilar exhaled and said in a deep voice.

"Eh?" Lefiya was dumbfounded, still not knowing what was going on.

"Ais, you have too many redundant moves in your attacks. With the protection of the wind elf, why do you attack other places where the vitals are unexpected? You only have one target. Your opponent's heart, neck, and eyes are the ones you should attack. Why do you have to cut your opponent in half like Tiona with a one-handed sword?"

When Lefia heard Keilal "raging" about her favorite Miss Ais, she immediately identified Miss Ais. It was effortless to cut her opponent in half.

But after hearing this, Aisi's eyes flashed, she put away her sword, and bowed to Keilal.

This means that she has indeed received guidance from Keilal.

"Tiona, your attacks are wide open, but there is absolutely no need to kill every monster."

"But." Tiona was convinced by Keilal, but she didn't understand what Keilal meant.

"The battle is in groups. It must not be the first time that monsters often attack you, but you are fighting alone."

Kelal shook his head.

They are indeed a bit messy. The most important thing is that monsters are besieging them, but they are relying on their own talents and combat effectiveness to fight alone. The so-called team is just "fighting together".

The traces of them fighting alone were very obvious. "Maybe you fight monsters other than BOSS like this, right? But you are totally wrong." Keilal shook his head.

"The next battle is, Tiona, you attack quickly and try to cut off one of the hands or feet of all the monsters to lower their bodies."

"Tione, you and Ais should follow Tiona to finish off the monsters, and try to kill them with one hit."

"Although we are also facing monsters, let's try my method." Kailar looked at them and said.

He just made a "suggestion", and the three of them looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Anyway, it’s all about killing monsters, so what method is used instead of killing monsters?

It's just that Keilar was really rude. Even though they only met on the second day, and they were only level 1 adventurers, he started to command three level 4 adventurers without any courtesy.

Lefiya didn't get any advice from Keilal, but seeing Ais and the other three listening to Keilal's words so hard, it was hard to accept it.

Just like what the three of them thought just now, Keilar is a level 1 adventurer and they just met yesterday. Why can he be so "shameless" and take command of Ais and the others as a matter of course?

"As for you." Kelar turned back to look at Lefiya.

"You just need to listen to my orders and cast the spell." Keilal didn't say much to her.

Lefia is too good, she won't understand no matter what Keilal says, so let her experience for herself how a magician should fight.


The Loki family must be too relieved. This girl's talent must be extremely strong to be selected into the vanguard group.

But she was not trained in the Pioneer Corps, and no one taught her.

This situation is so weird that it makes people speechless.

Keilal can understand Finn's free-range mood. Even if these geniuses are free-range, they can bloom for a moment of brilliance at a specific time. This kind of brilliance is really pleasing to the eye.

But the cultivation of genius should not be like this.

Genius requires bright sunshine, a lot of pressure, and a little personal space.

Only such a genius can have a strong motivation for progress.

Kelar can understand Finn's careful protection of geniuses, but someone like Lefiya is too indulgent.

She doesn't have enough pressure at all, and she lacks Ais's purpose of becoming stronger at all costs. Because of this, even though she is very young, even though she is already a level 3 adventurer, she is still very immature, very immature.

Letting her blindly follow Kelal's orders to cast spells may seem unhelpful to her growth, but in fact this is an operation that is beneficial to her.

She didn't understand the positioning or timing at all. She just chanted the spell mechanically when she saw the enemy. This kind of efficiency was too low.

So Keilal planned to let her experience for herself how a mage fights.

Soon, another group of monsters that had been spared by the vanguard group rushed over along the passage.

This group of sheep-headed men with an average height of more than two meters, and all of them armed with weapons - big-boned sticks, is more accurately described as low-level demons.

The thick sheepskins on their bodies are covered with mud, which can not only block the attacks of axes and hammers, but also weaken the slashes of sharp swords. In addition, the bone sticks in their hands are each one meter and a half long and weigh no less. Ten kilograms.

Such a configuration is really dangerous.

Human beings are not as powerful as monsters, and they appear in groups. If these monsters, which appear on the 30th to 40th floors on average, are not powerful enough, they will only die if they encounter them.

For example, Ace and the others, whose average height was only over 1.6 meters, only reached the waists of these monsters. It seemed that they were only as long as the monsters' thighs.

Just like a giant facing a dwarf, the pressure of strength is heavy, but Aisi and the others are experienced warriors and are not afraid of their huge size at all. Instead, they all rush towards them eagerly. .

Tiona, who was leading the way, was like a ghost. Tiona, who gave up the one-hit kill, felt that the world was so open and all she had to do was cut off her feet! The sharp double-blade broadsword chopped off all the hooves of the sheep-headed men on the left and right. The sheep-headed men were all over her left and right. All her left and right legs were chopped off in an instant. Her whole body lost her balance completely and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, they still had their hands to support their bodies and fell to one knee on the ground.

Originally, when they were standing high, Aisi and Tione had to jump up to attack their heads and hearts, but after they knelt down, Ais and Tione, who was holding two swords, could attack them with one blow. They hit their fatal spot instantly.

The efficiency of this method is really too high.

The swarming goatheads could only accommodate two or three side by side in the narrow dungeon. Even so, there was still a huge gap between the two or three, giving Tiona a very large space to operate.

Her big sword is a double-blade sword. Both sides of the handle are broad-bladed swords of equal mass and one meter in length. She can easily cut off the legs of the sheep-headed men on both sides by holding the middle and rotating it.

Ais and Tione behind them are extremely powerful in attack, and the enemy also exposed their weaknesses to them. Keilal's words "Attack the key points, leave with one blow, don't use too much extra strength" rang in their ears. .”

The weapons of the two of them, which were only about one meter long, were used to attack vital parts and cause fatal injuries. After piercing the eyes of these sheep-headed men and confusing their brains, they pulled them out. When they did this, they only It takes less than 1 second.

The two people following Tiona, one on the left and one on the right, were almost killing the sheep-headed man who was chopped by Tiona one by one.

It's just that there are more than a dozen goat-headed monsters in this group than the Minotaurs just now.

After being killed in the middle, the goatheads on both sides immediately surrounded them and wanted to surround them.

Ais and Tione subconsciously wanted to rush forward on both sides to ensure their retreat, but Kelar's calm and firm voice came from behind: "Follow Tione and rush forward to kill them!"

Ais and Tione stopped, then turned around and continued to rush towards Tiona, killing the goat-headed men who were kneeling on the ground.

So fast...

Ais and the others didn't notice it, but standing on the periphery, they could clearly see the battlefield. The entire passage had been completely cleared by Ais and the others. The middle one was full of magic stones scattered on the ground. These monsters died. There will be no corpses after that, only these magic stones will be left as Orario's currency standard. Of course, the real currency is gold coins.

The group of goat-headed monsters had no time to pay attention to the two mages standing at the end. They roared angrily and turned around to surround the three women.

It's just that this assault team has already killed the entire goat-headed monster team and reached the other side of the tunnel.

Looking at the tunnel that had become crowded again, the three of them looked at each other and smiled at each other.

Before Keilal opened her mouth, they already knew what to do.

They started the assault again.

This time the three of them didn't need Keilal to speak at all, they already had their own judgment in their hearts.

Tiona, Tione, and Ais at the front are four meters apart, and Ais and Tione are also almost four meters apart. They are a perfect three-person assault formation of infantry. This is Advanced infantry tactics that can dodge bullets and quickly attack were only summarized by the PLA in the age of firearms, but now there is nothing wrong with using them in dungeons where individuals are strong.

Tiona was seen wielding a long sword like the wind, cutting off all the mutton legs on both sides, while Ais and Tione behind her were cutting in succession.

Just one back and forth, and in less than a minute, more than thirty sheep-headed monsters were all killed. The dark purple magic stone as big as Kelal's fist fell to the ground, which looked very exaggerated.

The three people who stood back looked at each other and let out a breath.


The three of them didn't expend much energy at all just now, but it was precisely because of this that they realized the power of Kailar's tactics.

Since the vanguard four left the sheepheads to them, it means that the sheepheads are not dangerous to them, but even so, it would take at least fifteen minutes to two to kill these more than thirty legion-like sheepheads. ten minutes.

This is a battle in which their individual fighting abilities are brought to the extreme.

But now, their individual combat effectiveness is insignificant, and even level 3 adventurers can use this tactic to defeat the Minotaur and the Goathead!

You must know that the third-level adventurers are completely unable to compete with Aiz and the others in terms of combat power. If they fight the Minotaurs and the Fauns alone, they will be in a hard fight, but they can control the numbers very well. There were so many monsters that Ais and the others could help them after easily eliminating the monsters around them.

But this combination of tactics maximizes the team's combat effectiveness.

The efficiency becomes very, very high!

They couldn't help but look at Keilal and Lefiya next to Keilal.

Obviously, Keilal has more advanced tactical coordination, and with Lefiya as a magician, the entire battle should be smooth and smooth.

Lefiya shrank back under the glare of their scorching gazes, and looked at them timidly, not knowing why.

"Good job." Keilal said with a smile. He pressed the scabbard on his waist with his left hand. He didn't even pull out the sword this time, which showed his inner confidence in Aisi and the others.

"Let's move on." He raised his head and said.

Ais and the others nodded and started to pick up more than 30 magic stones on the ground. The time it took to pick up the magic stones actually took longer than the time they spent fighting. Ais and the others were very happy in their hearts, like Tione. She really wanted to fly to Finn's side immediately and tell Finn about the battle, so that Finn would be surprised and praise her.

The five people continued to walk forward and soon came to the end of the passage.

I only saw Finn and the others fighting with a group of demon apes. This group of black and striped demon apes were each 2.56 meters tall, waving huge wooden sticks, tall and agile, ordinary people were If they couldn't even survive a round, they would be instantly smashed into pulp. However, the four people surrounded by this group of demon apes were not afraid at all, and they flashed and attacked in the group of demon apes, coming and going freely.

It was the top four members of the Pioneer Group, Finn, Riveria, Gareth, and Bert!

Looking at the four people being besieged, Ais, Tione, and Tiona all focused on Kelar, waiting for him to come up with new tactics.

PS: I didn’t finish it yesterday, but I didn’t want to open it, so I finished it in one go and posted it today.

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