The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 526 The resistance that prevents progress (two-in-one)

Chapter 015 The resistance that prevents us from moving forward

Keilar thought for a while and just nodded to them: "You go directly and let Finn and the others see your new tactics." He said with a smile.

Aisi and the others seemed to be inspired in an instant. Bright smiles appeared on the faces of the three girls, and then they turned around and rushed towards the battlefield ahead.

This was originally Finn's tactic.

First, let the four most powerful people be the vanguard to clear the way, letting go of the medium monsters, and then strangling the monsters that pose a threat to the follow-up troops.

And if they encounter such a large group of monsters, they don't have to worry if they get stuck. They just need to hold these monsters back and wait for Ais and others to come up to help.

Even Aisi and the others cannot completely destroy this group of monsters. The following adventurers are still on the way. If more than forty adventurers with an average level 3 join in, the balance will be completely broken, and these monsters will They were slowly annihilated.

At that time, the logistics troops following behind will serve as a place for supplies, rest, and cooking. After resting, they can continue to move forward - this is how it should be.

It's just that Ais and the others suddenly surprised Finn and the others after they broke into the group of demon apes.

What a speed!

Tione cut the demon ape's legs as if dancing along the way, while Ais and Tiona followed closely and pierced the demon ape's brain or heart in an instant with a sword that had not completely fallen to the ground. The speed was extremely fast. , as if they were running without stopping at all.

The above-mentioned things did not happen to one demon ape, but all the seven or eight demon apes along the way suffered huge injuries.

Even if those demonic apes were not dead, they had no ability to resist at all for a while and just lay on the ground wailing.

Well done.

Finn, Riveria, and Gareth secretly drank in their hearts. Only then did Finn realize that the new generation of Bert, Ace, Tione, and Tiona were different from the adventurers of their generation. of!

Finn, Riveria, and Gareth of the old generation have a typical configuration of one shield, one agility, one milk and output.

Of course, this configuration is reasonable. It is because of this configuration that although Finn and Riveria lost some friends, this configuration survived tenaciously and became more powerful - in the dungeon , as long as you live long enough, you will naturally be stronger than others.

Age equals experience!

But Ais and her group of adventurer geniuses are not like this.

It was only then that Finn realized his previous mistake. Among Ais and her group of adventurers, Lefiya had not yet grown up. In other words, until Lefia grew up, they had been fighting as four people. .

Among these four people, all are melee combatants!

Such a configuration is really unreasonable!

Finn's long-standing requirement for their team fighting is actually a last resort tactic in which everyone picks an opponent nearby to fight independently without being too far away from the team and being besieged by other monsters.

So far, this tactic has appeared on them before Finn thought of the most suitable tactic for them.

Is it that person? ! Finn looked over to Keilal and saw Lefiya behind Keilal, all using her magic? !

Is he still teaching Lefiya?

Finn laughed. Isn't this exactly what he wants to see? No matter what happens in the future, the quality he shows now is enough for Finn to look up to him.

Lefia's incantation was stammering, and Keilal couldn't help but question how she was able to upgrade to a level 3 adventurer?

You must know that every level 3 adventurer has experienced at least the baptism of the first twenty floors of the dungeon. These twenty floors of baptism can allow a rookie to quickly grow into a qualified adventurer, but someone like Lefiya has already been level 3. He's a super adventurer, but he still stutters when reciting spells when encountering a battle. Could it be that he gained it from experience before?

——Kelar really guessed it right.

Lefia is a seed-type player with a very precious talent. She is the person who Loki specially asked them to take care of. She has been tightly sandwiched in the middle of the team and protected tightly. In addition, there is another damage-type player. Player Riveria is here, and she has no chance to cast spells or experience combat in person.

For example, if Keilal saw her talent and chose a safe place where the monkeys couldn't see her, she would chant the spell slowly. She would still be nervous, and it would be even more difficult to imagine that she was under siege. How many sentences can I finally pronounce?

However, Keilar pays more attention to Riveria, who is like a dragon in the battlefield.

Lefiya behind her really had nothing to say, but Riveria was different.

She is obviously a mage, but she possesses extraordinary agility. The tip of the staff in her hand is like a spear. She avoids the big wooden sticks of the demon apes while stabbing them at the same time.

Her attack power is obviously not as good as the spearman's Finn, but she can more or less protect herself in close combat.

Kelar glanced at Lefiya behind him who was slowly chanting a spell. He didn't understand at all. There was a senior like Riveria for her to learn from. All she had to do was imitate, copy, and copy Riveria's fighting style. Action and rhythm are enough, but what does it mean that she still can't do it.

Flowers in the greenhouse, the "seeds" cultivated by the Loki Familia in this way will sooner or later die in a bigger storm.

He turned his head and continued to look at the scene.

To be honest, he has never seen magicians display their power, but looking at Lefiya's long chanting speed, and Riveria being suppressed and can only dodge and use melee weapons, he feels that these modern magic It's really nothing special.

To be honest, Kelar's concept of magic is already very [modern]. He focuses on the speed of casting spells, the position when casting spells, attacking weaknesses, attacking accurately, and finally gaining the power.

His concept comes from precision-guided missiles, and the Magician is a human-shaped self-propelled artillery.

There are too many self-propelled artillery mages, but too few precision missile mages.

So they are they and Keilal is Keilal.

Keilal didn't want to preach. If he had students, he would teach them and give them advice if he couldn't help it. As for helping others point out their mistakes and correct their thoughts in a public-spirited manner, he didn't feel the need to do it at all.

It's so annoying.

Kelal is thinking about something, and huge changes have taken place on the entire battlefield.

Ais and the others have already broken into the demon apes to meet up with Finn and the others.

But while Lefiya was chanting, she heard a loud shout from Keilal, which almost interrupted the spell she was chanting.

She clearly heard what Keilal yelled angrily.


he shouted.

When Lefiya used her remaining distraction to look over there, she found that Ais and the others had successfully reunited with the leader and were killing the enemy together.

But Keilal was angry precisely because of this matter.

Ais and the others clearly have unparalleled mobility, but it is such a stupid decision to fight in a positional battle with Finn and the others!

Now, Aiz and the others are in a tough fight! Since Tiona lost the ability to move forward, Aiz and the others naturally lost the ability to hit the target immediately.

It seems that after the moment of surprise, they have returned to the previous fighting mode. If Ais and the others who are stuck in the quagmire of fighting have not experienced the smooth and smooth fighting before, after they have tasted that kind of fighting, If you return to this "quagmire", you will feel that it is difficult to move forward.

As if seeing their discomfort, Finn, who was in the middle of the battle, turned around and called: "Ais, Tione, Tiona, rush out!"

The three of them suddenly realized that their tactics should be about running, not about standing still and fighting in position.

After figuring this out, they no longer hesitated, and instantly disrupted the entire battlefield again.

Yes, the sparkle in Finn's eyes was really like golden eyes.

With his wisdom, he immediately discovered the cleverness of this tactic.

Not talking about enemy killing efficiency, nor anything else, the enemy's formation was interrupted!

What? You said a group of demon apes still has a formation?

In other words, the circle surrounded by this group of demonic apes has been disrupted!

The demon apes surrounding them were monsters with rough skin and thick flesh of more than 40 layers. Even Gareth's ax could hardly cut through their muscles and damage their internal organs, causing a fatal blow.

However, Tiona's two-person sword can cut through their weak tendons. This human weakness is vividly and exquisitely displayed in the humanoid demon ape.

Of course, Ais and the others who followed them couldn't kill them with one hit as easily as before.

However, what Keilal said about "saving effort" was listened to by them. Although they tried their best to kill the demon ape, they were not like the previous casual people who wanted to cut each other into pieces. Open in half.

Instead, the thrust must hit the heart or eyeballs, and even if it is a chop, try to hit the head or neck. They seem to have grown up rapidly after not seeing each other for a few hours.

Their attack and wandering caused more than thirty demon apes to "split". Some demon apes wanted to kill Finn, a group of troublemakers who came in first, while another group of demon apes wanted to chase this group of demon apes running around. 's squad.

The division suddenly made the threat of the demon ape much weaker, and more importantly - "Burt, Gareth, defensive formation, Riveria, start chanting."

The pressure on them became less, and they could withstand the attacks of this group of monsters, giving Riveria, as a spellcaster, time to start casting large-scale magic.


"Finn, can you wait?" Riveria's steady voice came from behind.

"Huh?" Finn looked at Riveria in confusion.

"That child is casting a spell." Riveria looked up and looked into the distance. She was an elf. Even if she was a mage, she still had the eyesight that an elf should have naturally. She could clearly see the magic spreading around Lefiya. , and you can clearly see Lefiya's moving mouth.

The kid is casting a spell.

That sentence alone made Finn nod.

"Okay, let's wait another minute."

This is a battlefield. No matter how slow the casting speed is, it should be over in one minute. A real mage should be able to complete even a super large magic within 20 seconds.

Riveria was called [Nine Demon Queens] because she could complete a spell within nine seconds.

As for a newbie like Lefia, Finn has given her enough opportunities and time, it just depends on whether she will betray their trust.

Even though Finn had prepared for the consequences of Lefiya's failure to cast the spell, this kind of head-on conflict above level 40 was still too exciting for her. She was under great pressure when facing such a tall and burly monster. .

Magicians are different from warriors. Warriors often have to fight hand-to-hand with these monsters. Because of this, the tall and burly figures of the monsters are often close to the warriors. They have already been fully mentally prepared.

Magicians lack this kind of psychological preparation when facing these monsters.

For example, Lefiya did nothing after entering the thirtieth floor, which proves this point.

But this time, Lefiya finally completed a spell cast under the guidance and protection of Keilal.

She actually started chanting very early, but it took a full two minutes to complete the magic. If Keilal hadn't been very patient and disciplined, he might have exploded long ago.

Even so, he was completely offended by Lefiya's immaturity. His face darkened. He stopped talking to Lefiya and ordered to the huge stalactite hanging on the ceiling: "Take it." Beat it down."

"But..." Lefiya still didn't quite understand Keilal's order.

"Knock it off," Keilal reiterated.

His tone became more serious, and his face became heavier. If this person had been his subordinate, he would have been dragged out and whipped long ago. Keilal really disliked Lefiya, and Ais, who had an astonishing understanding. In comparison, Lefiya undoubtedly looks much clumsy.

Hearing Keilal's tone, Lefiya shrank her neck, not daring to speak any more. The slender staff in her hand was like the breath of a giant dragon, spitting out a huge fireball in an instant.

The fireball streaked through the air, and instantly hit the huge stalactite above Finn and the others.

The stalactite shook twice, and then instantly broke from the middle, falling to the ground like a huge stone cone.

"Get away!" Finn and the others fled back in a very embarrassed manner. The group of monsters had no intelligence at all. They just chased and were instantly crushed by the huge stalactites.

More than thirty demon apes were crushed to death!

The billowing smoke dispersed in all directions, and Lefiya, who was standing at a high place, could see clearly.

The whole person opened his mouth: "Did I do this?"

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