The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 527 Heart of the Swarm (Two in One)

Chapter 016 Heart of the Swarm

The huge stalactite is nearly the size of a basketball court. It falls from the sky. The rocks are enough to make an ordinary person drink a cup.

Even though Finn and the others were both level 6 adventurers, facing the scattered rocks, Finn, Riveria, and Burt hid behind [Dwarf Hero] Gareth.

And these flying stones hit Gareth's shield heavily. Holding a shield, wearing heavy armor, and with a very low center of gravity, Gareth faced countless stones as if he was standing still in the wind.

Each of these stones was like a heavy punch, like a monster's chop, hitting Gareth's shield one by one.

Gareth gritted his teeth and stood firm. In fact, his arms were numb and he stepped back a lot. His big forty-eight feet moved back fifty centimeters in the mud. Bert suddenly pushed his body behind him. , he no longer retreated.

At this time, the dust of the stalactites has also settled.

"I did this?!" Those monsters had long been crushed into pulp, and Lefiya was even more surprised and couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

"That's right." Kailar looked at the huge rock below, his whole person very calm.

"The attack of magic itself does not lie in the power of the elements, but in its ability to change the weather, time, geography, and the entire battlefield."

Keilal inadvertently revealed his understanding of magic, but Lefiya was not the kind of person with extraordinary talents, so she just nodded in confusion.

To be honest, Keilar has integrated all his understanding of magic into this sentence.

After all, magic needs people to use it, and humans need to serve for tactics. The so-called magician can stand up to thousands of armies only in myths, and the real power of a magician lies in his ability to change the situation of the battle and let the entire team gain. huge help.

Whether it is to weaken the enemy's state to the worst, or to cause a devastating blow to the enemy, this is the role of the mage.

If a mage is obsessed with his own power, he will lack respect for other teammates.

In fact, many magicians lose their comrades or die because of this. Being too superstitious about their own power in the dungeon is a dead end!

Keilal looked at the confused Lefiya, shook his head, and walked down.

"Alas!" Lefiya followed Kelal down in a panic. At this time, she saw Ais and the others walking around the stalactite stuck in the ground.

"Is this Lefia's power? It's so powerful." Looking at the huge stalactite, everyone was amazed.

If it was to destroy monsters, Riveria could do it, but directly knocking down a stone pillar like this was very rare and rare.

"How does Mr. Kai know that the stone pillar above his head can be knocked down?" Ais asked strangely.

Lefia's ability to achieve such a superb performance was obviously only possible under the command of Keilal.

But even Keilal's command had a hard time explaining why Keilal knew that stalactites could be knocked down.

"This kind of stone is formed because the water is constantly dripping down, causing the impurities in the water to slowly extend down the stone. It is in a [growing] state, and the water Once it encounters high temperatures, it will cause a steam explosion, and the explosion will cause instability within the stone, causing it to break and then fall down."

Keilal came up with a bunch of theories that Ais and the others completely ignored, but still made Ais and the others understand that Keilal had a certain point.

——Although I don’t understand it at all, it seems to be very powerful.

"Okay, let's go find Finn and the others."

When Keilar brought a group of girls to Finn and the others, Finn and the others looked at Keilar with very subtle and strange expressions, as if they were looking at a stranger. They were really surprised by Keilar. It was so big that one had to look at Keilal through new glasses again.

"Sorry, I crushed those monsters to pieces, so I can't pick up the magic stone anymore."

Kelal's apology is truly sorry, because according to his way of playing, he will not have any income in the future.

In fact, magic stones are an important source of income for the family members. The reason why the Loki family can grow to such an extent has a lot to do with the constant cultivation of magic stones in the dungeon.

These magic stones are hard goods that can be used to enchant, forge, or inlay. These magic stones represent magic power, which is something that humans cannot create. Only dungeons and gods can give it.

His words made Finn laugh: "Then should I thank you for teaching Ace and the others their fighting methods?"

Kelar and Finn looked at each other and smiled, the tacit understanding between the two wise men unspoken.

The tactics that Kelar taught Ais and the others were already the biggest gift, and a small income like the magic stone was almost insignificant.

"Then, shall we move on?" Keilar looked at Finn and the four others. He could finally see the strength of the first level 6 adventurer.

"Well, keep going." Finn turned his head and looked at Riveria and Gareth. He didn't know why he could see flames in their eyes for a moment.

I don’t know why, but everyone’s fighting spirit suddenly ignited.

Finn smiled. Ais and the others, taught by Kelar, fought hard to catch up and exerted great fighting power. How could this make a group of old adventurers not full of fighting spirit?

Bert glanced at Keilal with complicated eyes. To be honest, if he was disgusted and angry about Keilal's senses before, Tokeilal's blessing has become a level 5 adventurer, completely different from Ais and the others. He stood out and became a member of the Pioneer Group.

To be honest, he did learn a lot from the Pioneers, but after seeing Ais and the others, he found that he seemed to be falling behind again.

Ace and the others have obtained a very powerful tactic, which even Finn seems to admire now. Although he is at level 5, he is still the same as before...

He clenched his fists unwillingly, but he couldn't bear to ask Kelal, so he could only look at them, endure and learn.

To be honest, Kelar's tactic is not suitable for everyone, but Bert's action ability is also extremely strong, and he can definitely become a member of Ace and the others' tactical system.

Whether he's kicking a broken bone or using it to finish off a hit, he's an excellent choice.

Keilal observed them. They were full of fighting spirit and they were indeed very energetic. All kinds of monsters could not stop their pace at all.

After observing, Keilar finally gained a little understanding of the adventurer's system.

The most intuitive feeling is probably Bert.

Burt was a level 4 adventurer before. Keilar had personally experienced Burt's combat power, and he was the most intuitive about how strong Burt's attack power was.

But now, after he has upgraded to a level 5 adventurer, although his god has not updated his data, the Loki Familia, which has three level 6 adventurers, has already had a question about whether the adventurers have been upgraded. Have enough judgment.

Of course people like Bert are definitely upgraded.

Even though Shangshen didn't update his status and he didn't acquire new skills, his basic attributes were indeed improved very high.

For example, when he faced the Minotaur in the past, he had to kick it three or four times to kill it, but now when he faced the Minotaur, he only needed one kick.

The increase in basic attributes is the most intuitive feeling of upgrading.

Of course, it is said that there are also various skills or magic, but such things require God to update their status and data.

Only after updating can you have new abilities.

Keilal had thoughts about this matter, but he didn't say it out loud, he just watched their performance.

Soon, the vanguard group advancing together encountered something that they were unable to resist.

A group of huge cabbage worms emerged from the depths of the ground in groups. In the circle of the fifty-first floor, they rushed up in almost hundreds of numbers.

Finn and the others were clearly about to reach the 52nd floor, but they couldn't move any further.

These cabbage bugs are so huge that one can block the entire tunnel, but they have strong climbing ability. Four of them crawled out at the top and sides of the tunnel at the same time, and then sprayed purple mucus, which was very of terror.

As for the juice that glowed with a weird purple light, it was certainly not a good thing. After Aisi and the others escaped, the ground hit by the purple juice immediately began to mist.

Even the rocks have been severely corroded, so of course no one can touch them.

Finn, Gareth, and Bert immediately retreated. Riveria was safer behind Ace and the others. Finn turned around and shouted: "Retreat!"

This thing can corrode even rocks, which means that it is a strong acid that can directly corrode weapons. It is very dangerous. It will be injured if it touches it, and it is a very dangerous injury.

It was the stupidest thing to fight against an endless stream of monsters in such a narrow terrain. Finn's decision was right. When Finn and the others started running wildly, Kelal had already turned around and ran away.

He jumped over Lefiya behind him and ran towards the back.

"What are you thinking about?" Keilal asked loudly as he passed her.

"Ah?!" Lefiya just woke up from a dream, and when she turned around, Riveria had already run past her.

The two sisters Tione and Tiona held her left and right arms and ran behind her, while Ais ran even faster.

Lefia promised that she had never seen the leader of the level 6 adventurers fleeing in such an embarrassing manner, but both the leader of the level 6 adventurers and the seemingly wise and majestic Kelal turned around and ran away in an instant. , she was confused inside.

Fortunately, Tione and Tiona did not forget about her as a newbie. They carried her and ran away. Sandwiched between them, her feet were dangling in the air and she was floating involuntarily.

However, even if they were pinched and ran forward, their speed was extremely fast. In almost a flash, they disappeared at the end of the tunnel, chased by the big caterpillar.

They ran very fast, but they did not give up killing the big caterpillars that were chasing them. Although Gareth ran fast, he was chopping rocks along the way, making the already difficult path even more difficult. , even if those big caterpillars want to catch up with them, they have to climb over these rocks, which takes a lot of effort.

As Kelal ran, he looked back to pay attention to the monsters.

He noticed that the big caterpillars killed by Finn and Gareth at the beginning did not drop magic stones - which was a bit strange for the dungeon.

There are some bad guys, and it's possible to kill a dozen of them without getting rid of the magic stone, but that's not possible in a red-handed team like Ace's team.

Basically, every monster Aisi and the others killed dropped magic stones, but the four or five cabbage bugs they killed just now did not drop magic stones, which was a bit strange.

Keilar shook his head, not thinking so much, it would be best to leave this narrow passage quickly.

This passage is narrow and long. When faced with the corrosive acidic water, there is no room for escape. They can only stand and bear the attack. It would have been Kelal who would have given the order to retreat.

Kelal actually started running before Finn could give him the order.

He doesn't have much magic power now, so it's really unwise to deal with such a corrosive and continuous attack. As expected, Finn gave the retreat order before he could speed up.

The two wise men thought of going together. Of course, the others had no problem and ran along.

But even in the open space, Keilar was not optimistic about this battle.

Corrosive acid will cause irreversible damage to weapons. Now that the logistics have not kept up - no, even if the logistics keep up, the spare weapons and backup personnel they carry still cannot withstand this kind of war of attrition. If the Loki Familia wants to go bankrupt if.

Because of this, this expedition may end here.

Keilal was not depressed. He could just follow the Loki Familia up to see what was on the fifty floors and above.

He is not a member of the Loki Familia, and he cannot forget this no matter what. It is precisely because of this that this pioneering group for the Loki Familia to open up wasteland, explore the limits, and test the limits, is just a matter for Kailar. It's just a family member who meets the right circumstances.

This Familia can make any other Familia of the God. Keilal seems to be giving them guidance, but in fact he is just thanking them for awakening him. Likewise, this can be done by any Familia.

And Keilar's idea of ​​looking down has been realized. Seeing that the Loki family can't go any further, he of course changes his position and starts to want to go up and return to the ground to see what the world has become. What kind of world it is.

Sure enough, even in the wide square, Riveria used her powerful magic to destroy more than hundreds of cabbage bugs, but she still couldn't stop the green cabbage bugs from emerging from the ground.

Keilal stood on the high platform and watched them go from zero to 100 in just a few dozen seconds. Keilal knew that this time the vanguard group had stopped here.

But he frowned.

Even though I had just killed hundreds of cabbage bugs, there was still not a single magic stone! This is so weird!

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