The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 528 Labyrinth City Orario

Chapter 017 Labyrinth City Orario

Just as Keilal expected.

Even if the logistics troops were turned around, they would only have a few more forces in front of the endless stream of green insects that were killing them.

There is no point in insisting on rotation here.

The people of the Loki Familia retreated all the way to the entrance of the 51st floor, but they still could not stop the green cabbage bugs. They rushed in continuously, as if they wanted to completely occupy the 50th floor.

This is even more unreasonable.

Ordinary monsters will usually go home after chasing them to the entrance of the fifty-first floor. This is a rule set by the gods.

However, the rules are not absolute. Occasionally, monsters will appear across levels, but these are very rare (several times when monsters appear in dungeons, it is because of gods, so it is extremely rare for this phenomenon to actually occur. Few.), there are countless people like this, as if they must rush to a higher level and reach the labyrinth city Orario.

Although this is an illusion, how could Finn let them contaminate the fiftieth floor, which is like a safe house?

At the exit from the 50th floor to the 51st floor, the fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce. Kelal's magic power did not recover, not even 1%, and the melee weapons were almost useless when facing the big green cabbage insect. After just a few chops, they would be corroded by their blood. Why would he join in the fun?

But even if he didn't go up to fight, Keilar's basic pharmacological knowledge and bandaging would still be enough.

Strong acids must be neutralized with weak bases, but at the level of the wizarding world, they should only use magic to heal wounds.

However, healing mages are very rare, and Lefiya is better at destruction than healing. In fact, there is only one healing mage in the team, Riveria.

Kelal does not feel precious because of the scarcity of his own healing mages, but he does not use his precious magic power to treat them. He just simply bandages it with the alkaline plant ash left last night and wraps it in with a bandage. It can greatly relieve the pain of the corrupted ones. After the battle, you can let Riveria or the healing potion they bring to heal their injuries.

In the past, international conventions strictly prohibited the use of neutral Red Cross nurses. They were called angels in white, regardless of whether they were men or women. They could save the lives of soldiers from death - or let the soldiers go. More peaceful.

In any case, they were the most popular people on the battlefield. It only took Kelal ten minutes to successfully win the hearts of the injured.

There were too many injured among the Loki Familia.

Kelal looked up and saw that half of the Loki Familia were injured. Fighting with such monsters would result in injuries to one degree or another. Most of the injured people were still fighting, and only those who were seriously injured were injured. Talents will be sent to the rear.

But the number of such people is increasing, and the Loki Familia cannot hold on for long.

"Lefiya, start preparing your strongest attack." Keilal calmly helped a wounded man cover the wound with plant ash paste, and said to Lefiya next to him.

"The strongest attack?!" Although Lefiya is a third-level adventurer, she has no ability to intervene in this battle. She hasn't started chanting the spell yet because the leader hasn't cast it yet. Finn was fighting on the front line, and there was no time for Lefiya, who was on the third line, to give the order, so Lefiya never took action.

Now that Keilal's order came, Lefiya clearly didn't like him at all before, but she still started singing according to Keilal's order.

Keilar shook his head and told the people around him: "Start preparing to evacuate now."

He knew where Finn was coming from.

The Loki Familia can retreat, but they cannot be so embarrassed, leaving the fifty floors to these big green cabbage bugs and losing the only safe zone.

Finn will definitely annihilate this group of big green worms, and then block the way for the big green worms to enter the fiftieth floor.

In this way, the next time Finn and the others come to the 50th floor, the 50th floor will still be a safe level, a safe zone. Otherwise, they will have to face big green worms covering the entire 50th floor next time. .

Keilar is sure that even if Finn loses half of his people, he will definitely drive away these green cabbage bugs forever.

This is the decisiveness and judgment of a leader. If Finn did not do this, he would look down on Finn.

There was an understanding between the two wise men. Finn had already started to ask Riveria to chant magic, but Riveria turned her head and looked at Lefiya behind the formation.

"Lefia is singing, shall we leave this matter to her?" she asked.

Finn frowned. Although he is willing to train new people, now is really not the time to train new people. Once these green cabbage bugs break through the defense line, the entire fifty floors will be invaded by them. By then, the safe fifty floor will be occupied. It will not be their safe house, but a new monster territory. When they come to the fiftieth floor again, they will spend a hundred times the time and energy to clean it up.

However... as the leader of the largest family in Orario, Finn still has some courage.

He just frowned and immediately unfolded it.

"Is that so? I understand." He smiled and nodded; "Then let us maintain our defense line first."

He jumped up, and his spear pierced the body of a green cabbage worm, which immediately made a corrosive sound. However, how could the corrosion of the cabbage worm be able to corrode the weapon of a level 6 adventurer!

Finn just killed the cabbage bugs easily, but when he saw the green cabbage bugs still pouring out from the hole, his face couldn't help but cast a haze.

He couldn't help but look back at the shining light.

Lefiya, come on.

I don’t know if Lefia cheered for Keilal, but the effect of Finn and the three sixth-level adventurers’ actions was immediate.

Finn, Riveria, and Gareth were able to contain more and more green cabbage bugs in an instant, killing dozens of them in just one encounter.

Every attack by Finn and the others was bound to result in the death of a cabbage worm. These cabbage worms were no match for them at all, and seemed to directly cause them to be crushed in terms of level.

But how could such a weak monster appear on the 50th floor? !

Level 6 adventurers can kill them with one hit, while level 5 adventurers need more than three or four attacks to attack them.

Even an adventurer like Bert, who is known for his offensive power, needs two or three hits.

In general, this is a mid-level monster with tricky attributes and strong defense. Why does it appear in a place like this?

Keilal kept this question in his mind, and then looked at Lefiya who was chanting in the safe area.

The singing speed is too slow.

He frowned, and now he just wanted to see how powerful this level 3 magician's strongest spell casting power was.

After a lengthy spell, huge magic lines appeared under her feet, covering the entire space in an instant.

It is literally the entire space.

The entire 50th floor was covered and shrouded in red light, and magic power began to surge from all directions. "Everyone come back!" Finn shouted.

At this time, there is no need to block the exit. Everyone is running back in a panic. At this time, run slower. Magic does not recognize people.

Keilar looked at the magic patterns covering the entire ground and ceiling with some surprise. These faintly shining things were the areas that magic was about to cover.

The coverage area is very large, almost more than two kilometers. Modern magic has its merits. At least it is powerful and has a large coverage area - this kind of coverage area is basically useless in dungeons, and in most mazes. , it is impossible to use this set of magic, but it will directly cause the entire maze structure to collapse, and then the gravel will fall and directly kill your own people.

But when this kind of magic can be used occasionally-for example, now, when facing a large group of monsters, or when facing the master of the maze level, BOSS-level monsters, it can play a huge role.

The masters of the labyrinth level are generally huge, extremely burly monsters. In the dungeon, anyone with a height of less than two meters can only be regarded as a deformed dwarf. The master of the labyrinth level is at least a huge monster with a height of more than ten meters. This kind of monster Every attack is like using a skill by an ordinary adventurer. Even if the adventurers are an integrated legion, it will be difficult to defeat the master of the labyrinth level.

But it's different with a magician.

According to what Keilal saw, a 3-star mage like Lefiya can perform such a powerful group attack. If it is a 6-star mage like Riveria, I am afraid that it will be very easy to destroy the monsters here. Sweep it away?

Facing Lefia's powerful magic, ordinary people would feel fear or respect, but Keilal just watched with cold eyes.

How could he be afraid of a three-star mage at his peak? But now, even he had to marvel at Lefiya's power.

In just a moment, the ground shook and the lava burst out from the cracks, swallowing up all the big green cabbage bugs. The scene was like the end of the world, making the people in the safe zone tremble with fear - even if this was not an attack against them, this was It's enough to be scary.

This is a scene like a natural disaster, a natural disaster created by humans.

The man-made natural disaster lasted only ten seconds and ended.

But it was these ten seconds that directly caused the entire large sector to turn into scorched earth.

People watched this scene in silence, except for a few people who did not remain silent.

Riveria was not actually preparing to attack the group of green cabbage bugs. Since she said she would leave it to Lefiya, then she would leave it to Lefiya.

The location she chanted the spell to attack was an upside-down stalactite.

These huge stalactites were hanging in the sky, and they were smashed down by her huge thunderbolt.

It was as if she and Lefiya had been working together for more than ten years. Lefiya's flame lava had just fallen, and her thunderbolt had already destroyed those stalactites the size of a basketball court.

Stalactites fell like rain and hit the passage they exited from.

The green vegetable bugs that were still pouring in were instantly smashed into pulp and shattered into pieces.

Everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief, and some even collapsed on the ground without any image.

To be honest, there were too many bugs, more than 300 giant bugs. Even if they were calculated per capita, they would have to face more than three bugs alone. The pressure was too great, especially for Tione. The weapons were melted, and the hands and feet were used as weapons. Now the hands and feet were corroded by the blood of insects, leaving no good skin left.

There were even burn marks on his face, which looked very scary.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Keilal also began to treat everyone.

His treatment is very primitive, but when everyone is corrupted, a complete healing potion is of course very precious, and Kelal's treatment method is also precious.

The second-line combatants naturally began to line up in front of Kelar. Only the first-line combatants, such as Tione, Tiona, and Ais, were qualified to face Riveria's treatment and treatment. Healing potion.

This is a normal thing. As long as there are people, there are grades and classes. The more feudal the place, the more emphasis it is on grades and classes, and the more solid and unbreakable they are.

In a place where something like [God] exists, class is absolute, unbreakable, and everyone must abide by it, so Ais and the others, as fourth-level adventurers, have Riveria, a sixth-level adventurer. The help, support and guidance of the other adventurers, as level 3 adventurers, although their status is also very high, the resources they enjoy are definitely not enough for Ace and others.

People like Kelal, who do not use magic and use ordinary medical supplies for medical treatment, are the most popular among the entire team.

Finn unconsciously glanced over at Kelal while counting the people.

There was a meaningful look in his eyes. First of all, he was buried deep in the big tree, and then slept for who knows how many years. Secondly, he had great combat experience, astonishing vision, and astonishing tactical attainments. In addition, he had He possesses powerful defensive magic in his upper body, and now he is so good at herbal medicine.

The person Keilal Pan Dragon...

He is truly an enigmatic man.

And what changes will his arrival bring to the labyrinth city Orario?

This kind of future is really exciting and a little scary.

It’s not just Finn who is looking at Kelar, Riveria and Gareth, Ais, Tione, Tiona, they are all looking at this man, they have only known each other for less than two days. Kung Fu has already left a very deep impression on everyone with his extraordinary abilities.

Lefiya hugged her staff and looked at Keilal, who was half-kneeling on the ground and bandaging the wounded, without any grace at all.

It seems that his previous first impression of [noblesse] has been completely erased.

How will Orario change because of this man?

It’s really exciting.

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