The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 537 Adventurers Guild

Chapter 026

Breakfast is wonderful and makes people feel energetic after waking up early in the morning.

After Keilal finished his breakfast, the entire labyrinth city of Orario seemed to have come to life, and with the noise, people began to work.

Keilal finished his breakfast, cleared the dishes, and began to organize his equipment.

In fact, he didn't have any equipment to organize. Kelal, who didn't take off his equipment at all last night, only needed to wipe his equipment a little and sort out yesterday's gains.

After killing those thieves who counted one day at a time, Kelal got about 3 gold coins and a lot of silver coins. It can be seen that silver coins are a relatively circulating currency and the backbone of purchasing power, while gold coins are the least used. For example, Keilal had a set meal at the "Hospital Hostess" shop last night, plus one night's accommodation, which cost only one silver coin and thirty copper coins.

These gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins are all currencies used by outside countries. In Orario, there is a designated currency called Wallis currency.

These wallis are equivalent to beautifully printed copper coins. The exchange ratio with silver coins is 100:1, and the exchange ratio with copper coins is about 1:1. In other words, Kelal’s consumption yesterday was about 130 wallis. As for ordinary adventurers, even the lowest level adventurers can bring back magic stones from the first and second floors of the dungeon in one day for around 500 to 1,000 Wallis.

In other words, even the weakest adventurer can earn enough in one day to cover their living expenses.

However, one thing to note here is: even in a first-level dungeon, adventurers are actually risking their lives, unless they are level 2 adventurers far beyond levels 1 to 10. Otherwise, even if they are level 1 adventurers, As experience increases, there are actually dangers.

This is money that you risk your life for, and it is normal to have such a high return income.

Of course, the more powerful the adventurer, the more income he will earn.

For example, the materials that the Loki Familia need to prepare for an expedition are at least tens of millions of Valis, but the magic stones, materials and other things they brought back from the expedition can be quickly recovered and even make a lot of money after being sold in Orario. One stroke.

As for the materials required for level 5 and level 6 adventurers to create weapons, they are extremely precious and cannot be purchased anywhere. People can only buy the materials themselves from dungeons.

And since the Loki Familia can go deep into the 50th level of the dungeon, the monster materials along the way will be very considerable.

As for the magic stone, it is the basis for ensuring the gold content of Wallis.

As a financial master, Keilar has a clear understanding of this most basic financial structure. There is no doubt that the entire operation of Orario relies on the magic stones brought by adventurers from the dungeon to maintain the entire economic and financial order. .

It's actually very simple for Kelal to destroy Orario.

But he won't do that.

He wanted to see something else, something deeper about Orario.

When he opened the door and walked downstairs, the "Plenty Hostess" had already opened. However, people did not have the habit of eating breakfast outside at this time. Even those who had a lot of money quickly finished their breakfast. He entered the dungeon directly, so no one was eating when Keilar came downstairs.

However, the three girls had already gotten up early and were cleaning.

Kelar knew two of them, Lyu who showed him the way last night, Chloe who came to his room to try to find out where he came from, and another girl who was also a cat person, who should have brown hair and ears, and Fluffy tail.

Sure enough, cat people and maids are a perfect match.

Just as Kelar thought this in her mind, she heard the brown-haired cat-person maid call out: "Ah, the guest who almost made Lyu wet his pants yesterday!"

"Where is that!" Liu silently walked up to her, punched her and sent her flying - she really flew up. With the strength of a level 4 adventurer, she was directly two or three meters off the ground, and then He landed lightly behind the bar, unable to make a sound.

Oh, he was knocked unconscious and the body was even hidden.

very scary.

Keilal smiled at them: "Isn't Hill here?"

"Hill is out shopping." Chloe, who felt a little weak when she saw him, still had the courage to reply.

"Oh, where is the Minister of Procurement." Keilar smiled and stopped asking them questions.

Lyu's hostility towards him was obvious, but she had no further plans. Was she wary of him?

Indeed, for this city, he is someone who should be wary of.

He grabbed his sword and slowly walked out of the hotel.

"I don't know why, he seemed to suddenly become a scary person just now." Chloe stood next to Lyu and whispered. Lyu nodded gently. Just now, her ears stood up. That was A very dangerous feeling.

"Who is this man?"

She asked everyone's questions.

"Liu, how dare you come and hit me!" The brown cat maid jumped up angrily, and then shouted at Lui.

"It's so noisy." Liu looked at her with cold eyes, trying to kill her: "If you dare to spread rumors again, I will beat you to death next time."

"Ugh...Lyu is so scary." She shouted hiding behind Chloe.

"Hmph, you deserve it." Chloe, who was almost scared to death by Keilal last night, naturally stood on Lyu's side.

"Ugh..." Her wail penetrated the entire hotel.

After Kelal walked out of the hotel, he walked forward slowly. He stood in the middle of the road and thought for a while, then walked toward the underground city.

The entrance to the dungeon is beneath the largest building in Orario.

The largest building in Orario is the Tower of Babel, known as the Sky Tower.

On the first floor of the Tower of Babylon, they guard the entire first floor to prevent monsters from coming up. They are the neutral Familia, the Ouranos Familia, who maintain the operation of Orario.

Most of the people in the Ouranos Familia are level 1 adventurers, not even adventurers, and do not have any fighting ability. It is precisely because of this that their demand for resources is very low, and they have gained the trust of adventurers. Responsible for publishing tasks, collecting commissions, and then taking a portion of the handling fees, and then distributing the commissions to the adventurers who complete the tasks.

Most adventurers will earn money from tasks such as clearing out small monsters, and such tasks are often a money-clearing policy carried out by the guild family members to clear their own way deep into the dungeon.

It is precisely because of this that the life of weak adventurers is actually quite difficult.

Of course, they also have other options - work for themselves. As long as they continue to go deep into the dungeon and destroy monsters, the magic stones they obtain can naturally be exchanged for money.

Sometimes, as long as there are enough quantities, rare monster materials will be released. These materials may be the eyes of disgusting monsters, or monster feet, claws, etc. These materials can be sold for a huge price in an instant. Things, even level 1 monsters on the first floor, are good for making weapons as long as the materials are produced. This kind of thing can often be sold for tens of thousands. It is precisely because of this that there are some level 1 monsters. Adventurers who are very mature at Level 2 do not go deep into dungeons below the 10th floor, but wander around on the 1st to 5th floors.

The operation of the entire Orario adventurers depends on the Adventurer Guild established by the Ouranos Familia.

It is precisely because of this that Keilar decided to explore the foundation of the Adventurer's Guild. First, let's start by becoming an adventurer.

There are no rigid registration requirements for adventurers, but obviously, if you want to get tasks or obtain information from the Adventurer Guild, you must register with the Adventurer Guild.

And registration in the Adventurer's Guild will obviously leak information.

This information is very valuable - even if it is not mandatory, even if it may not be true, everyone's information will be registered in the Adventurer's Guild.

This is like a household registration system.

The Adventurer's Guild can even clearly know which adventurer has entered which level of the dungeon today, what level he has reached, and what level he may have been promoted to. Even if it is just a preliminary judgment, it is already very useful!

What's more, they can even know clearly which adventurer went down today and which adventurer didn't come up today!

Ordinary people only know that this is a service organization, but Keilar knows that this is a huge, simply enviable intelligence organization.

If you let him do it, as long as he is an adventurer, he will know exactly what style of underwear you are wearing today and what the diffraction of the underwear is.

It is powerful to have the huge power of an intelligence agency. If it is in the hands of Kelal, it can exert huge power-that is not to say that it will not exert huge power in the hands of Uranus. Maybe the other party is just in Maybe hibernating to accumulate strength.

But Keilar must find out the background of this guild.

He came to Orario's Tower of Babylon and walked into the Tower of Babel.

Just standing outside the Tower of Babylon already made me feel the majesty of this building, but what I felt even more was - there were so many people!

There are really so many people. You can see people coming and going just outside. Kelar didn't notice it when he came out of the underground city before. Now standing outside the Tower of Babel, he can see such a huge one. Flow of people.

Keilar simply estimated the number of people and confirmed the entry and exit of more than 300 adventurers. If he walked into the hall, he could clearly see hundreds of people busy in the hall.

Nearly half of them were wearing shirts and uniforms, and they could be clearly distinguished from the adventurers.

This is the core location of the entire adventure city Orario, and the location of the Adventurer's Guild.

Having said that, this Adventurer's Guild is really awesome and very professional.

I looked at the countless people standing behind the counter writing something, and there were dozens of people outside the counter explaining things to the adventurers as guides.

Keilar stood in this rather large doorway, where people were coming and going. The huge doorway could accommodate two or three people side by side even if they stood in the center.

He is looking for his goal.

Your goals cannot be too stupid. It will be of no use to a newcomer who doesn't know everything about them.

Those young people with childlike faces who were anxious to attract customers for him were first excluded by him.

But those who are too shrewd or too old cannot do it. Keilal learned a truth from Mia’s mother, that is, the older generation of adventurers at level 5 and 6 did not die directly, but many of them retired. , they have returned to normal from the front-line adventure life, and have a lot of experiences and reactions. If Kelar wants to ask what he wants from them, he may immediately cause Are they alert and on guard?

Then the scope will be much smaller.

Keilar looked around the field and finally ran directly towards the man.

"Hello." Keilal said directly to her.

She didn't seem to expect that someone would come to her directly, so she was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Keilal.

Keilal was not shy, he just introduced himself to her openly: "I am Keilal Pan Dragon. I hope to become an adventurer. I wonder what your name is?"

"Ah, I am Aina Zul, the receptionist of the Adventurer's Guild. Welcome, Mr. Kelal." She has very beautiful brown shoulder-length short hair, and her ears stick out from the short hair. See, she's an elf - or half-elf.

Keilal stretched out her hand, and she shook hands with Keilal gracefully, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

She turned around and walked towards the counter, climbed under the wooden counter, and then came to the opposite side of the counter. She took out a form, pushed up her glasses, and started writing ably.

Keilal is almost illiterate now, and it would be great if someone guides him - in fact, in this world, most people are illiterate, and literacy is not an option for them. In fact, it is just exercise. The body, how to find protein intake is enough for them to put a lot of effort into it. In fact, ordinary people here do not believe that reading can change their destiny. Most people believe that going into the dungeon to fight hard can change their destiny—— And so it is.

It is precisely because of this that most people pay more attention to improving their own strength and do not pay attention to words.

But Keilar is different. Understanding words has been put on his agenda. Both Riveria and Hill should be able to help him.

"So Mr. Keilar, who is your dependent family?" She raised her head, and after writing everything down, she started to ask Keilar.

"Familyless." He said to her with a smile on his face.

"Are there no Familia?" She looked at Kelal in surprise: "Are you a newbie to Orario?"

"Yes, I am an adventurer who has just arrived in Orario."

"That's it. If that's the case, would you mind letting me see your attributes?" Her words made Kelal hesitate a little, and finally nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's show you a little bit of this place. To be honest, I'm a little curious."

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