The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 538 The Beginning of the Adventure

Chapter 027

"What is this..." Aina covered her mouth, relying on extremely difficult self-control to prevent herself from screaming.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Keilar neatly took off his armor and exposed his strong back.

To be honest, Aina has seen countless adventurers' backs and muscles. She has long been accustomed to the muscles of ordinary men.

But this data is really...

"Every S, whether it's strength, agility, endurance, or magic power, all are...S." She covered her mouth, she was really surprised to the extreme.

"Has the limit of level 1 adventurers been exceeded?" She didn't hold anything back at all, she just told all about Keilal's situation.

"A first-level adventurer?" Keilar sat on a low seat with his hands on his knees, as straight as a monument. His hair was spread over his chest, revealing the words behind it. To be honest, , he used to wonder why the people of the Loki Familia were so sure that he must be a level 1 adventurer, but now, he finally knows.

They saw the [message] behind him.

It's really strange. I don't know how many years ago, there was no such thing behind human beings.

His face was covered by his hair, and no one could see the gloom on his face.

"So what's your suggestion?" Keilal's voice was very soft, as if the breeze was blowing on his face.

"My suggestion is, Mr. Kelar, you should give up becoming an adventurer now." She said seriously.

"Oh?" Keilar put on his own clothes. There may be something recorded on his body. It is said that each adventurer will generate his own corresponding "skills", but as a professional with professional ethics, Man, Aina didn’t look at it at all.

Although she was very, very curious, she really didn't look at it at all.

"You now need to find a god to help you update the data." She sincerely suggested.

"You have now reached the limit of a level 1 adventurer. You only need to update the data to directly become a level 2 adventurer. I am afraid this will be the fastest record for being promoted to a level 2 adventurer in the dungeon." She said with Envy said.

"Haha, is it the fastest to be promoted to level 2 adventurer? Why do you want such a false reputation?" Keilar slowly put on his clothes, and the muscles on his body moved with his movements, almost dumbfounding Aina.

She has seen a lot of muscles, including well-proportioned and slender muscles, hard and powerful muscles, but muscles with golden proportions like Keilar's, which are full of athletic beauty, she has never seen. never seen it.

"Mr. Kelar, don't you want to become an adventurer? Being the fastest promoted to level 2 adventurer means a lot to you. Many people will come to entrust you to complete tasks, and if you want to find a powerful family member, just It will be much easier, and you will gain natural trust by recruiting companions, which can be said to have many benefits."

Aina tried her best to explain these things beside her, but how could Kelal not know this, but he had no intention of doing this, so what was the point of attracting attention for such a thing?

For example, the Loki Familia couldn't help it. They were the ones who discovered him. They were the first people to come into contact with him. Kelar couldn't avoid them at all, but on top of that, it would be enough to attract the attention of many people. No need.

He turned around, looked at Aina and smiled: "So, Miss Aina, can you help me register as an adventurer?"

Looking at the determined Keilal, Aina seemed to understand that she could not convince Keilal. She held her forehead, sighed, and nodded: "Okay, I understand."

"But having said that, Mr. Kelar, you must have been an accomplished magician before you came to Orario, right? You have already surpassed most people and directly reached the top of level 1 adventurer, maybe upgraded to level 2. Maybe adventurers can directly enter level 3 adventurers in the future." She blinked her eyes and told a joke to Kelal.

Keilar laughed twice and didn't reply. How many levels did he have?

According to standards, in his heyday he could easily defeat level 4 Bert. According to this standard, he was at least a level 5 adventurer.

If he finds the so-called "gods" to update his data and upgrade, I'm afraid the gods will immediately discover his problem.

If Kelal still felt that there would be "gods" willing to help him before, then the monthly god banquet represented the close connection between these gods who had integrated into this world.

The first thing Kelal has to face is the mystery of his own secret being exposed.

If a level 1 adventurer has the potential to become an S-level adventurer with all attributes due to his good talent, if this adventurer still has all attributes S at level 2, I am afraid it will attract a lot of attention and even panic.

These gods did not create this kind of adventurer system just for someone to upgrade to five levels in a row.

Once the panic is triggered, the adventurers controlled by the god will pounce on him like sharks, trying to kill him, please the god, or obtain rewards from the god.

No matter what, if the upgrade system is controlled by the gods, Kelal will have no way to struggle no matter what.

This is why after Keilal reached the peak of level 1, Aina suggested Keilal to join a dependent family.

Whether it is a powerful Familia or a weak Familia, as long as there is a god, it can help Keilal update the data. As long as the data can be updated and upgraded, and Keilal's reputation spreads, there will be more powerful ones. The family members are willing to recruit him.

Don’t think that the strength of the Loki Familia is cultivated by oneself. Except for some seeds that were brought to the Loki Familia early to be cultivated, many others were recruited by the Loki Familia after gaining fame. , and these people are also willing to change jobs.

This is like a Fortune 500 company recruiting middle-level or even high-level employees from a small company. Many people can easily make their own choices.

Ayina was also doing it for Keilal's good, and Keilal knew it clearly, but he knew better what he should do, so he rejected Ayna's suggestion without hesitation.

"Okay." Aina sighed and started to register Keilal. While registering Keilal's data, she explained to Keilal: "The attributes registered with us are all top secret. It is impossible for anyone to see it from us. We are responsible for keeping your confidentiality, and you can trust us as much as you want. Our Ouranos Familia has been doing this for hundreds of years, and there has never been a leak from us. .”

Keilal smiled and nodded lightly, but he didn't care in his heart. Aina may be a person with a strong sense of principle. She has a sense of justice and justice, and has strong principles, but this does not mean that it will not be revealed. reasons.

Virtually anyone higher than her within the guild can view Kelar's attributes if they want to.

It is precisely because of this that if someone wants to buy information about Kelal, it is very likely that the information will be leaked from the Ouranos Familia.

So Kelal can trust Aina, but he will not trust the Ouranos Familia or the Adventurer's Guild.

"OK, in this case, Mr. Kelar is an adventurer and a member of the Adventurer's Guild. I will become Mr. Kelar's guide. Before assisting Mr. Kelar in becoming the strongest adventurer, We are all sharing a destiny." She said enthusiastically.

"Haha." Kailar couldn't help laughing.

"?" Aina looked at Keilal strangely.

"Those words must have been told to many adventurers, right?" Keilar pointed at her and asked.

Aina suddenly blushed. Indeed, this was just a snake oil reply, as if the service staff said: We will serve you wholeheartedly, but I am afraid there is not even one waiter who can really do this. .

As Aina said, it's just snake oil, so in fact, among the adventurers she serves, not to mention being the strongest adventurer, how many of them have become level 5 adventurers?

I'm afraid there isn't even a level 4 one!

You must know that among adventurers, levels 1 and 2 are called the first echelon, levels 3 and 4 are called the second echelon, and those after level 5 are called the third echelon. The number of people in this third echelon...maybe less than 20!

These twenty people are the top beings in the entire dungeon and Orario. Even the gods must be careful to hold them dear, so where can I get Aina?

But Keilal's teasing made Aina's heart skip a beat.

As a leader of the Ouranos Familia, of course she often regrets that she does not have level 4 or 5 adventurers under her command, but recently it seems that the goddess of luck has taken pity on her. Things have turned around for her. First, a young but potential adventurer came to her. Infinite little adventurer Bell Croniel.

Next came Keilal, a very mature adventurer with unlimited potential. She seemed to be able to see that her promotion and salary increase were just around the corner.

"So, Miss Aina, what should I do after becoming an adventurer?" Kelar was not in a hurry to get some information from Aina's mouth. What he wanted to do now was normal. After doing things, eating normally, and integrating into this world normally, without any trace of people from other worlds, he can start the next step.

"Speaking of adventurers, it really means going deep into the dungeon, right? After all, you just became an adventurer. If you don't show your attributes to others, they won't trust you too much. Taking on quests is a troublesome thing, so it's better to enter Let’s go to the dungeon.”

She opened the notepad, which was personal information exclusive to Keilal. She had a habit of carefully recording the personal information of the adventurers in her hands. This did not record the adventures. It belongs to the guild and belongs only to her.

"Is this your first time entering the dungeon?"

"No, I went there once some time ago."

"Well, that means you have some experience. With your full S attributes, Mr. Kelar, you won't have much of a problem even if you encounter the traps on the first floor."

The so-called level crushing is here. The traps and ambushes of the Minotaurs that Ais and the others encountered around the 30th floor were of no use at all. Instead, they killed the Minotaurs and fled to the upper floors in fear. Even though Kelal is only a level 1 adventurer, when all attributes are full, there is no danger at all when facing a level 1 trap.

"On the first floor, Mr. Keilar can just go and have a look. With Mr. Keilal's ability, it doesn't matter between the 2nd and 7th floors. I personally recommend that Mr. Keilar go from the 1st to the 5th floor." Just walk around the floor and get familiar with the monsters. As for the weapons and armor, Mr. Kelal seems to have brought them himself?" She raised her head and looked at the armor and weapons placed next to Kelal: "I can take a look. ?"

"Please." Kailar raised his hand and signaled.

She got out from the counter and picked up Keilal's long sword. As soon as she pulled it out of the sheath, she saw a cold light flashing past her eyes.

"What a sharp sword, what awesome equipment!" She said in admiration. Although she didn't have any high-level adventurers under her, she always had good eyesight. This was clearly a good thing that only level 3 adventurers or above could get. Orario's Valis is worth hundreds of thousands at least - of course, this is Sword Queen Ais's backup weapon. Even if it is a backup weapon, it must be at least the level of a level 3 adventurer, and even better in quality. Weapons that surpass those of ordinary adventurers, otherwise wouldn’t they be able to withstand Ais’ use?

When Aina transferred to Kelal's armor, it became even more eye-catching. This armor was at least at the upper level of a level 4 adventurer, and its defense was so strong that it wouldn't even attack monsters on the tenth floor or above. It must be able to break through the defense. Obviously, Gareth was afraid that Kelal would be weak in attack and defense, so he specially gave Kelal a set of high-quality armor.

This set of equipment alone is worth hundreds of thousands of Wallis. Kelal is not a person who doesn't know good and evil, so he teaches Ais and the others their tactics and accepts Finn's love.

"It's amazing. Where did Mr. Kelal get this equipment? It is simply the best quality from Orario."

Her words made Keilal smile: "I am familiar with the Loki Familia, and I asked them to borrow a set of weapons and equipment. The things they gave me were all good ones."

"So you are familiar with the Loki Familia?" After hearing this, Aina no longer worried about Kelal's search for the god. As the strongest and largest force in Orario, Kelal since If you are familiar with the Loki Familia, then you can go to this world, and since the Loki Familia already knows the top-notch attributes of Kailar, how can they let him go?

"In that case, Mr. Keilal, you can start your adventure." She looked at Keilal with gleaming eyes, and saw a new star rising in front of her eyes, maybe it would turn into a bright moon, maybe it would It turns into a bright sun, and the showman can't open his eyes.

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