The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 548 Bell Cronier

Chapter 037 Bell Cronier

We had just entered the first level of the dungeon, and the crowds were so loud that it almost made people think this was Orario's vegetable market.

"What's going on?" The entire large square on the first floor was filled with people, mixed with the roars of various monsters, which made people shudder.

Keilal was stunned and asked Lily.

This is the advantage of bringing Lily. Although he is a wise man, Keilal may not know as much as Lily about the twists and turns of the dungeon. Lily is almost living in Orario and the dungeon. A lifelong person, even if he is only fifteen years old, can still give correct information.

She thought for a while, and quickly thought of something: "They are from the Ganison family. At this time, it should be a monster festival, right?"

"Monster Festival?" Keilar spat out this unfamiliar word in confusion.

"Mr. Kelar is an outsider and may not know this, but the Monster Festival is held every year in Orario. The adventurers of the Carnison Familia will bring the monsters to the ground from the underground city, and then fight the monsters in the Fighting adventurers on the field, this is the Monster Festival." She seemed to be endorsing it, but in fact she had never enjoyed the Monster Festival. The Monster Festival is a game for the rich, a festival for the middle class, and a way for the lower class to make money. opportunities, but none of this has anything to do with the lowest level of people in the slums.

They may be able to fish in the troubled waters of the Monster Festival, but there is absolutely no way they can enjoy a single cent of the Monster Festival.

Lily is the lowest person in this world.

Although she has a family, her family is more cruel than society. Not only does she have to endure the oppression of the gangsters on the underworld, but the family also wants to squeeze her again.

It is precisely because of this that Lily is just telling Keilal what she knows.

Monster festival? Keilal curled his lips, isn't it the Roman beast?

Rome's influence once extended to Africa and the Middle East. It is precisely because of this that the countless beasts there aroused great interest in the Romans. Whenever merchants sold beasts, the lions and tigers arrived in Rome, and it was like a festival for the Romans. , most of Rome will rush to the Colosseum on this day to watch the beast fighting show.

The duel between slaves and slaves is just an appetizer, the duel between slaves and Roman warriors is just a snack, the duel between Roman warriors and Roman warriors is just the bread before the meal, the real meal is the slaves A showdown with beasts! A showdown between Roman warriors and beasts!

The same principle applies to monster festivals.

The annual monster festival causes the Canison Familia to expend a lot of energy and strength, but at the same time, there are unparalleled rewards. Since the Canison Familia can pull the monsters up from the dungeon, it means that they are unparalleled. Strength.

Promoting one's own strength means that one can receive more commissions, and the other is that one can recruit more people. You must know that people dislike poverty and love wealth. This is something in their bones. The Canisun family is not a A family known for their ability to bravely venture into dungeons.

But the fact that they can go deep into the dungeon and bring back these monsters with challenge levels from 5 to 30 is enough to prove their power. In this way, even people like Kaylar who have "just entered Orario" will listen. They came here because of their reputation.

Not a bad calculation.

Kelal no longer cares about the Garnison Familia. This Familia's usual reputation is just for maintaining order in the dungeon, and the Loki Familia, the "strongest exploring Familia", and Fu, the other "strongest Familia". The Leia Familia is different. The Kanison Familia is an integrated family similar to security and political power.

It's just that in Orario, the truth is that the fist is big. The Garnison Familia is strong, and it can be regarded as the guardian of order in Orario. But in fact, between the Loki Familia and the Freya Familia, it is You have to obediently move to third place and become a tripartite posture.

It is this three-legged relationship that makes Orario's situation very peaceful.

In fact this tranquility is dangerous.

The Loki Familia are keen on exploring the limits of the underground city, and it is precisely because of this that they have won great praise and reputation. Their reputation is the best among the three major Familia.

But once the Loki Familia encounters a powerful monster and all the backbone of the family is sacrificed, Orario's Freya Familia and the Carnison Familia will immediately start a war to determine who is the most powerful Familia. No.

The reason why there is no war now is because once one company goes to war with another, it may lead to the other company directly ascending to the top. How else can we say that the triangle is the most stable political structure?

However, Kelal has no interest in this level of political struggle. He even has no interest in Orario's childish political ecology.

They are just puppets played by the gods for fun, and Keilal has never been such a puppet.

He took Lily with him and walked directly into the depths of the dungeon, ignoring the group of passionate adventurers in Canison.

But this time the dungeon was unusually quiet.

There are many level 4 and 5 adventurers in Garnison to follow and capture them. People like Ais and others will also accept the tasks issued by the Garnison Familia to capture monsters together, so the challenge begins with level 5 monsters. Monsters that reach level 30 are basically their capture targets. Even because there are too many people challenging the monster festival, there may be a shortage of monsters. They will capture more just in case. Along the way from the first floor to the eighth floor Almost all of them have been opened by the people of the Canison Familia, and it is so quiet that people think it is like a training ground.

But obviously not. Many adventurers misjudged the danger of the dungeon because of their relationship with the Ganison Familia. Many adventurers who could only wander around on the fifth floor took advantage of the significant decrease in monsters to continue. Go deep into the dungeon and be overwhelmed by the difficulty of the monsters.

Sometimes they would help if they met someone from Canison, but sometimes if they didn't meet anyone, they would have to rely on themselves.

For example, on the eighth floor, the silver-haired boy was trapped in a tight siege.

The movement he made was too great, and more than thirty venomous frogs were chasing him and attacking, waving their poisonous claws.

The thorny thing about venom frogs, monsters with low challenge levels, is not just their poisonous claws, but also the amazing explosive power of their lower bodies.

The silver-haired boy held a short knife and dodged left and right among a group of venomous frogs, looking very embarrassed.

Lily recognized at a glance that this was the boy Ayina was talking about, and she looked at Keilal.

Will he save him?

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