The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 549 Leading a trumpet to open up wasteland

Chapter 038

Bell Cronier has already fallen into endless entanglement and regret.

Why was he so ignorant that he broke into the eighth floor on the eve of the monster festival?

You must know that although he usually goes down five levels in one breath without losing his breath, in the final analysis he is only a first-level adventurer with a G attribute. In this way, it is not difficult for him to go down five levels, but when he reaches the sixth level, it will be difficult. It started to get difficult, and by the time he reached the eighth level, the monster was already close to his limit.

If he is only fighting one-on-one, then he can barely cope with it, but if he falls into a trap and is surrounded by a group of monsters, and these monsters are all good at agility, then he will It's very dangerous.

Although Kelal had only met him for a few minutes, he had actually been fighting for more than half an hour.

More than forty poisonous demon frogs chased him, but he tried his best and only killed a dozen of them. Now the more than thirty frogs around him were the result of fighting with all the strength of his body. .

Now he can be said to have run out of ammunition, but his weapon is also close to its limit. There are cracks everywhere on it, and the blade is pitted like saw teeth.

And his whole body was aching. He had already spent all his energy dodging the continuous attacks of these frogs. He only remembered that if he didn't dodge, once he was hit, everything would be over.

It was with this belief that he persisted under Keilal's gaze for more than ten minutes.

Lily looked at the whole person very indifferently. She didn't know the boy in front of her, but it was obvious that this was the boy Aina asked for help.

But what does that have to do with her?

She has long been accustomed to other people's lives and deaths. She has seen the death of countless people. Babies who died in a few months due to malnutrition in the slums, prostitutes who died in bed because of illness and had no money to treat them, or who died in bed because of illness. The three robbers were eaten by monsters or killed directly...

She has seen too many lives pass away, and it is precisely because of this that she has a great disregard for life.

This indifference made her silent, but Keilal had no intention of saving her.

Bell had reached his limit, but Keilal still had no intention of saving people. Finally, when his foot suddenly slipped, he lost his balance. Facing a large number of monsters, he instinctively closed his eyes. He had no hope. The principle of survival.

He is very focused on fighting.

So Keilar and Lily watched from the outside for a long time, and he didn't notice it at all. To be honest, Keilar admired this kind of person who fought wholeheartedly.

The swordsmen of his Guards are all girls who fight wholeheartedly.

His whole body was like a gust of wind, coming and going freely. He had already reached the twelfth floor yesterday. For these monsters on the eighth floor, it was just level suppression with instant kill.

He didn't bother to use any skills or methods, and just continued to kill monsters with instinct.

Bell closed his eyes for a while and found that the pain that was supposed to come did not come.

When he opened his eyes, the silver-haired man simply shuttled back and forth among the poisonous demon frogs. No matter what, the attacks of these demon frogs could not touch a single hair of Keilar, and The stomachs of every poisonous devil frog that attacked had been cut open by Kelal, and their intestines and internal organs were spilled all over the floor. They were basically dead and could no longer die.

"You cannot rely on brute force to kill the enemy. You must also carefully study the enemy's weaknesses."

"The advantage of these magic frogs is their explosive power, but at the same time, their attacks are too monotonous and straight forward. You have obviously learned to avoid their attacks, why don't you fight back?" Kailar's long sword occupied A big advantage, but this is not the reason why Bell cannot fight back.

In fact, Bell had already exhausted his energy before and relied on his own instinct to dodge. As for counterattack, he had no time or brain to think about it.

Not everyone is like Keilal. By watching these monsters, they can clearly understand the monsters' fighting methods and find out their flaws.

People like Keilal can be said to be one in a million or one in a million. It is simply not something that ordinary people can compare with or even imagine.

But Keilar's thinking was very clear. When he said this, Bell standing next to him immediately reflected it.

Although Bell is not a person like Keilal, his talent is very rare. When he relaxed his mind and watched Keilal's teaching, a ray of light almost broke through his mind, making him understand it in an instant. To something general.

It turns out that's the case, it turns out that this is the reason why Kelal barely moved, and just relied on the power of the poisonous demon frogs to kill them.

Their attack track is too single. This singleness is even shared by many adventurers. It is precisely because they like to jump up and attack. They look very powerful, but in fact they are extremely stupid.

Ais's problem was changed by Keilal, but the monsters in the dungeon would not change it because of Keilal.

After all the stomachs of these demon frogs were cut open, Kelal sheathed his sword calmly. The whole process was smooth and smooth, without spending any effort at all.

Bell didn't know when he started to open his mouth wide enough to stuff a duck egg. He looked at Keilal in shock, with various mixed expressions on his face, including envy, admiration, desire, longing, all kinds of expressions. All kinds of expressions were mixed together on his delicate face, which looked particularly wonderful.

"You have no problem dealing with the demon frogs at this stage, but you have to learn to rely on the terrain to separate them. If it doesn't work, just turn around and run away. Monsters are also separate individuals, and their systems will be the same as humans. It’s different, as long as they run fast enough and long enough, they have a way to come and go, and they only need to deal with the monster in front of them.”

After Keilal briefly talked to Bell about his experience, he ignored him.

Lily behind him ignored him and just came up and started to pick up the magic stones. Of course Bell had no objection. He was not a ungrateful person. If it hadn't been for Keilal, his life would have been lost. Why would he fight with Keilal for these magic stones? What does Shi do?

Kelal put away his sword and tapped the scabbard on the walls, rocks, and ceiling of the dungeon, looking very curious about everything in the dungeon.

"Um, who are you?" Although he knew that Keilal and Sword Girl Ais were together, he did not know Keilal's name.

In fact, except for the few people Keilal came into contact with, few people in Orario knew how powerful Keilal was.

This is Keilal's conscious sense of secrecy to keep his identity secret.

Facing Bell's question, Kelar smiled: "I am Kelar Pan Dragon, you can just call me Kelar."

In this world, it is very rude not to state your full name, so Keilar always states his name clearly no matter who he faces.

As for whether anyone would think in the direction of slaying the dragon, it can only be said that the other party really thinks too much...

"Mr. Kelar, thank you for saving me." Bell stammered.

This is a very young, very young young man. He is less than 16 years old. He does not have enough experience in life or combat.

When such young people enter underground cities, the mortality rate is very high.

There are no statistics in this world, so no one knows what the mortality rate is for young people entering underground cities.

But Keilar was able to come up with a very scary figure just by making a simple estimate.

Young people like Bell, none of them in their fifties can live to grow up to twenty years old...

So how many people have entered the underground city over the years.

Keilar vaguely seemed to have caught something, but due to the fleeting inspiration, he missed what he had just caught.

"It's okay. You and I are both adventurers from Miss Aina. Miss Aina also asked me to take care of you if I meet you. It's just a little effort." Keilar looked indifferent. He was telling the truth. He didn't care about these things, and Bell was not his main target. He was not even a simple pleasure in Kelal's life.

He can only be regarded as a passer-by.

"Although it's very rude and presumptuous, I have a merciless request." He hesitated for a moment, but still spoke to Keilar.

"Huh?" Kailar's eyes finally shifted from the nearby mineral deposits and rock materials to him.

"Can you show me the underground city below?" He looked at Kailar with hope.

"Although I'm weak, I can run very fast. Although I can't fight, I can be used as a bait."

"Can you take me to the underground city to see the deeper scenery?"

Lily looked at him in surprise, wondering if there was something wrong with this man's head and he was being used as a bait? Being a bait in the dungeon is not a simple matter. This is a choice that may cost you your life at any time. Is he crazy?

Keilal looked at him. This young man's eyes were not filled with half-hearted belief. He was serious.

"Interesting." Keilal laughed.

"I see."

"Then it's as you said," Kailar said with a smile: "From now on, you will be the vanguard and scout. You will be responsible for scouting the location of the monsters and then come back and tell me."

"However, you are not allowed to lure monsters here on your own initiative. You should have this sense of teamwork, right?"

Keilar really doesn’t think he has this awareness. To be honest, rookies are all-round talents. No matter whether it is combat effectiveness, experience, combat awareness, or teamwork, rookies are all-round talents. That’s why Because of this, Keilar felt that it was indeed possible for him to attract a large number of monsters, but even so, he was still willing to give him a chance.

This boy has ambition, and he might become a useful tool one day.

Bell Cronier was not joking when he said that he planned to become a bait. His dagger was completely unusable, and he was known for his agility. After completely abandoning the "distraction" of fighting, he could finally be free. Traveling through the dungeon.

When he put down the blade, he realized how vast the world was.

He ran so fast that the monsters couldn't catch up with him. He just dodged or even avoided the monsters.

Sometimes the monsters cannot detect him at all. He advances in the blind spots of the monsters, or directly shakes off the monsters with his feet.

He once again encountered the poisonous demon frogs from before, only a few of them, and wanted to catch up with them, but Bell, who did not fight, threw them far away.

At this time, he discovered another weakness of the poisonous demon frog, that is, it does not last long.

Poison Demon Frogs can indeed have very fast speed and explosive power within ten meters, but after more than ten meters their speed is completely unable to compete with adventurers.

Bell ran very happily, throwing away all the monsters from a distance, and rode away with great speed.

"So fast." Lily murmured.

"It's really fast. He fully unleashes his agility without fighting. This kid has great potential."

Keilal's vision of himself was unmistakable. He had just rested for a while after losing strength, and he was already walking as fast as flying.

But it was obvious that he was still not experienced enough. His actions caused a large number of monsters to pursue him, and it was like an army of monsters following behind him.

He had only advanced about five hundred meters, and more than fifty monsters were following behind him. When he came back, dozens of monsters were chasing him behind him, relentlessly.

Kelal knew the young man had failed.

A real scout should not alert any monsters, explore the terrain and monsters ahead, report back, and then make a choice whether to take a detour or continue moving forward.

But Bell couldn't do these things at all. He was just fast, and he couldn't be a scout simply by being fast.

Kelal knew that there were still many things he had to give him, but now, he drew his sword and walked forward.

"Mr. Kelar, be careful, they have..."

Bell crossed Keilal, stopped the car, and wanted to warn Keilal of the opponent's number, but saw Keilal's sword moving.

Keilal's long sword was full of charm, and it was not a random stabbing or slashing attack, but even so, he chopped down four or five of the first batch of monsters in an instant.

The other monsters hesitated for a moment, even they would have feelings of fear, fear, etc., such as the Minotaur who met Es.

Wait for Keilal to rush into them and start killing as much as you want.

The monsters began to be afraid - this was the first time Bell had seen monsters become afraid.

Then the monsters started to run away.

Kelal drew his sword, Kelal killed the monster, and the monsters fled.

That's all.

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