The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 550 Bell’s Changes

Chapter 039 Bell’s Changes

Bell stood behind and watched Keilar swing his sword with gleaming eyes. This was not the first time he caught Keilar swinging his sword.

But even if he uses a long sword, Keilar's fighting style still has something worth learning from.

Yes, although Kelal uses a long sword, in fact, every strike he makes in battle is very precise and energy-saving, which is just right for someone like him who uses a short sword and does not have strong attack power.

Every inch is short and every inch is dangerous, dangerous to yourself and dangerous to the enemy.

Short knives and daggers must admit that if they attack the enemy's vital points, they will be hit by several knives, but they can still continue to fight with blood flowing. But once they hit the vital points, they will be killed with one knife.

However, this kind of close combat will pose a great threat to oneself. This is an extremely dangerous way of fighting.

Kelal's long sword is just an intermediate item between close combat and heavy weapons. It can be used for both cutting and thrusting, and it is very easy to use in the hands of experts.

Bell followed Keilal's example, and Keilal was chopping vegetables and melons, killing the monsters he brought back without leaving any trace behind.

Some monsters with different attributes fled in a hurry, and Kelar ignored them. He just turned to Bell and said, "What you need now is not fighting, so I won't teach you how to fight. If If you encounter these monsters next time, try holding your breath while moving forward."

The vigilance of calmness of mind or calmness of ancient wells is still too far away for Bell.

Because of this, Keilal teaches only the most basic techniques.

There are many types of monsters. With Bell like this, there is no way to cover the smell and temperature of his body. However, the reason why many monsters chase people is just because of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans.

Sometimes holding your breath correctly can block the carbon dioxide you spit out, allowing the monsters to completely ignore you, and finally successfully evade you.

Of course, there are still a few people who track breath, body temperature, and carbon dioxide. The real use of holding the breath is to make him lighter. The so-called "lifting the breath" is to hold the breath.

Bell's current battle is entirely based on instinct. He does not have any teachers - in fact, humans have no education system at all.

It is precisely because of this that his wild way is just relying on instinct to fight, but when Keilal, a teacher who is not a teacher, appears, he immediately changes completely.

People who hold their breath will subconsciously become light-handed. This is because the body instinctively knows that its own oxygen is no longer enough to support the body's strenuous exercise. At this time, the lightness of the hands and feet will bring about an unexpected mute effect.

When Bell hit the road again, he immediately noticed the difference in himself while walking close to the wall.

It was difficult for him to describe what kind of effect this had. His shoes themselves were made of sheepskin. Although they were not as defensive as cowhide or iron boots, they were lighter than them. After he held his breath, it was even worse when he walked in the shadow of the corner. There was no sound.

He has always adhered to what Keilal taught him. Even if his face is red from holding back, he will still take a breath when there are no monsters.

Before he knew it, he had walked more than five hundred meters.

But this time, he felt completely different.

When he turned around, there was no monster behind him, and the originally quiet and scary dungeon made him feel peaceful.

Is the underground city such a quiet place?

So comfortable...

He didn't have any weapons in his hands, but walked forward as if taking a walk. He completely merged with the darkness and walked forward slowly.

"You haven't come back. Are you dead?" Lily, who followed Keilal and walked forward, was not worried about the monster coming from behind.

In the past, she would stay in a safe place or throw stones to attract the attention of monsters, but as a supporter beside Keilal, she only had to follow Keilal less than two or three meters behind.

This is a complete, reassuring absolute defense.

She spoke ill of Bell without mercy, and her subconscious was also eliminating "competitors" who threatened her.

"No, you should have found your own path?" Kailar casually killed a few monsters blocking the way, looking at the quiet passage, with a smile on his lips.

This child is not suitable for frontal combat. His fighting seems to be full of contradictions. The reason is that he is not a person who fights head-on.

He is more suitable as an assassin. If I have to say it, probably a profession like Chloe is more suitable for Bell, right?

But nothing is absolute, there is magic in this world.

For example, Aisi is also suitable for taking the assassin route, but when she has the magic of a wind elf to protect her, she can exert a strong frontal combat effectiveness.

Ais only has one magic, but when she practices it to the most powerful level, even this simple, mediocre magic can exert great power.

Let’s see what Bell’s choice is.

"Mr. Kelar, I'm back." Bell's voice was very soft, but it was very clear in this quiet space.

Lily was startled and jumped to the side, but Keilal turned her head and nodded to him: "Are you back?"

Bell, who came out of the shadows, looked much quieter and calmer, as if all the glamor and impetuousness had been washed away, and his whole demeanor had changed drastically.

"What's going on ahead?" Keilal asked.

"There is a group of twelve white werewolves two hundred meters ahead, but there is nothing to be afraid of. But three hundred meters away there will be a large group of beast dwarves. They are fully armed and number about twenty-five people. It is recommended to avoid them." His bangs drooped slightly, blocking his eyes so that Keilar couldn't see his expression.

"Well done." Keilal looked calm. It was only the ninth level. Even if there were any problems or dangers, they were just minor problems.

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Kelar." Bell silently disappeared into the darkness, and Kelar continued to lead Lily forward.

The road ahead was very smooth, and Bell opened the way as soon as he entered.

With the logistics provided by Lily behind him, all the conditions were in place for a long-distance adventure.

Then all that's left is to keep moving forward and see how many levels they can enter.

Kelal slowly pulled out his sword and walked towards the twelve white werewolves.

It's really interesting.

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