Chapter 040 Class Lord

The fifteenth floor.

The terrifying roars of the monsters shook the earth.

The entire maze on the first floor shook with an earth-shattering roar.

This is what happened to Kelal and the others who had just entered the fifteenth floor.

what happened?

The shaky Lily and Bell looked up and saw many adventurers rushing over from directly in front of them, with panic on their faces, as if they were seeing the God of Death.

They stumbled past Keilar and the three of them, and ran towards the fourteenth floor.

"What happened?" Bell asked, pulling a panicked adventurer.

Then he was directly pushed to the ground by the adventurer: "Damn it, don't drag me with you if you want to die, strata master! The stratum master is coming out!"

The stratum master mentioned before is a unique monster in the dungeon. It is a monster that is more powerful than ordinary monsters and guards the entire stratum.

To put it simply - BOSS.

This kind of BOSS level monster is challenging for ordinary adventurers. Monsters above level 30 are added directly after the level.

Faced with such a monster, ordinary adventurers would never return.

It was understandable that they would run away.

Lily, who is only at level 1, has weak legs when facing a class leader with a challenge level of over 45 and cannot stand at all. This is the normal and proper attitude when facing a class leader, but when Lily When he turned to look at Keilal.

But he found that Keilal had already moved forward.

"Lord Keilal!" Lily hurriedly followed Keilal's footsteps and called Keilal.

"Master Kelar, aren't we retreating?" She had to run in small steps to follow Kelar's long strides. Her question was a normal one behind Kelar.

But Keilal turned his head and looked at her strangely and asked, "Why retreat?"

"That's the class leader..."

There was a tremor in her voice, a hint of fear.

The strata master is not a monster to talk to, and his ferocity has long been famous among adventurers.

It would be unwise for Kelal to challenge a monster with a challenge level of 45 alone. No matter how powerful he is, he is only an adventurer with an adventure level of 1.

A class leader like this would probably require a team of ten or more level 3 adventurers to defeat him.

"Isn't this just right?" Keilar turned around and continued walking forward, saying as he walked: "I have been in the dungeon for so long, but I have never seen what a class master looks like."

"Bell, please also advise Lord Kelar..." Lily turned her head anxiously, trying to find an ally, but Bell's eyes exuded an astonishing light, staring at Kelar like stars, chasing Kailar. Lal left.

"What are you doing!" Seeing him like this, Lily knew that she had no allies at all, so she could only stamp her feet and follow the two of them forward.

The vibrations became more obvious as they moved forward. Halfway through, not even a single adventurer could be seen.

There wasn't even a monster in sight.

The entire dungeon was as quiet as a ghost, which made people feel a little frightened and their scalp numb.

"It should be right in front." The smell became stronger. Keilal, who had lost his eyes, gained stronger sensations in his other five senses. His sense of smell was more sensitive than ordinary people. He smelled the strange smell in front of him just at once. taste.

"It stinks." After another twenty meters, the smell finally became stronger. Lily and Bell covered their noses to resist the all-pervasive stench, but Keilal felt that this was good, because the monsters The stench was so obvious, it was like a mark. After smelling it, whether they walked away or fought, the initiative was in their hands.

As a sage, what he values ​​most is initiative.

Since he knew there was a monster in front of him, he didn't stop and walked directly inside.

Lily was anxious, but she could only follow him.

On the fifteenth floor, without Kelal's protection, it was already too late to turn back now.

The monsters they encountered on the way back were beyond what Lily and Bell could handle. It was too late to retreat now, and Lily could only follow Keilal all the way to the dark side.

She was now doubting whether she was right to follow Keilal.

But in this situation, the only option is to keep going.

After passing another corner, you can clearly see the situation in the cave hall.

Countless pig-headed monsters are crowded here. Each of these pig-headed monsters with only a piece of animal skin on their waists and holding wooden sticks or bone sticks weighs more than 200 kilograms. Both of them are fat. , and it is precisely because of this that it is scary.

Being fat can provide stronger bones - because strong bones can support the weight of the body, being fat can provide thick fat as a defense, and being fat can also effectively resist cold.

In addition to causing huge pressure on the internal organs, being fat is actually very useful in combat, especially since these pig-headed men are nearly 2.4 meters tall and two heads taller than humans. Because of this, this kind of monster is difficult to fight.

Very difficult to fight.

Fortunately for advanced adventurers like Ais, their attacks can easily pierce their skin and fat, and then go straight to the heart or brain.

But Bell or Kelar, because of their insufficient attack power, face such a group of monsters...

I'm afraid it's more bad than good.

Lily's face turned pale with fright, but it was obviously too late by this time.

It wasn't the pig-headed man that made Lily turn pale with fear. A single pig-headed man might be killed by Kelar, but what if there were hundreds of pig-headed men?

It was so dark that it was impossible to see how many there were.

But judging from Kelar's experience in dispatching troops, there are at least more than 200 pig-headed men here.

What is even more terrifying is the monster in the center of the two hundred pig-headed men, which is three meters tall, burly and strong, and is wrapped in heavy armor.

Pig Emperor.

Monsters with skills such as summoning pig-headed men, collective amplification, command, and rage will be accompanied by a large number of pig-headed men whenever they appear.

It is precisely because of this that he is more troublesome than other class owners.

For example, for an ordinary stratum leader, ten adventurers of about level 3 can push it, but for a Pig Emperor like this, I'm afraid it won't even be possible without more than thirty adventurers.

As for the Familia that can push such a large number of monsters, apart from the United Familia, the only one is the Loki Familia.

"Lord Kelar, let's run away." Lily was about to cry. She spoke in a low voice, fearing to disturb the pig-headed people.

Bell doesn't want to show off anymore. This has completely gone beyond the realm of showing off. This is already seeking death.

"Two hundred heads... It's a bit troublesome." Keilal frowned.

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