The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 565 The God of Beauty (3/4)

Chapter 565 The God of Beauty (34)

Chapter 054 Beauty God

She is the goddess of the Freya family among Orario, alongside the Loki family, Freya.

She is a Goddess of Beauty and a Goddess. She has the strongest Freya Familia like the Loki Familia. However, her private life is chaotic and she has a strong charm. No matter whether she sees a man or a woman she likes, she will... She did not hesitate to do it directly. It is precisely because of this that her own reputation is not very good. It is just because she has slept with too many male gods and her own family is too strong. No one dares to say anything about her. Just bad words.

She is the goddess in the game world. When she sees humans who are pleasing to her eyes, she goes up to donate with her body. When she sees humans who are annoying, she orders her family members to destroy them so that they are not an eyesore.

In this monster festival, she was undoubtedly the one who released the monsters.

She's so boring.

Among the so-called gods, she has tasted all the men. It is really boring.

Because it was too boring, I let out those monsters to have fun and watch the excitement.

But unexpectedly, it actually appeared.

An interesting soul appears!

As the saying goes, good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique.

In fact, they are all lies.

You don't even look good in your skin, and no one cares about your so-called soul.

But the God of Beauty is different.

Freya has eyes that can appreciate beauty.

She can see through human souls at a glance, so even she has slept with many interesting souls, but these interesting souls were defeated by their interesting bodies, leaving no room for them at all.

After seeing the souls and appearances of the male gods, and seeing many interesting human souls, Freya was almost bored and disgusted with these things.

But at this moment, she was extremely convinced that her move to release the monster was correct.

The silver-haired swordsman appeared.

His appearance is one of a kind, and his soul is one of millions, millions, millions.

Although all souls are unique, for Freya, this man's soul is truly unique! It's so beautiful! So perfect!

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Kelal is just a handsome and heroic hero who wields a sword to save civilians, a genius swordsman.

But in Freya's eyes, above the silver-haired man's head, the red dragon roared ferociously, but it was tied up with chains and stepped on by a naked man. The red dragon kept struggling, waving its wings and tail. It threw it away, but no matter what, it couldn't throw the man on top of it. This man was fixed on top of its head like a nail under his feet, suppressing the red dragon and showing its majesty.

Freya's lower body was already wet just after seeing this soul. Her face was flushed and flushed, and she stared at Kelal with a look like a madman.

When the man above the red dragon's head gradually merged with the man wearing bright silver armor, Freya's eyes became more and more blurred.

It's so beautiful...

She praised as if singing.

She was right.

In other words, her powers of observation are far superior to others.

Kelal's sword is very elegant and beautiful.

When he waved his sword, it was like a zephyr elf dancing. His breathing changed with the sound of the wind. Every time he breathed along the wind, he could inhale a huge amount of oxygen. The surging lungs brought by the oxygen continued to sustain the heart. Pressurized, the heart that has been baptized by the blood of the red dragon will not explode no matter how huge the pressure is. The surging and powerful heart continuously delivers oxygen and blood to Kelal's muscles, and then cuts with the beauty of strength and speed. As he kills monsters, he looks like he is killing them like a dance.

In the dungeon, the only people who have appreciated Kelar's tactics are the Loki Familia and Lilibel.

One of Aisi and Bell successfully broke through to level 5 adventurers by learning Keilal's tactics, while the other successfully became a friend of darkness.

They learned a lot of things, but they all drew nutrients from Keilar. It can be said that he is like a mistake-free template. Even if they follow his trajectory, they can make rapid progress, let alone being taught by him personally. Pointed.

There were many powerful adventurers among the onlookers. Although they had no weapons, they could still see how extraordinary Keilal was, and whispers began to spread.

These whispers reached Freya's ears, and Freya couldn't help but hum. She has always been the exclusive owner of the things she likes. Do these mortals dare to discuss things that belong to her?

"Hey, who is this guy? He's so awesome."

"I don't know. There's an adventurer I've never seen before. He's very well-equipped and very skillful. He should be very famous."

"Whether it's a fifth-level monster or a fifteenth-level monster, he can handle them all with ease. How high is this guy?"

"No, why don't you just say you haven't heard of his name? Is this unknown adventurer a powerful foreigner who has just entered Orario? If so, our family is..."

Whispering, humming... Various sounds came into Freya's ears, and Freya couldn't stand it for even a moment.

She stood up and walked out the door.

"Isn't the highest level only 30?" Keilar cut a bladed mantis in half. There was no blood on the whole body. He was like a person walking down the canvas. He was very graceful. According to his perception, this should be the end. Just one.

Although it is very weak, for ordinary adventurers, monsters on the 30th floor require a team of four or more adventurers to deal with them. This is the average level of the dungeon.

The so-called average level refers to the level of the backbone, and except for the Loki Familia in the first group, the other Familia are basically at this backbone level. Keilal can deal with monsters of the thirties alone, which already represents He belongs to the first group of adventurers.

No one would have thought that Keilar was just a level 1 adventurer, and no one would have thought that Keilar had no interest in levels at all.

"Ahhhhhh~~~!" The woman's scream pierced the sky, but for some reason, it was obviously a panicked scream, but it made people's hearts tremble, and they couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

"What else?" Keilal was so determined that he just ran over there.

Turning around an alley, you can see a silver-backed demon ape with a challenge level of about fifteen, grabbing a petite woman and standing on a building, beating his chest constantly, demonstrating his strength and power.

"You are already like a bird, so you should stop courting!" Keilal stepped on the clothesline and instantly jumped into the sky like a light bird. He cut the demon ape in half with a sword and landed on it. When he was on the ground, he retracted his sword, stretched out his hands, and firmly hugged the woman who fell from the hands of the demon ape.


There will probably be a fourth update...not sure

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