The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 566 The God of Beauty and the God of Evil (1/2)

Chapter 566 The God of Beauty and the God of Evil (12)

Chapter 055 The God of Beauty and the God of Evil

"Are you okay?" When Kelar lowered his head, all the scattered silver hair fell on Freya's face, making Freya suffocate with happiness.

At this moment, she really felt that she was in love.

Keilal brought her to the ground, let go of his hand, and let her stand up on her own. However, she grabbed her clothes unpretentiously, with tears in her eyes. She looked at Keilal pitifully and said, "No. Leave me alone."

Looking at the pitiful beautiful woman, even Keilal couldn't bear to leave her here.

And almost all the monsters had been killed, Keilal sighed. "Okay, just follow me and find someone from the Adventurer's Guild."

Hearing this, Freya was a little surprised. Keilal seemed to be in contact with the Adventurer's Guild, but there was probably no one in the Adventurer's Guild who didn't know her, so she couldn't go to the Adventurer's with Keilal. Guild.

She said softly: "I plan to go to the Colosseum to find my companions. Can you send me to the Colosseum?"

"The Colosseum? That's fine." Kelar thought that Loki and Ais were still there, and maybe Aina, who maintained order, was also there, so he took this beauty to the Colosseum. go.

While walking on the road, Keilar could truly feel the charm of the woman behind her.

Hestia and Eina are already considered to be extremely beauties, and even Hill, Lyu, and Chloe are considered to be more beauties. But even so, after walking with them, they are just ignored by everyone. However, when walking with her on the road, even if she was just shyly walking behind Keilal like a little daughter-in-law, everyone's eyes were as jealous as if they wanted to kill Keilal.

Women are very interesting creatures. They exude charm no matter what age they are. They are cute in childhood, innocent in girlhood, and like the one behind Keilal, mature and charming in adulthood, just like a mature heart. She's as transparent as a peach, you just need to lick her gently and her juices will flow out.

Everyone glared at Keilal who [had] this peach, with jealous and envious eyes as if they wanted to kill Keilal.

Freya was secretly proud in her heart, because provoking men's competition was an essential skill for her as a goddess of beauty. Men are only interested in things that are very difficult to acquire, whether it is props or women, the more difficult it is. The more interested you are, or whether you are a man or a woman, it is the same.

The greater her charm and the more people like her, the more difficult it is for Kelal people to acquire her. After acquiring her, the higher the satisfaction Kelal will gain. At that time, he will be her real skirt. The minister below, the person beside my pillow.

But she soon discovered that Keilal was more than just an ordinary man.

He had the strength to not look back at her at all, he was just walking forward. She was just a beauty, and she was not his wife, so why waste too much of his energy.

What's more, Keilal's purpose here is not women, but these gods of Orario and the people of the dungeon. This is what Keilal is more interested in.

He had already experienced such things as falling in love many years ago. Now it can only be regarded as a supplement, but it must not be the main course.

Keilal pressed his sword, his popularity remained unchanged, and he walked forward without changing his face amidst the gazes of all the men, which made Freya's fascination with him even more intense.

This man actually walked forward without looking back at all.

"Ah, Kai." Aina and her pink-haired friend were looking outside the door of the Colosseum. Not only them, but also Ais and Loki were there.

In other words, Aisi judged that this was a relatively safe place, and she happened to be meeting Aina. Loki was sulking next to her. Obviously, she was very unhappy when she didn't see Keilal's performance.

Kelar is observing the gods, but why aren't Hestia and Loki, who know Kelar, observing Kelar's every move?

But when Loki saw the woman following Kelal, he was surprised.

"Oh, oh, oh! Isn't this the [Beautiful] God Freya!" Loki watched Freya following Kelal. With her understanding of Freya, she immediately reacted and shouted loudly He opened his mouth and laughed.

Freya's face darkened, she never expected to meet Loki here.

And it seemed like they knew each other, so they started so quickly! Loki!

She gritted her teeth a little, but when Kelar turned her head, she turned into the dignified and beautiful Freya again.

She looked at Keilal and smiled: "Thank you for saving me."

Keilal was a little surprised and a little wary. This is where Freya gritted her teeth. Loki only used one sentence to successfully put the two of them on guard. This psychology will greatly affect Freya's plan. The setback, and more importantly, Keilal's distrust of Freya, was fatal.

"You're welcome." Kelar nodded slightly to her and said softly, then left her and walked towards Aina.

"How do you know the God of Beauty?" Aina looked at Kelar cautiously, trying to tell whether he was confused by the God of Beauty from the expression of Keilar. Kelar smiled softly at her, He pinched her face: "Because she was pinched by a monster, I saved her."

Keilal's usual behavior made her blush slightly, but she nodded slightly.

At this time, the pink-haired friend next to Aina covered her mouth in surprise.

"Aina, you guys..."

"That's right, we are dating." Aina looked at Keilal, and when Keilal nodded slightly, she proudly introduced Keilal to her colleagues and friends.

"Really!" The other party exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention.

Not only her, but Freya, Ais, and Loki were all attracted to them.

I only saw Aina holding Keilal's arm with a happy face and introducing: "He is my boyfriend now."

"Ah..." Ais exclaimed in surprise.

Loki was even more open-mouthed. He didn't expect that an outstanding person like Kelal would date a woman like Aina.

As for Freya, her face twisted with jealousy. There was only one word in her mind: "Why!!!"

Just now, she wanted to arouse the envy and jealousy of other men to improve her status and charm in Keilal's mind, but in the blink of an eye, Keilal had already given her a heavy blow.


It's such a silly day to sleep late, 2 updates today

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