The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 567 Magic Flower (2/2)

Chapter 567 Magic Flower (22)

Chapter 056 Magic Flower

"Okay, don't be like this." Kelar saw everyone's expressions in his eyes. He gently touched Aina's head, which only made Freya's face twist in anger. She only saw He asked: "I killed about 15 monsters, is this all?"

Aina probably knew this matter better than others. She nodded: "Yes, according to the information from the Canison Familia, these are all the monsters."

"That's good." Keilar nodded. He originally wanted to observe God today, but... he turned his head and looked at Loki and Freya. He also gained something else today, that is, God God is also observing him. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? He didn't know, but he knew that the gods had their own secrets, and I'm afraid Keilar could only obtain these secrets after conquering a certain god.

And whether these secrets are related to him, to his homeland, and to the changes in the world.

Now it seems that he knows three gods. The best one to conquer is undoubtedly Hestia, but the worst one to conquer is Hestia. The relationship between her and Bell is not so much the relationship between the gods. The relationship with the family members is more like a family member than a bond between a dying vine and her slowly growing tree. Even if you want to get involved, it is almost impossible.

Loki - she has a very satisfying life. Her subordinates are strong and obedient. She is also one of the two strongest in Orario. She is smart and responsive. Kelal can hardly find any chance in her. She is a perfect and flawless God.

As for Freya, whom she just met... she seemed to be full of purpose as soon as she approached Keilal. Keilal decided to let her go for a while and observe her for a while.

He is not a reckless person, and he is not short of time and money now, so there is nothing urgent for him.

"Then that's it for today." He stretched. "What was originally a good vacation turned into fighting monsters in Orario. It's even more tiring than the maze."

He was right. When in the maze, most people only need to worry about monsters, and there is no need to worry about the damage to the nearby environment.

But in Orario, he not only has to worry about the environment and damage to buildings, but also to people, roads, and people affected.

These are all problems. The energy required to fight in Orario is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people, but Keilal is just making a gesture now, so that the two gods present, and even Canison only owed him a favor.

For him, a battle of this level is as easy as an outing.

Of all the people here, only Ais can know how much Keilal has consumed.

She stared at Keilal, with two big words written clearly in her golden and transparent pupils: Liar.

Well, her face was bulging with anger, and her anger was inexplicable, with the word "displeasure" written all over her face.

However, she did not expose Keilal. Keilal had indeed worked hard. While protecting Loki, she also had to acknowledge Keilal's love.

Just when Aina opened her mouth to say something, a strong earthquake of about magnitude 2 continued to come over, making people unable to stand still.

"What's wrong!" Everyone was unsteady. Loki grabbed Ais decisively, but Freya, who was standing behind Keilal, naturally leaned on Keilal's side. Keilal was pregnant. He was holding Aina, who was standing unsteadily, but Freya was clinging tightly to her behind. I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but Freya’s pair of round and soft plump breasts kept rubbing on Kelar’s ​​back. It looked like it was unconsciously swaying with the earthquake.

Keilal and Ais are the steadiest ones here. Ais is a level 5 adventurer after all. How could she fall down because of such a thing? The same goes for Keilal.

The two of them looked hard, and they had already captured where the earthquake came from.

Theoretically speaking, earthquakes have a source, and humans have no way to tell where the source of the earthquake comes from. However, in the underground city, there are many monsters that can cause earthquakes. If the source of the earthquake cannot be found immediately, people will die. , so Keilar and Ais immediately discovered the location of the earthquake source and looked in that direction.

At that place, a huge vine whip rose from the ground, waving wildly like a giant snake.

"There are more?" Kailar was a little surprised. Not only were there monsters, but he hadn't seen these monsters yet.

The monsters he has seen in the dungeon will be recorded in his mind, including the monster's information, habits, height, weight, and even records. He is like an encyclopedia, constantly collecting the monsters in this world. material.

But he had never seen this even in the fiftieth level, or in the farthest place he had reached.

However, in Keilar's heart, he has a very accurate set of rating standards. The reference of this set of rating standards is very complicated, but Keilar can determine what challenge level monster the opponent is in just a few seconds. .

Although this vine whip monster is big, you only need to use two hands to know it.

Keilal helped Aina up, and Freya behind him naturally left Keilal's body, with an apology on her face: "Sorry, I was a little unsteady just now."

Kelar smiled at her. As the goddess Freya, one of Orario's two major families, she would naturally not be as white as she appeared.

But since she is willing to treat Keilal White Lotus, Keilal does not hesitate to tease and deal with her.

"I'm going to see what's going on with the monster. I'll be back soon. You guys stay here, don't leave, wait for me to come back."

"I'll go too." Ais said next to her. Unlike her bare hands just now, she had a long sword hanging from her waist. She looked majestic and heroic, not weak to a man.

"That's fine." Kailar nodded after considering it for less than a second.

The two turned around and jumped directly onto the roof. Both the explosive strength of their muscles and the lightness of their bodies allowed them to jump more than ten meters beyond an ordinary person. They landed on the roof of a residential building and then quickly headed towards the place where the incident happened.

"You really have a good man, Miss Aina." Freya licked her lips gently, looked at Keilal's disappearing back, turned her head, looked at Aina and smiled.

"Uh, yes." Aina was instinctively nervous and wary of this beauty, and she just said respectfully.

"It's really enviable." After she said these words of unclear meaning, Aina didn't know how to continue.

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