The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 568 The woman behind the abundant mistress (1/2)

Chapter 568 The woman behind the abundant mistress (12)

Chapter 057 The woman behind the abundant mistress

"The enemy is around challenge level 45, not strong, but very tough." Keilal's words aroused Ais' approval. She nodded and agreed with Keilal's words. The huge one was like a giant snake. The vine monster has fallen to the ground.

There is no doubt that even a monster with a challenge level of 45 cannot survive for 10 seconds under the attack of Kelal and Ais.

The challenge level of a level 5 adventurer is already equivalent to a level 50 monster. Although most adventurers are more than a dozen most of the time, if you really want to count, the adventurers are all challenging Monsters that are several times the same level.

Theoretically speaking, if it is just one-on-one, then the adventurer is really not afraid of monsters at all.

Just like in the arena of the Monster Festival, it's just more of a performance. As for the actual danger to life, it doesn't exist.


Kelal picked up the magic stone. This magic stone was a little different from ordinary magic stones. There was a golden light flashing inside this magic stone. This light was different from ordinary magic stones. Ordinary magic stones The inside is black, dim, and chaotic, but this magic stone looks like a living thing full of life.

"Leave this thing... to the gods." Keilal said to Ais.

Aisi nodded, and after the two of them turned around, the big vine behind them slowly turned into flying smoke.

When the two returned to the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild, they felt that the atmosphere here was really weird.

Aina was a little embarrassed, but she was in a tit-for-tat with Freya, while Loki was watching the excitement with his arms crossed, smiling and not participating at all.

"Here." Kelal threw the magic stone casually.

"Oh." Loki didn't expect that Keilal was going to give her something, so he caught it in a hurry.

"What is this?" she asked strangely. After Keilal and Ais came back, Aina and Freya's attention was no longer on each other, but all turned to Keilal.

"Things that fell from the monster." Kailar said: "The monster is more than 10 meters long, the weight is even more terrible, and the defense is amazing. The challenge level should be around level 45. It cannot be captured by the people of Canison now. exist.

The average level of Garnesson's Familia is around level 4 to 3, with the strongest being only level 5. There is still a certain gap between the Familia of Loki and Familia of Freya, and there is a fundamental difference between capturing monsters alive and destroying them. It is very difficult to capture a level 45 monster like this, not to mention that Keilal has added so many prerequisites. Both gods knew what Keilal was going to say.

The monster is 10 meters long and weighs several tons. No matter how powerful the Garnison Familia is, it will be difficult to get it to the ground.

"So this monster wasn't caused by Garnesson?" Loki tossed the magic stone in his hand and played with this strange pattern. His eyes turned to Freya, and his questioning eyes were clearly asking Freya if this was you. made.

Freya shook her head imperceptibly, and Loki already understood.

In fact, Keilar also saw the secret communication between the two. Among these people, the ones he observed most carefully were probably the two gods in front of him. Keilal saw all their exchanges, and Freya's Does shaking her head mean she didn't do it?

It seems that the goddess Freya can become the top two of the Orali Familia. It is true that they are not easy to get along with. Whether it is scheming, wisdom, or ability, they are all outstanding female heroes.

"Then who is it?" Since Kelar had already said it was not Ganison, and Freya had denied it, Loki began to think hard.

She will not doubt Freya. No matter how bitchy Freya is, she is still a goddess of beauty and a god. She has the pride of a god.

Since she denies it, it means it really wasn't her who did it, so who could it be?

"Adventurers' Guild?" It was just like what Keilal thought.

In fact, those who control Orario seem to be the two most powerful families, but in fact, the Adventurer's Guild, which controls the entrance to the dungeon, is the real staple.

As soon as Freya said this, Aina was furious. In her opinion, Freya, who wanted to compete with her for Kelar, was originally hostile, and she was targeting her by saying this now.

"Our union will not do such a thing!" she said in a frantic tone, and she looked at Keilal: "Kay, do you think so too?"

Keilal looked at her and tilted his head and smiled: "How could that be? I don't think the Adventurer's Guild would do such a thing."

Hearing Keilal say this, Aina became happy.

But Freya looked at her face with disgust and ridicule. Sure enough, humans are like this, especially mortals, they are indeed very boring existences.

They simply can't tell the difference between lies and comfort, or anything else.

Both Loki and Freya could see that Keilal was comforting and perfunctory Aina, but Aina could not tell. Obviously, Keilal thought the same as them. I am afraid that this matter is really about adventurers. The guild does it.

"Are you at work now?" Keilal asked, looking at Aina.

Aina nodded. Obviously, the monster festival cannot be separated from the Adventurer's Guild's maintenance of order. The manpower of the Canison Familia is definitely not enough to organize such a huge festival.

And not only the Carnison Familia and the Adventurer's Guild, but also other Familia participated - although there were no Freya Familia and Loki Familia, it was obvious that a shortage of manpower meant a shortage of manpower.

"Then I'll go back to the hotel first." Kelar and Aina said. Since he has slept with someone, he needs to respect each other. He just finished sleeping with Aina yesterday, and today he is flirting with Freya. It is really unacceptable. of.

Aina nodded. She knew where Keilal lived, how much money he had, and how strong Keilal was, so she was not worried about Keilal staying in the hotel all the time.

But similarly, she has never thought about letting Keilal live in her own home. It all happened too fast for her. She has not yet figured out how to deal with the distance, space, and relationship with Keilal. , to be honest, she personally prefers to date Keilal, otherwise she would not have introduced Keilal to her friends before.

But now because of Freya, she needs to think about it carefully.

"Mistress of abundance, right? I'll be there right after get off work." She smiled and responded to Keilal.

Kelar nodded and looked at Loki and Ais.

"In this case, we won't be able to visit the monster festival. Ace and I will go drinking together."

"I seem to hear the Mistress of Plenty coming?" Freya rolled her eyes and asked with a chuckle.


One more update.

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