The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 570 Assassin (Happy New Year!!)

Chapter 059 Assassin

When Freya left, there was no reluctance or anger.

In other words, she has basically accomplished all her goals. If this is the case, then there is no need for her to stay here.

"Is it really okay for me to live here all the time? Will Freya be angry?" Keilar looked at Aunt Mia and the maids who were lined up to send Freya away. He asked while sitting at the bar with a smile.

"No, no need, or it would be best if she was angry, right?" Hill turned his head and looked at Keilar with a sweet smile.

"Mr. Keilar lives here for one day, so she can't come to our place to seduce Mr. Keilar, right?" Hill's mind is very clear, and it can be said that it is much clearer than others: "This is very important to Keilar." Mr. Lal, isn’t it a win-win option for us?”

Her words were right. Keilal raised a smile and put his arm around Ace and Loki's shoulders: "Since Freya is gone, why don't we have a drink first."

"Hahaha," Loki laughed loudly: "Brother, you are really interesting."

Not only did Kelal not take the magic stone seriously, but even Loki didn't take it too seriously.

It is indeed very powerful to defeat a level 45 monster, but it is not too dangerous if you encounter it one-on-one with a level 4 adventurer. However, no one thought that the person standing behind that monster would have such courage and courage. Deep meaning.

While Kelal was sleeping in his room.

The heavy moonlight made people tired, and Keilal was also a little tired.

But suddenly, Keilal's eyes opened.

It’s not just Keilal.

Aunt Mia, Chloe, and Lyu opened their eyes in their rooms at the same time.

"Interesting." It was just that the other party was not excited. They were planning to come and snatch the magic stone back after a few hours? Or did you come to kill Keilal to vent your anger?

No matter which one it is, it means that the other party has bigger actions and plans.

Almost this one action exposed the other party's thoughts.


Keilal smiled and didn't move at all.

He lives here and pays so much money, which naturally includes security costs.

He is not afraid of the other party, but as a hotel owner, he still has to set an example.

Just hearing a whooshing sound, a figure jumped out of the room.

Orario's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is no lie. For example, Aunt Mia's relationship with the Lord God is not very good. People like Lyu who retreated due to some inner shadows in the past, and people like Chloe who can only be hunted by others. Incognito.

There are also seven, seven, eight, eight, all kinds of people...

They may not be as famous and well-known as the Loki Familia and Freya Familia, but there are definitely many strong ones.

It is precisely because of this that Kelal has no idea of ​​relying on his own abilities to act recklessly.

What if his abilities were restored to their prime? Can you fight against Orario's millions of adventurers?


Let them solve it.

The other party's murderous intent was so intense that Keilar and the others could feel it almost instantly while sleeping in the hotel, and Lyu rushed directly towards him.

Even the other party was surprised.

Although he believed that the person here was a strong person, this was the first time he had seen a strong person who could feel his murderous intention so keenly.

What's more, it's night now, and night is when humans are most relaxed. Even the most powerful humans can't guarantee that they can maintain their state all the time.

But in this hotel, there are actually four people with this vigilance at one time!

Lyu was wrapped in an emerald green trench coat and cloak. She was holding a long piece of wood in her hand. She didn't know if it was a bow or a wooden staff. When she saw the enemy, she just pounced on them and struck them with the wooden staff.

The opponent didn't expect her to be so clean and neat, so he immediately fell into a disadvantage, and was suppressed by Liu and started to fight.

It's just that Lyu hit his hand, and there was a sound of metal collision instantly. The other party used her arm to catch her Elf Wood, and there was such a sound. Could it be that the other party was an iron man?

Lyu was taken aback, but the other party snorted coldly. He was also a ruthless and talkative character, and countless flower vines instantly appeared in his arms.

These flower vines are running toward Lyu like poisonous snakes. If Kelar were here, he would be able to recognize them. These are the vine monsters that appeared during the day.

It's just that compared to the vine monsters during the day, the vine monster in his hand is smaller, but the threat is not weak at all, especially when Lyu doesn't have any defensive armor, the threat is even stronger.

Lyu is not a jobber, her lowest level is level 4. A level 4 adventurer is a frontline adventurer no matter what. In an ordinary small family, she can already become the backbone of the family.

There was a wild dance in her hand, and all the opponent's vines were shot back, but it also allowed the opponent to take the opportunity to escape from the battlefield.

The other party stood on the roof opposite the hotel, looked at Lyu standing on the top of the hotel, and snorted coldly. If Kailar was just a "Level 4" adventurer, he might have the intention of killing Kailar. But in Orario, even he was powerless against two level 4 adventurers.

Since the assassination plan was no longer possible, he had no choice but to leave.

"Does my rich mistress want to escape like this?" A low roar almost frightened him, and he saw a huge black shadow coming from the ground like a cannonball in front of him.

"What..." He only had time to say one word, and he only had time to block his face with his hands. The huge figure on the opposite side had already arrived in front of him, and punched his crossed hands.

He just felt a sharp pain coming from the weaker part of his hands, and a huge force was transmitted to his entire body along with the sharp pain in his hands.

With just one punch, he was instantly knocked away like a home run baseball.

When he disappeared into the night sky, Aunt Mia stood where he stood before, turned her head to look at Lyu, and sprayed out a stream of heat from her nostrils.

"Don't worry about this matter for the time being. It was caused by that guy." Aunt Mia glanced at Keilal's room. This guy had only been here a few days and he had already done so many things. Come.

She even regretted letting this guy move in.

But looking at Freya's expression, I find it very relaxing and enjoyable...

Let's see if you can subdue Freya, or if Freya has one more subordinate!


Hehe, I even wrote one because I had a headache. Unexpected?

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