The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 571 The Master Craftsman

Chapter 060 The Master Craftsman

Now that Aunt Mia had dismissed the other party, Keilal did not get up from the bed. When he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep until dawn the next day, he was awakened by Hill's knock on the door. .

"Mr. Kelar, are you up?" she asked aloud.

Keilal sat up in a daze and looked at the door before remembering where he was, but he didn't sleep so deeply last night for a long time.

Maybe it's because of Aina?

Or is it because of Freya?

Or was it because after the assassin was driven away, his instinct told him that he was safe?

This was the first time he stayed in bed today.

"Sorry, I slept a little deeply last night." Keilar opened the door with a cloth wrapped around his lower body and said with an apologetic smile.

"Does a person like Mr. Keilar stay in bed?" Hill looked at Keilar, walked into Keilar's room with breakfast, and turned a blind eye to Keilar's outfit.

Keilal smiled and followed her to the dining table, looking forward to today's breakfast.

"By the way, Miss Hill, if Aina arrives, can you bring her directly to my room?" Kaylar's words made Hill stunned for a while, and then he laughed: "Miss Aina? ?Okay, I know."

With her emotional intelligence, she understood the connection between Keilal and Aina in just a moment, but she didn't say anything, just smiled at Keilal and walked out of the door.

Outside the door, she took a deep breath, as if she had made a decision, and strode forward with her head held high.

When Aina was led to Keilal's room by Hill, Keilal had already finished tidying up.

He was wearing white clothes today, with a shawl tied around his collar for long-distance running, and his silver-haired ponytail tied behind his head. He looked like a handsome young man, but there was a long sword hanging around his waist, showing that he was not a weak being.

In Orario, this is very important. Tell others that you are not to be trifled with.

For example, those mice have memories of adventurers with names and surnames above level 4. No, or Orario's operating system is: when an adventurer becomes a level 2 adventurer, he will He was put to the meeting of the gods by his superior god for discussion.

At this time, the gods will start a meeting to discuss the name of this adventurer. This name is something that affects a person's voice.

When a person has a name, it means that he has entered the Orario family.

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames, that's the reason.

If this person has a nickname, it means that he has truly entered the circle of adventurers - but before that, I'm sorry, no matter how famous or powerful your level 1 adventurer is, it doesn't count. If you go to the palace to break into a house, you are not even considered an adventurer, just a cannon fodder.

Of course, someone as strong as Keilar and someone who is independent and unique is not included in this list.

And this name represents this person's prestige.

Swordswoman like Swordswoman Ais, the princess who represents the sword, is famous in the dungeon and Orario. She just stands there and the mice retreat.

But level 1 adventurers and supporters like Bell and Lily are the rats' targets.

Don’t think that Orario is made up of level 5 adventurers like Ais and others.

As the main body, it is precisely the level 2 and level 3 adventurers, and the level 2 and level 3 adventurers are promoted from the sizing up level 1 adventurers.

But those who have not been promoted to level 2 adventurers and have no reputation will eventually be exploited.

Kelal's sword was a deterrent to those brats before he had a name.

Of course, Aina's half-elf blood also has a certain deterrent effect.

It seems that the elves are very united. Like the dwarves, these are two strong, powerful groups that love to stick together and protect their own people.

This kind of group is completely different from the small humans and orcs who live alone. It is precisely because they are united and strong that they gain more dignity, and ordinary mice dare not mess with them.

When Aina walked out of the rich hostess holding Keilal's arm, none of the three maids were working. Chloe looked at Keilal holding her barren breasts with a look that meant she was watching a good show. Lyu is more of a gentleman. She doesn't like a man flirting with many women, and Kelar is entangled with Aina, Freya, and even Sword Princess Ais. man...

Hill clenched his fists and gave himself some courage.

"So, what do you want me to do with you today?" The two of them even went to bed, which naturally eliminated a lot of differences. She took Keilal's arm without any notice and asked Keilal with a smile. .

"I hope you will accompany me to the smelting house. The most famous one." Kelar looked down at her and said softly.

"Smelting house?" Only then did she notice that there was not only a long sword on Kelal's waist, but also something on his back, but it was covered by a cloak and could not be seen.

"Well, I have something that I need the best blacksmith in this city to help me forge." Kelar murmured.

"As for the best blacksmith... it really is Mephistos, right?" Aina, who knew a lot about Orario, thought about it and said.

This is the advantage of Kelal finding Aina as his girlfriend. Aina is Orario's senior receptionist and a senior employee of the Adventurer's Guild. Her information about the entire dungeon is almost the same as that of the Adventurer's Guild. , and Aina is capable and shrewd. As long as she gets her person, she will not be suspicious or have any questions about anything Keilal asks. Now facing her guidance, Keilal can easily find the most popular person in the city. The powerful blacksmith's family, the Mephistos family.

The Mephistos Familia is the most powerful, famous, and outstanding blacksmith family in the entire underground city, and their main god is undoubtedly the divine craftsman in the heavens, Mephistos.

Kelar was a little surprised to see Mephistos after being introduced by someone from the Adventurer's Guild like Aina.

"I didn't expect that the famous divine craftsman in the heaven would actually be a goddess..." Kailar said with some admiration.

"Hmph, kid, is this the first time you've heard of my name? What's your purpose? Tell me quickly. If it weren't for her sake, I wouldn't have had the time to see you." She was right. , as the largest adventurer logistics supplier and manufacturer, she has many things to do and is very busy.

Although not everything requires her to take action and forge, she still has to take charge of the overall situation.

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