The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 574 Paladin (1/2)

Chapter 574 Paladin (12)

Chapter 063 Paladin

This shield is not big, and can only protect the chest and upper abdomen. For the human torso, as long as it can block the internal organs, it is considered a very good shield.

As the saying goes, its existence is reasonable. A light shield like a small shield can protect the head and face at the top, and the chest and abdomen at the bottom. It is light and portable. Except that its defensive power is not as strong as medium-sized shields and tower shields, everything else is perfect. It can be said to be perfect.

Kelal took the shield, looked at the patterns on it and the slightly extended cross shield, and examined it.

"Kelar is a mage, right?" Aina, who has seen Kelar's data, is the only two people in the entire dungeon who have seen Kelar's data, and she is also the one who knows that Kelar is a [mage].

It's actually hard for everyone to believe that Keilal is a mage.

Who would have thought that he was wearing light armor, wielding a long sword, and looking so heroic, that he was actually a mage!

Although Orario's distinction between mages and warriors, and even magic swordsmen, is very loose, the warriors may have acquired a skill by accident, which is like magic.

And if there are two or three such skills, is this warrior an algorithmist, a warrior, or a magic swordsman?

So it's basically impossible to distinguish, so everyone just ignores it. At this time, the only one who can remember that Kelal is a mage is Aina.

"What?" Keilal looked at her and asked, "Is there any other explanation for this?"

"Hehe." Aina chuckled: "You put some magic power into this shield."

Although Kelal doesn't have much magic power, he is still willing to give up this little magic power. When he inputs the magic power into it, the four extensions of the shield are like being coated with a layer of light film, and the four corners slowly spread, Then a tower shield about one meter long and nearly eighty centimeters wide was formed.

Except for the core of this shield, which is made of steel, the rest of the shield has turned into a light curtain.

This light shield does not look any different from Kelal's previous defensive magic. If there is any difference, I'm afraid it consumes less magic power. Compared with the previous ethereal and transparent magic shield, the magic power formed by this metal shield The shield should appear more solid.

Is it because of the magic circuit constructed by the extended cross? What an ingenious idea.

Kelal put away his shield, looked at Aina and nodded with a smile: "It suits me very well, thank you, that's it."

"Really? Is it suitable? Great." Aina said with her hands clasped together.

"Then let me buy the equipment for Kai this time." She looked at Keilal and said with a smile.

At this moment, she was like a saint descending to earth. She was indeed seriously in love with Keilal.

Keilal was moved and stopped refusing.

He was not the kind of person to be coquettish, so he agreed neatly. At worst, he would buy a gift and give it back to her later.

Kelar originally thought that this shield would be very expensive, but when Aina bought it, it only cost 7 or 8 million.

It’s hard to say whether the seven or eight hundred thousand is expensive, but for such a shield, seven or eight million is indeed a bit too little.

But Keilar suddenly figured it out. This shield is indeed very good, but obviously, the warriors cannot apply magic power. In other words, the design of this shield is very good, but it faces The group is very narrow.

Magicians are arrogant. Just waving their staffs, chanting lengthy incantations, and avoiding monster attacks consumes all their energy and concentration.

Holding a shield to resist attacks? What the hell, isn’t that a soldier’s job?

Why do they have to hold shields? Just let the soldiers stand in front of them! This is the privilege of a magician! privilege!

There are very few magicians like Kelal who fight alone and wield long swords. It can even be said that there are no magicians. After all, not every magician can bathe in dragon's blood. While specializing in magic books, he can also Keep exercising.

Studying magic takes time.

And exercising also takes time.

Otherwise, the poorer the people, the fatter they are, because the poorer the people, the less time they have to exercise.

It is precisely because of this that the audience for this shield has become smaller and smaller.

If it cannot be sold, it will naturally become cheaper.

Keilar is quite satisfied with this shield. The speed at which this shield transports magic power is directly proportional to the formation speed of the light shield, and the intensity of the magic power delivery is also directly proportional to the strength of the light shield.

Very user friendly.

Keilal played with the shield, feeling a long-lost urge to try it.

Seeing how childish he was, Aina couldn't help but laugh out loud next to him.

To be honest, this is the meaning of shopping as a couple, to find each other's strengths and things they like, and then the two of them can run in and integrate with each other, and gradually adapt to each other.

This is not meaningless.

The two returned to the hotel, had a sweet dinner, and then went to their respective homes.

Aina didn't care about Keilal staying in the hotel. In fact, after yesterday's conversation between everyone in the hotel and the goddess Freya, she felt relieved and reassured that Keilal lived here.

After entering his room, Keilal remembered - "Ah, if I got this shield, I shouldn't have asked for the Japanese sword."

His sword has been determined to be made in the shape of a Japanese sword. As for why, it is probably because there are also Japanese clans such as the Kengo Thunder Family in this world, so there is such a thing as a Japanese sword.

The Japanese sword is indeed more suitable for people with a nimble approach like Kelal, but if you have a shield, replacing the Japanese sword with a war hammer or mace will not be inferior to the Japanese sword.

But now that it has been decided, Kelal is not the kind of person to break his promise, so he just holds the Japanese sword.

The combination of a Japanese sword and a round shield just makes people feel inexplicably strange.

Who is he now? Buckler, Japanese sword, holy light.

Could it be considered a paladin?

He put the shield on the table with a smile, and put the cross sword he got from the Loki Familia next to him. Looking at his armor on the weapon rack, he felt a lot more at ease.

But... where does this uneasiness rising from the bottom of my heart come from?

The sixth sense was inexplicably reminding him that danger was approaching.


First update.

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