The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 575 Entering the Dungeon Again (2/2)

Chapter 575 Entering the Dungeon Again (22)

Chapter 064 Entering the Dungeon Again

Whatever Keilal's unsettling sixth sense was, it couldn't stop Keilal from moving on.

Kelal is not particularly fond of dungeons, but in order to pay Hephaestus the remaining 20 million Wallis, he must earn enough 20 million within a week.

And if he wants to earn enough 20 million, then he must continue to go deep into the underground city.

This involves credibility and one more issue.

Of course you can be born. When Kelal wakes up, he has nothing to do with anyone or any force in this world.

He is a very rare "free body", but when he enters the world, many things in this world will naturally come to find him and tie him up. In this rolling world, no one can be spared.

Even people like Kelal are like that.

First of all, he owed the Loki Familia a favor and owed them money. He paid them back, but they didn't understand, so he hasn't paid them back yet.

Then he owed Aina a love. After passing Arturia, he could no longer fall in love with anyone. With Aina, he could get along with her comfortably, but he could never fall in love with her. He owed She is in love.

Then there is Hephaestus’ money. The debt of 20 million is not much, but it still has to drive him to complete and repay the debt. This is not a financial operation. The person who owes the money is the uncle, but even if it is a financial operation, overdue is a taboo. , Kelal had to be driven forward by the debt of 20 million.

This is the rolling world of mortals. As long as you are in it, no one can avoid it.

"Mr. Keilar, good morning." Unlike yesterday, when Hill came to Keilal's room, Keilal was already dressed and washed.

He tied his long hair into a ponytail, wore shiny silver light armor, and carried a small cross shield on his arm. His arm drooped slightly, and his palm just pressed on the scabbard of the long sword at his waist, hastily Whether he is drawing his sword with his backhand or raising his shield to block, it is a perfect choice. Kelar wearing iron boots can make a crisp sound while walking on the road.

Ordinary Kelal would never wear iron boots even when fighting. After all, this sound is enough to attract the attention of many monsters.

But Xier Huizhi Xinlan, when she saw Keilal fully armed, she thought of what Keilal was going to do - he wanted to challenge himself, or challenge the dungeon to its extreme limit.

Keilal, who was armed to the limit, obviously had this plan.

He wolfed down the breakfast brought by Hill, which meant that Kelal planned to leave early in the morning and come back in the evening, and would not spend the night in the underground city.

It is not easy to find a safe house in the dungeon. It is not something that a novice like Kelal or Lily who has never been below the 10th floor can find.

So Kelal's decision to return before night was wise and normal.

Hill is not a fool, but she is a very smart girl. Seeing Keilal's behavior, she has already deduced everything.

When Keilal took Lily carrying a huge backpack out, Hill suddenly stopped Keilal at the door.

"Mr. Keilar, this is the bento I made. If you don't mind, you can take it with you for lunch on the road." She looked at Keilal with a smile, like a goddess, exuding a moving light.

"Would you like a lunch?" Keilal looked at the beautiful Hill and smiled, "Thank you, you helped me a lot."

Indeed, supporters are not logistics in the true sense. Lily is deficient in many aspects. Although she is making up for it, there are actually some things that she has not considered at all.

Take medicines for example. Kelal has self-healing magic. They didn't think about medicines when they entered the dungeon. You must know that ordinary adventurers spend a huge amount of money on this. After all, they only have one life. Not everyone is like Kailar. Like Lal, he can produce milk and resist.

Then there is the food. Under the premise of the current day trip, Lily will not prepare too much food. You can see her immaturity here - if Keilar and the others have any traps or are trapped, I am afraid they may be trapped. Live for a long, long time, and by then, when food and water are insufficient, fatal problems will arise.

This is where Lily is childish.

However, this will gradually get better in the future. Kelal, who is working around the 40th floor, is not worried about any problems. No matter how big the problem is, it will be made up for by time.

Keilal waved to Hill and handed the lunch box to Lily.

Lily took the lunch box and put it into her backpack, then waved to Hill, and the two of them turned around and embarked on the adventure.

Arriving at the first floor of Orario's Sky Tower, the place was still very lively, and the office of the Adventurer's Guild next to it was still full of people. Keilal said hello to Aina from afar, and there was no sign of it. He stepped forward to interrupt her work and led Lily slowly towards the dungeon.

"Don't waste time at the shallow level." Keilar led Lily forward. They walked so fast that they could almost be considered running.

He didn't even take out his own to dance, he just used his feet to kick away all the monsters in front of them one by one. Lily was also very relaxed, and her fast running could barely keep up with Keilal's running speed.

The two of them ran wildly through the dungeon, as if they were racing.

But it was obvious that the young adventurers along the way looked sideways at them as they ran by, with disdain and ridicule in their hearts.

A combination like them would not survive three hours in the dungeon.

But their running like this is still useful. Since Lily knew that she wanted to go deep with Keilal, she must have gone for the best magic stone, and would not give her precious space to those garbage low-level magic stones.

Since there was no need to kill monsters or pick up magic stones, the two of them were really fast. By noon, the two of them had already crossed the 19th floor and reached the 20th floor.

The monsters from the first to the tenth floor can be regarded as a paradise for level 1 adventurers, where they can be tempered, but after the 10th floor, it should be a place for level 2 adventurers and level 3 adventurers to be tempered. So, there are some dangers, but not that dangerous. But after reaching the 20th floor, even level 3 adventurers will feel the danger. This is a paradise for level 4 adventurers.

Until now, Keilar didn't dare to wander. He needed to keep a close eye on Lily. Otherwise, Lily might be attacked by monsters if he relaxed. With Lily's level, he would be killed in almost every encounter.

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