Chapter 059 Centaur

Soon, the sound of horse hooves became louder and louder, and even Hermione could clearly hear the sound of horse hooves.

She is still a "cub" in terms of reconnaissance ability, which is not far behind that of an adult springbok, but from what she heard, she is probably not far away from the two of them.

She leaned closer to Keilal, looked at Keilal, and calmed down, as long as he was around, no one could hurt her.

Keilal's eyes narrowed slightly.

There are about twenty to thirty riders coming. If it is a unicorn, it may have come up, but it is still hidden in the dense forest...

Instead, they look like light cavalry.

He heard clearly the sound of the bow string being pulled apart and the sound of the crossbow bolt being jammed into the slot.

A figure slowly walked out of the shadows.

This figure is huge and more than three meters tall. According to the shoulder height of a horse, this horse is only about 1.5 meters at most. But if the upper body becomes a human, his height suddenly jumps to more than two meters, three meters. meters in height.

He was completely naked, and his human upper body muscles were bulging. His streamlined muscles had a horse-like body, and you could tell at a glance that he felt extremely powerful.

He was holding a spear in his hand. It looked like a wild piece. It was made of stone and wood. It was polished and very delicate. Its lethality was not inferior to that of a steel spear, but it was not able to adapt to high-intensity collisions. Therefore, when humans possess bronze The weapon was then abandoned.

But it is still a weapon that can kill people.

"Who are you? Why do you appear in the Forbidden Forest?" the man asked unceremoniously.

If the opponent has no intelligence and is just a beast with a little magic, then they will kill or expel them mercilessly.

"Are you centaurs?" A calm and majestic voice sounded from the mouth of the white springbok.

The centaur was startled, took a step back, raised his spear and shouted: "What are you?"

The white springbok sighed, and then slowly expanded. After a blink of an eye, he had turned into a pure white centaur.

The naked upper body of Keilar's lower body turned into centaur-like limbs. He didn't look majestic, but he was very slender. One look at his streamlined figure made people think: ah, he must be running very fast.

There was a commotion in the jungle on all sides. Apparently, Kelal's behavior of changing into whatever he wanted scared them.

"Who are you?" He asked the same question for the third time, and the centaur opposite was already quite nervous.

Although Kelal didn't look like an evil creature in any way, the opposite side was so weird that he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb and the hairs all over his body stand up.

"I am a teacher at Hogwarts. I am taking my students for a walk." Kelar spread his hands and said. He pressed one hand on his chest and spread out the other. This action was very convincing. force.

And he wasn't just talking to this man. There were at least twenty men lying in ambush where he couldn't see them. Once the negotiations broke down, they would rush out to surround and kill him.

Kelal is not afraid of them, he just avoids fighting.

If we really want to talk about fighting, it would be a bit ridiculous if the men and horses who had been driven to the forest reserve by the wizards really thought that their spears and bows could compete with Kelal.

The centaurs holding the spears also knew this. A mage who could transform into a springbok and a centaur at will was not someone they should provoke.

But the pride of Centaur still made him insist on finishing everything.

"Humans, leave the Forbidden Forest quickly, this is our territory." He said unceremoniously.

Even though he knew in his heart that they could not defeat this man, he still wanted to expel Kelal in a uniquely proud tone.

This was what Keilal disliked the most, especially when he had already expressed enough kindness, but he still nodded politely: "I understand, let's leave now."

Seeing Keilal being so polite, the centaur nodded, hesitated, and explained: "We are hunting werewolves. You must be careful of the werewolves' claws. Once bitten, you will also turn into werewolves. of."

Kelal nodded, his impression of centaurs much better. He had read about werewolves in books. They were somewhat dangerous. They would transform on full moon nights, lose their minds, and attack randomly.

In other words, the usually polite professor may be the werewolf under his suit and leather shoes.

It's just that Keilar didn't think about the werewolves at all. After all, it was normal for werewolves to hide in the Forbidden Forest, but if they wanted to transform in Hogwarts, months had passed. It was impossible that he didn't listen at all. To the wind.

It's just that a professor came to Hogwarts recently, so Keilar subconsciously ignored it.

After all, Lupine is a professor who doesn't teach classes, and even Kelal will have blind spots in his thinking.

He gave a slight greeting to the men and horses; "I understand, thank you."

He slowly transformed back into a springbok, then nodded to Hermione and said, "Okay, let's go."

Hermione nodded slightly, indicating that she understood. She glanced at the centaur curiously and felt that today was like an adventure. It was so exciting.

And compared with those ordinary adventures, her adventures are more thrilling, safer, more magical and interesting.

Today she met a kappa, met a centaur, and learned the art of transformation. It was a fulfilling day.

It would be even more perfect if I could go back to the dormitory and take a bath comfortably.

With this thought, she and Keilal continued to run back on the road. Even if the springbok was suitable for the jungle, and Keilal had a lamp on his head, in this dark forest, the two of them could not even reach twenty kilometers in one hour. Not yet, but it doesn't matter, they are close to Hogwarts and will be home soon.

She could even see the lights of Hogwarts, illuminating her way home.

Suddenly Keilal stopped again. This time, she no longer panicked, but took the initiative to come to Keilal's side and looked up at him.

Keilar's loud voice rang out in the dense forest: "Come out, follow as long as you want!"

Hermione looked back subconsciously, thinking that a centaur was following.

But a dog... no, a standing werewolf slowly walked out from behind the trees, his arms longer than his knees. Apparently he could walk upright or run on all fours.

Hermione's scalp exploded, her whole body was numb, and her hair stood on end. It turned out that what those centaurs said was true, there really were werewolves.

Keilal's voice rang out beside her, dispelling her fear and fear.

"Who are you? So close to Hogwarts, Hagrid hasn't expelled you yet, and you're hiding in Hogwarts?"

PS: The next update will be at 12 o’clock.

PS1: Vote for recommendation! Brothers, there are now 2,000 votes per day! If you see this and vote again, we can add updates every day! (Although my coding speed can’t keep up...)

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