The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 60: Under the Whomping Willow (8,000 plus updates)

Chapter 060: The Whomping Willow

Werewolves are irrational.

After the centaur told Keilal, Keilal still wanted to try.

Unfortunately, the werewolf was indeed irrational. When he saw Kelar and Hermione, he pounced on them.

Kelal snorted coldly, the archmage's demeanor clearly visible.

A ball of light instantly appeared above his head and flew out like a real cannonball, knocking the werewolf flying backwards. Then Kelal turned into a human without hesitation and chased away.

"Hermione, follow me." Kelar said solemnly.

With the speed of Keilal's human body, it is too easy for Hermione to follow Keilal. Keilal is not afraid of werewolves, but he is afraid that werewolves have companions. You must know that this thing is contagious. After being bitten by a werewolf, you will turn into a werewolf.

This kind of infectious power has not yet taken over the world. The wizards should be praised for their awesomeness.

Once this kind of werewolf broke into Hogwarts and bit the students, it would be a disaster. As a professor of the school, Keilal would never let this happen.

Sure enough, the werewolf turned around and ran away with a howl.

It is irrational, not without intelligence. It knows it can't be beaten but still rushes to get beaten. That's not a werewolf, it's mentally retarded.

It ran so fast that Kelal's human body couldn't catch up with it.

Kelal shouted loudly, jumped up while running, and his lower body turned into a centaur. He was followed by Hermione, chasing the werewolf. Hermione was safe as long as she was by his side. Kelal was extremely confident, so Even though he was following the werewolf at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Kelar still didn't let Hermione leave his side, because even if she left, there was a great risk of her transforming back, and he had to look after her.

Now that it was safe to follow him, there was no need to leave.

It's like there's a famous saying in football circles: Winners don't change.

Similarly, since the current situation is the best, there is no need to change.

Keilar led Hermione along the edge of the Forbidden Forest and ran wildly. The sound of Hermione's hooves was almost silent, and the centaur Keilal transformed into was slender and huge. The heavy sound of horse hooves struck the ground and the ground. When he reached the root of the tree, the sound caused Hagrid's dog fangs to bark wildly.

Hagrid was holding a crossbow in his hand when he saw a white phantom passing in front of him and disappearing in a flash.

He wiped his eyes, then looked at the Forbidden Forest and murmured: "Is there another unicorn coming out?"

Keilal didn't care about him, but quickly chased the werewolf.

Werewolves are extremely fast for ordinary people, and wizards may even be thrown to the ground before they have time to pull out their staffs. But unfortunately, werewolves are not fast at all among fantasy beasts, Keira The centaur you turned into easily closed the distance between the two sides.

Even Hermione showed no signs of falling behind.

Seeing that Keilal was getting closer and closer, the werewolf roared like a dog jumping over the wall, turned over and rushed over.

How experienced is Kelal in combat?

The staff didn't know when it appeared in his hand, and he shouted: "Pull!"

The werewolf in mid-air was directly hit by a ball of white light and flew out. Casting spells with a wand and casting spells without a wand are completely two levels of things.

This time, the werewolf was hit hard at once.

Hermione on the side finally understood the difference between the two.

Her deflection spell was only able to deflect the students, but even adults had some difficulty and needed more magic power.

But Keilal's deflection spell was not only able to knock the werewolf away, but she could even see a little bit of blood splashing out from her sharp eyes when she turned into a springbok. Obviously, he directly injured the werewolf.

Although the two used the same magic spell, their power was obviously different.

This was another vivid lesson, but Keilal was not in the mood to pay attention to it. Instead, the werewolf had already gone around the back hill of Hogwarts and was planning to go to the backyard of Hogwarts.

Keilal knew that his chances were running out, so he immediately accelerated his speed again, and Hermione stayed close to her, following Keilal closely.

As Kelal ran wildly, he discovered that the werewolf was not running towards Hogwarts, but towards the Whomping Willow.

Although he was confused, Keilal did not stop, but followed closely.

I saw the werewolf rushing into the range of the Whomping Willow, but was not attacked by the Whomping Willow. He quickly approached the Whomping Willow and then disappeared.

Keilar circled outside the attack range of the Whomping Willow, but did not notice where the werewolf had gone. After all, the area more than thirty meters away from the Whomping Willow was extremely open, and any object would be attacked by the Whomping Willow. attacks, including those of animals and birds.

But how could the werewolf not disturb the Whomping Willow? How did it disappear?

Is the Whomping Willow asleep? ...As for how it disappeared, there must be something like a secret passage under the Whomping Willow. This is very simple.

Kelar called to Hermione: "Follow me."

Hermione looked at him with some fear, not knowing what he wanted to do.

When she saw Keilal leading her directly towards the attack range of the Whomping Willow, Hermione was frightened and speechless. She could only move forward with him relying on her unconditional trust in Keilal. Go.

But the huge branch of the Whomping Willow suddenly swung down. After decades of growth, the branch of the Whomping Willow is like a huge mallet. Normally, it will kill you if you touch it, and it will hurt you if you touch it. There are absolutely not many wizards who can block this blow.

Kailar snorted coldly, waved his hand, and a white light curtain blocked his head. He saw the branch suddenly hit the light curtain, and then the light curtain trembled, as if it was going to happen next second. Broken.

However, Keilal was very calm, because the light curtain stabilized after a second, ready to receive the next blow.

Although every blow from the Whomping Willow made the light curtain tremble, in fact the light curtain had returned to its original state before the next blow came. This most economical fighting method really fascinated Hermione, and she followed step by step. Behind Kelal came to the tree of the Whomping Willow.

This is where the werewolves disappeared.

Sure enough, we found the road leading underground without too much trouble.

Since it can only accommodate one person passing through with a short body, the werewolf would be fine if he was on all fours, but it would be a bit difficult for Kelal's centaur.

Keilal didn't show any pretense, he turned over and transformed back into a springbok, and jumped down with Hermione.

PS: Sorry, it's a little late, but I guess you won't mind, right?

PS1: After 12 o'clock, the recommendation tickets will be sold out!

PS2: Since being bitten by a werewolf will turn you into a werewolf, why are Sirius and Lupine okay after biting each other for so long?

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