The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 61 The cabin in the woods

Chapter 061 The cabin in the woods

Keilal had already jumped down, but Hermione didn't dare to stay here and jumped down quickly. Keilal had proved that even the Whomping Willow couldn't do anything to her, let alone a mere werewolf?

In fact, this kind of road is not very suitable for springboks. The top is full of soil and tree roots, and the bottom is rocks and mud. Springboks cannot move here at all. Even humans and dogs are better than springboks.

Kelal is not a rigid person, so he becomes human again.

Keilal taught Hermione countless lessons along the way, but the most impressive one was Transfiguration.

To be honest, Professor McGonagall's teaching on Transfiguration was not very good, but the fun of Transfiguration made everyone interested in it, so most of the students learned well.

But no matter how interesting it is, it can't compare to the shock of being able to change whatever you want, and change however you want.

How much has Keilal changed by now?

Red dragon, springbok, centaur, three completely different things make him almost omnipotent.

Hermione believed that he was only showing three things now, but if he wanted to, he could change into whatever he wanted.

He should be able to transform into eagles in the sky, tigers and leopards on the ground, legendary dragons and phoenixes, and even more outrageous creatures.

This simply opened the door to a new world for Hermione, which was completely different from ordinary wizards.

The secret is only understood by Hermione.

She vaguely seemed to have caught something, but it was not something she could understand now.

The two of them followed the long tunnel and came to a building, only to realize that it was a very old building.

Here, the little springbok has no problem at all. When Kelar walked at night, Hermione also jumped up directly. It was a little difficult for her to go up the steps, but she was fine once she jumped.

The two walked all the way to the second floor of the building. The footsteps could be clearly seen in the stairs that had not been cleaned all year round and were full of dust. The footprints of the werewolf were no different from those of the wolf, except that they were larger. The werewolf's physique was more like It is like a standing wolf after a person has expanded. This kind of figure has the absolute ability to suppress humans.

But the wizards were able to crush this kind of werewolf, and then the werewolves were killed by the wizards. After all, wizards are not immune to the werewolf virus. Once bitten, even the wizards will turn into werewolves. Therefore, these threatening animals must be exterminated.

So the werewolf disappeared.

Hundreds of years earlier than Muggles, wizards possess the world's most powerful weapons, just like mortals possess industrial firearms. Wizards cut down mountains and destroy temples, not to mention werewolves, these dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, who are not there? Trembling under the force of wizards?

But when Kelar was tracking the werewolf, he discovered that the werewolf's footprints slowly changed from wolf footprints to human footprints.

Has the transformation passed? Keilal thought in his mind, it’s just a good time to see who you are.

He followed without fear.

But don't think that it will just go away after you turn back into a human. The other party may kill someone to cover up their secrets.

And the wizard's combat power is more powerful than the werewolf.

Kelal is even more dangerous now.

But Kelal is not afraid. It would be a big joke to say that the ancient Camelot sages were afraid of any enemies.

He took Calm and Hermione to the door of the room on the second floor where the footprints finally disappeared. Keilal smiled slightly and pushed the door open.

It was empty inside, with a pale and naked human body lying on the bed. The werewolf's transformation didn't involve changing clothes like the Animagus transformation technique, but the body directly expanded, causing the clothes to burst. After that, the transformation can be completed.

In other words, after reverting from a werewolf to a human, he is completely naked.

Kelal was not interested in the man's naked body, but he was very interested in the man's appearance.

He walked in and was about to approach the man when a cold shout suddenly came from behind him: "Don't move!"

Keilal took a step and blocked Hermione directly. Then he turned around and looked at the person in front of him. He recognized who it was immediately.

"Sirius Black?" Kelar had a surprised expression on his face.

"I didn't expect you would really dare to come to Hogwarts?" Kelar was really surprised. He let Sirius Black out just to muddy the waters, but he didn't expect that he would actually dare to come to Hogwarts. tz.

Wait, the other party can still come to Hogwarts while evading pursuit, which means that there must be something in Hogwarts that he cares about very much.

But that's not necessarily the case. The terrain here is remote. As a graduate of Hogwarts, it is naturally possible that he knows the secret chambers and passages of Hogwarts.

And these places can provide him with shelter, and Dumbledore at Hogwarts is an obvious shelter, which can prevent the searchers from entering and approaching.

This is really a smart choice.

Keilal was thinking this in his mind, but Sirius Black slowly moved his steps and came to the side of the man on the bed.

"Hey, Lupin, are you okay?" He shook the man with his other hand that wasn't holding the staff.

"Lupin?" An idea flashed in Kelal's mind, and suddenly, everything connected.

True, his information was imperfect, but apparently all the truth could be obtained by reasoning.

Lupine is Dumbledore's disciple, so Sirius Black who is with him is also Dumbledore's disciple, so it is obvious that they are all Dumbledore's disciples.

So after Sirius Black escaped from prison and said he wanted to kill Harry Potter, they were not afraid at all, because they knew he would not kill Harry at all!

Kelal's previous plot seemed like a farce, but there was something wrong.

Kelal mused.

But if they weren't afraid that Harry Potter would be harmed, then why did Lupine roar into Hogwarts, and how did Sirius get in?

A flash of inspiration flashed, and Keilar connected all the clues at once.

"Are you an Animagus too? Are you the black dog?" Kelar asked in a deep voice, looking at Sirius Black who was pointing his staff at him.

"Who is that rat?!"

"You are so smart!" Sirius Black looked at Keilal in surprise. He had not had much dealings with Keilal, but this teacher was someone Lupine had always paid attention to. He did not expect that he could pass such details. Putting all the things together, even he has never seen anyone smarter than this man. But so what? He had the upper hand.

PS: Come and vote for a recommendation! Then I went to eat!

PS1: After dinner, I will continue coding for you. I will update at 1:00 past 12.

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