The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 589 Regression and Testing

Chapter 078 Regression and Testing

"Yo." When they walked out of the dungeon under the noon sun, they saw Aina who was busy in the hall.

"Ah, you are back." Aina saw Keilal coming back with an expression of joy on her face and her body moved slightly. However, after seeing so many people, she suppressed her impulse and stood where she was. He greeted Keilal and the others.

Keilal smiled and nodded, then took two steps forward and hugged her: "Well, we are back."

Aina stiffened for a moment, then wrapped her arms around and hugged Keilal.

"Welcome back."

It's normal for girls to be reserved, but what kind of face does a man want? It's not shameful to give her a hug and comfort.

Tione looked at the two people hugging each other with envy and hatred. Kelar had only been on the ground for less than a month and had already achieved positive results. However, she had been secretly in love with the leader Finn for so long but there was no progress at all. But Chou Broke her.

Ais looked at Aina who was being embraced by Kelar, and for some reason, she felt a little envious.

She looked extraordinary, but there was no news after her parents went deep into the underground city. It was obvious that something had happened to her. She looked extraordinary and was well respected among the Loki Familia, but that was just respect.

Finn and the others' expectations for Ais are like elders versus juniors. Burt, Tiona and others around Ais are like brothers and sisters, and the people below them treat Ais with respect and awe like an elder sister.

But it's like there's a layer between them, it's not that kind of real intimacy.

Being as close as a lover like Keilal is really as close as a family, without any barriers or strangeness.

To be honest, isn't this kind of family (love) love what Aisi hopes and expects?

She may not be aware of her feelings, but the envy is on her face.

Tiona watched from the side, and her heart moved. She quietly came to Ace's ear and asked: "Does Ace also like Kai?"

"Like it?" Ais, who was naturally dumbfounded, looked at Tiona in puzzlement: "Everyone likes Kai."

"No, no, I don't mean this kind of liking, but that kind of..." Tiona scratched her head and didn't know how to explain it to Ace.

Over there, Keilal had already said hello to Ayina. Ayina was not that kind of stupid woman. Seeing that Keilal had just come back from the dungeon and was still pestering her, she talked to Keilal about the past two days. He let go of Keilal, said hello to Finn and the others, and gave Keilal a push: "Okay, since you just came back from the dungeon, don't delay here anymore, go back and take a hot shower Take a shower and take a rest quickly.”

The dungeon is not a place that you can go to every day. You have to be nervous all the time in the dungeon. Even in the safe house, you have to prevent vendettas or sneak attacks from adventurers who are jealous of your profits. It can be said that you cannot live peacefully. .

But when I arrived at Orario, back on the ground, in my own home, the feeling of relaxation was definitely different.

"Okay." Keilal smiled at her and nodded, stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek, then turned to say hello to Lily, and then to Finn and the others. , took Lily towards [The Mistress of Plenty].

Finn and the others said hello to Aina, nodded, and then walked towards their station.

"It's true that he has grown into a great man in a short period of time." Looking at Finn leaving with his family members, Aina put her hands on her waist and looked at Keilal's back with emotion.

He directly became a first-tier adventurer, or someone recognized by Finn and the others in the first-tier.

This is already a big shot. If she knew that Keilal and Ota had fought and escaped unscathed, I wonder what she would be thinking?

Returning to the rich hostess, there must be a rich meal and a hot bath.

In the big wooden barrel, Keilal groaned comfortably. The hot water just made his body feel slightly hot. Combined with the depth of the water entering his chest, his whole body was greatly relaxed.

This is a treatment that is not available in Borsi's hotel on the 18th floor. Borsi's hotel only provides clean water at most, but in the hostess of Fengfei, except for Hill, everyone else seems to be a level 4 adventurer. It took no effort to lift a barrel and add it to the second floor on the water. Keilal sat in the barrel and naturally began to think about what to do next.

It is said that they want to unite the lowest level of society, but Kelal doesn't have many plans in mind on how to do it.

What matters is what the lowest level of this world is like, which Keilal has not yet seen.

He planned to visit this Orario and explore the city of Orario, but it was not the time yet. Now he still had a large debt to pay off.

An artifact? I'm really looking forward to it.

But Lily’s matter should be settled as soon as possible.

Keilal made up his mind to help Lily "transfer" in the past few days, so he stood up from the bucket, wrapped a towel around his waist, and started his meal in front of the dinner table. Although it was a little cold, the butter and butter added Garlic bread is always delicious, cheese and ham is always the absolute king, and with some lettuce and soup, it's even better.

However, for Keilal, these things are a bit regretful after all. No matter how delicious they are, they are just Western dishes. Although they are made with care and delicious, there is something missing after all.

Moreover, Keilal also observed that there are Japanese gods in this world, such as Takemurei and Bishamon. Bishamon is also a rare and beautiful Valkyrie, but there are no Chinese gods.

I guess the Chinese gods are too high-ranking to play with these gods.

Of course, this is just a joke by Keilar. As for why there are no Chinese gods, he can't ask, because the structure of this world is so strange, forget it for those who have never seen the normal world, people like Keilal who have already People who open their eyes to see the universe will find it awkward no matter how they look at it.

He finished his dinner, put the dishes away on the seat, and lay down on the bed. If he had any desire to buy a house, he would definitely cook and eat by himself.

But it doesn't work. Chinese cuisine suddenly appeared here, where even Eastern gods don't exist. This kind of excuse can't be explained. This world... is really twisted.

With this thought, Keilal slowly fell into sleep.

There was a gentle knocking outside the door, but Keilal subconsciously ignored it.

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