The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 590 Relocation (two-in-one)

Chapter 079 Migration

"Let's take a rest today. I'll give you a day off." Lily didn't know that Keilal was planning to help her immigrate, so she just nodded.

Keilal looked at her figure and the weapons she commonly used, and he had already made a decision in his mind. As for her equipment, Keilal planned to get her some better equipment.

Crossbows are a good choice.

It would be better if there was another kind of crossbow that could be reloaded quickly and fire a simple crossbow.

Hand crossbows and arm crossbows are both good, but crossbow arrows that are longer than Lily's body are not.

In this way, the scope is narrowed to a certain extent.

Keilar walked directly to the Sky Tower. Although he owed a lot of money to the Hephaestus family there, it was obvious that going to Hephaestus to buy things was the best choice.

But when he arrived at the smelting room on the top floor, he was a little surprised.

"This place was indeed brought by Aina..." He lowered his head and looked at his shield. This shield was really strong, or it could be said that this shield was a perfect medium for releasing magic power. Successfully transformed Kelal's magic power into the strongest shield, thereby reducing Kelal's own consumption.

The strength of the shield, which depends entirely on the strength of its magic power, will never be broken as long as Kelal's magic power is not exhausted, even if the enemy is the level 7 adventurer Ota.

In this place, Aina helped Kelal find some good things.

And the price is very cheap, so are there weapons that are not suitable for other adventurers, but are suitable for Lily?

With such an idea of ​​​​Taobao, Keilal came to this store.

This is a place similar to a grocery store. Not only are there recovery potions, but there are also other swords, guns, swords, halberds, and armor equipment. They are piled up in boxes and shelves like a mountain. If you want to find your favorite weapons or equipment, Then you need to choose slowly by yourself.

For someone like Aina, who has a lot of time after get off work and doesn't like drinking or clubbing, shopping has naturally become her daily routine.

It seems that she has been to these places hundreds or thousands of times. She is probably very familiar with this place, so when she brought Keilal here, she immediately gave Keilal the most suitable equipment for him. .

But Kelal couldn't do this.

He has to be selective.

But he is not an ordinary person, and he naturally has a way of filtering what he wants.

First of all, he knows what he needs, a crossbow, a small crossbow, then the search will be much simpler. There are not many such small crossbows because the attack power is not strong enough.

Crossbows are powerful in piercing, but they are not as powerful as bows and arrows in terms of range, and their attack power is not as powerful as melee weapons. It feels a bit useless, especially in dungeons. It is more difficult to use this kind of weapon because in dungeons Most of the battles are fought in small spaces. In the chaos of war, the probability of shooting one's own people is about 50-50 compared to the probability of hitting the enemy.

So this kind of weapon is not favored by people.

However, since weapons have been manufactured, they have their value. The [Crossbow Formation] put out by many adventurers is actually quite powerful.

After all, the wisdom of the people is infinite. A few adventurers can indeed have a lot of use for something like the crossbow array. It is excellent for cleaning up mobs, but if you really encounter a tough problem, you still have to rely on yourself.

So this tactic was popular for a while and then quickly disappeared into history.

Kelal didn't know these things, but he knew that the crossbow was by no means without its merits.

The number of supporters accounts for 70% of the adventurers in the entire dungeon. They may be level 2, level 3 or above, but the vast majority are only level 1 supporters.

These supporters don't need to fight in close combat, they just need to provide some attacks to distract the monsters.

If you follow this line of thinking, crossbows and bows are suitable for them.

Kelar naturally had more thoughts when he chose the crossbow.

First of all, crossbows are something extremely close to industrial products.

Before the musket, the crossbow was the only thing close to an industrial product.

This was a weapon that was known in the Middle Ages as a weapon that could kill a noble knight who had been training for several years even if he held it in his hand.

Because of this, this weapon was banned and destroyed in the Middle Ages.

But as early as in China, which was in the same era as the Roman era in the West, this kind of weapon had been used on a large scale.

The people of the Qin Dynasty used discipline, iron law, assembly lines and battle formations to cooperate with the old Qin Nu to conquer the entire China and complete the first unification in Chinese history.

Since this weapon has been proven to be useful, no dynasty has ever discarded it. In the East, it was used until the arrival of muskets, and was eventually abandoned.

This is something that fits Keilal's aesthetic and needs very well, so the crossbow is already a done deal.

But what kind of crossbow should you choose?

An arm crossbow strapped to your arm? A hand crossbow that can be held in one hand? Holding a powerful crossbow like a rifle in both hands? Or is he half the height of an ordinary person and needs to be stepped on to cock a super powerful crossbow?

These all need to be checked and screened by Kelal one by one.

When Kelar took out a hand crossbow, he knew it was not what he wanted.

He is very familiar with Lily, she is his teammate, and Keilal is an observant person, so he can naturally see Lily's figure, the length of her hands and feet, and the length and width of her palms. Write these down and then cooperate with her. As for the weapon, she can clearly know whether it fits her hand, whether it is comfortable or not, and whether it is suitable for her.

In addition, Kelar also has an intuitive understanding of Lily's strength. She is not particularly strong, but obviously her talents allow her to carry more things. She always carries loads that are several times heavier than her own body weight. This is a coveted magical skill for supporters, but it is not her own strength, so Kelar picked up another crossbow and unstrung the bow string. This kind of crossbow that is too heavily strung is not Lily can use it.

Lily is the one who needs to follow Keilal all the way to the 30th and 40th floors, so she needs long-lasting fighting power, not an explosive power that leaves her out of breath after one time.

Keilal selected the weapons Lily might need among the sea of ​​weapons.

On the other side of the Loki Familia, Finn has made it clear to Loki that he wants to ask for Lily's "household registration" from the Somo Familia. I am afraid that only Loki can do this.

"Hey, do you want to transfer it to Hestia's name?" Loki made a meaningful sound after listening to Finn's story.

"Should I congratulate my old enemy for finally having her second family, or should I mock her for it?"

Loki is actually smarter than most people. For example, when Keilal immigrated to Lily, she understood it almost immediately.

Congratulations to Hestia for having her second Familia, which naturally means that Hestia will slowly snowball and get bigger and bigger, but the mocking words are because Keilal chose Hestia because Hestia is obviously good. Bullying.

If Kelar didn't think Hestia was easy to bully, then why would Kelar choose Hestia.

"You agreed?" she asked, looking at Finn.

"Well, Hestia said that Soma needs your help." Finn nodded.

"I can't help it. Since it's something Finn asked me to do, I'll go for a walk." Loki stretched out, revealing his flat figure. Her figure was really flat. I'm afraid it was something Kelar had never seen before. She is the flattest woman. Thanks to her existence, Tiona doesn’t feel too inferior.

Finn nodded intently. Loki was a difficult person to deal with, but he was also very easy to talk to - to the people of his own family.

But this matter really has to do with Loki.

Although Loki doesn't have much friendship with Soma, who is Loki? As the leader of the two major families of Orario, who doesn't want to have some friendship with her?

If you don't have any friendship and ask for a favor, doesn't that mean you have friendship?

In fact, this is sometimes the case. The matter of immigrating is actually more troublesome than Keilal imagined. After all, Keilal has only been in Orario for less than a month.

Things like relocation need to be brought up at a meeting of the gods, and then only after the gods make a decision and agree, can this be possible.

But Lily is only a level 1 adventurer. It is generally known that level 1 adventurers have not even entered the adventurer gate and are not considered adventurers. In this way, Loki can owe less if he goes to find Soma's important people. Favor.

As for the matter of Sumo not letting go, Loki had never thought about it. If she, Loki, lost even this bit of face, she really wouldn't need to hang out in Orario.

This is also the reason why Lily was completely unable to move before. Without Keilal's face and her little supporter, would any god or god owe other gods favors because of her?


This is this world. If you don't become stronger yourself, you can only follow strong people!

Finn was relieved when Loki agreed.

Next, let’s look at Kelal’s side.

Kelal walked out of the store, holding an arm crossbow in his hand. The advantage of this crossbow is that it can be folded. When the bow arm is not needed, you only need to pull the slot to make the bow arm fit the arm. When using It can pop out when pulled once, and the strength of the bow string can be said to be moderate. If it must be said, it cannot break the defense of Kelar and others.

However, for monsters below level 15, it is difficult to defend against Lily's attack, let alone if it hits a vital point, while monsters above level 15 are purely for harassment.

However, there are two ways to use harassment. For example, Lily acts as a vanguard to harass the enemy, while Kelal directly attacks the vital points. Most monsters are unable to deal with this tactic, but Kelal will become more relaxed.

This in itself was Kelar's original intention. After he bought the arm crossbow, he finally thought of visiting Hestia.

As far as he knew, Hestia owed Hephaestus a huge debt (because of Bell's artifact), so Hestia was currently working for Hephaestus to pay off the debt.

It is said that Hestia is truly the only one among the gods of Orario.

She is shameless, she is impoverished, she is short in stature, she is turbulent, sometimes she is reduced to going to other gods for food, but she is inexplicably close to most of the gods. To put it nicely, she is called a self-centered person. Come on, to put it mildly, it would be called shameless.

But for a god to be like this, she can only be said to be the weirdest among the weird.

The strange thing is that she still has a good relationship with most of the gods - maybe it's because she has never had a dependent family, she is a harmless existence of humans and animals, and poses no threat to other people, so naturally no one takes her too seriously or is too hostile to her.

When Kelar arrived at the door of Hephaestus's smelting house, Hestia was standing at the door of the store wearing a red waiter's uniform to solicit business, and Hephaestus's business was, of course, selling weapons.

Hestia waved to Keilar warmly after seeing him.

Her life and days are much better now. Although she owes a lot of debt and has to work for Hephaestus for free to pay off the debt, in fact, the deeper Bell enters the underground city, the richer the things he brings back. His harvest does not need to be returned to Hephaestus. Hestia relies on the abundant harvest brought back by Bell, and now she can afford meat every day.

"How is Bell doing lately?" Keilar asked with a smile.

"He is about to be close to a level 2 adventurer." Speaking of Bell, Hestia showed off as if she were talking about her own child: "His attributes are improving very quickly now, and he also has an additional skill. "She paused for a moment, as if she felt she shouldn't say it, but thinking of Keilal's identity, she showed off again: "It's a light ball technique. It can illuminate and knock away enemies. It's so handsome! "

"Yes, yes." Kelar listened to Hestia's boasting with a smile, and just echoed her: "By the way, Hestia, when do you get off work? Do you have time after get off work? I have something I’m troubling you.”

Hestia's face suddenly turned red: Is Kelar going to date her? No, no, she belongs to Bell, and she can't be so half-hearted.

But looking up at the tall and heroic Keilal, she was a little unsure.

At this time, I only heard Keilal say:

"Do you remember the Lily next to me? She suffered some grievances from the Somo clan. I want to change her main god from Somo to you. What do you think about this?"

Hestia was relieved in her heart, but she was also a little subconsciously disappointed. As for what Keilal said, she didn't react.

"Transferring citizenship? How to transfer?"

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