The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 594 Hell-style Exercise (1/2)

Chapter 594 Hell-style Exercise (12)

Chapter 083 Hell-style Exercise

"Too slow, too slow, too slow!" Keilal sat on the stone behind them, urging Bell and Lily so loudly without even pulling out his sword.

Bell and Lily were surrounded by more than a hundred jackrabbits in all directions. These rabbits were just monsters with a challenge level of only 5, and their attacks were only "top". They used their strong and powerful hind limbs to emit explosive power, and then they could quickly It uses the strong horn on its head as a weapon to pierce the adventurer's body.

Of course, this is very threatening to low-level adventurers. Leather armor cannot withstand this blow, and the damage will also affect mobility and attack power.

It would be okay if there were fewer such rabbits, but once they form a group, running away is the only option for low-level adventurers.

Of course, the people here do not include Lily and Bell, and Keilal does not pay any attention to it. Once the group of rabbits notice Keilal and come to attack Keilal, they will basically be "squeaked" by Keilal. "He was trampled to pieces with a sound.

This is hierarchical suppression.

If Bell wanted to kill them all, it would take some effort, but now Keilal did not allow them to fight back. Lily and Bell, who were surrounded by hundreds of jackalopes, mainly practiced dodging.

The attack distance of these horned rabbits is only about 5 meters, and they lower their heads when attacking, making a very obvious movement.

What Keilal taught them was exactly how to judge the attack movements and attacks of the jackalopes. It was impossible for more than a hundred jackalopes to attack together. They formed a circle around Lily and Bell. Once they attacked together, they were very likely to attack. companions, so even if there are hundreds of them, they will not attack more than ten each time.

At this time, it was time to test Bell Lily's ability to see in all directions, hear in all directions, and her positioning skills.

Keilal watched from the side and kept giving instructions to the two of them. Although the two were in a panic, after the initial embarrassment and haste, they gradually began to master the tricks and techniques amidst Keilal's scolding.

Seeing the two of them flying through the Jackalope's attacks without fighting back, Keilal nodded secretly. It was time to start the next stage of training.

The two of them kept dodging the jackalopes. Now that seven or eight jackalopes were unable to do anything to them at a time, it meant that they could enter the next stage of training.

Keilal had no choice but to do this, because next they were going to enter a higher level that was much higher than Bell and Lily.

In other words, if Lily and Bell didn't practice dodge well, with their armor and defense, they might be hit by GG immediately if they were attacked once.

Kelal cannot guarantee their safety. This kind of thing cannot be left to others, it must be done by oneself.

So Belle and Lily entered into a very strenuous exercise.

Don't practice attack, don't practice defense, don't practice body protection, just practice dodge.

First, there is the Jackalope, which has extremely explosive power and attacks from a distance of 5 meters. Then there is the rat with explosive teeth, and the even more powerful scythe mantis. The enemies are getting stronger and stronger, and the range is getting larger and larger, and the attacks are intensive. Lily and Belle are in Kailar's Under the guidance, I have made progress at an astonishing speed.

From Lily and Bell, Kelar deeply understood how worthless the battle losses of adventurers without basic education were.

It’s just like the loss of academics who have no experience. These adventurers have no theoretical knowledge and no practical knowledge. Now there are so many adventurers who just risk their lives to do it. People like Lily and Bell who have a little experience After more professional training, it really looks like it.

Bell was very talented, so it was natural that Hestia took notice of him, not to mention his rapid progress.

But under the guidance of Keilal, a weak supporter like Lily can quickly find a completely different dodge method from Bell's high-speed dodge method, which is very telling.

Lily has experience, but she lacks theoretical knowledge on how to transform experience into strength and combat effectiveness.

When Keilal's theoretical knowledge was simple, straightforward and interesting, Lily understood it almost instantly and quickly found her own dodge skills. She is small, her body is soft and sensitive, and she can even change.

When facing huge enemies, she can wear her crotch like a minotaur, slide, and even transform into other small monsters.

Bell's high-speed dodge was completely different from her dodge style, but after a few exercises, she immediately became familiar with it.

Bell's talent should be higher than Lily's, but Lily's ability to find her own dodging skills so quickly meant that there was something wrong with Orario's education.

Or rather

——This Orario has no education at all?

If the lifespan of these gods is really [hundreds of millions of years] as the rumors say, then how could they not know the importance of education?

If they know the importance of education but still don’t want to provide education, then what are their intentions?

This involves such a paradox.

No matter what he thinks, Keilar feels that the gods are not well-intentioned, so he will not become a member of the [Familiar Family] no matter what. Who knows whether the coat of arms on the back is a means for the gods to control humans?

If it is really a means, it is a good means. All the top combat power of mankind is in the hands of the gods. Even if they want to resist, the lowest people will start to resist. Then these top combat powers of mankind will first turn the spear and become the gods. Minions and thugs, extinguish the flames of resistance.

No matter how you think about it, it's a great deal and perfect.

Keilar didn't know what the real situation was. Maybe the gods were well-intentioned or malicious, but he could only rely on himself to slowly find the truth.

The progress of Bell and Lily also put Kelar's plan to go deep into the dungeon on the agenda.

After training Bell and Lily for three full days, Keilal finally decided to take a two-day break and move deeper into the dungeon.

What Keilal didn't know was that in the past five days, Ais had also received an unknown commission, asking her to go to a certain level of the dungeon to find something.

For some reason, Ais didn't tell her family members. After joining up with another family member on the 18th floor, Ais continued to walk to the lower level dungeon.

This time, even Loki couldn't sit still. Bert, Lefiya, and the third-level adventurer "White Miko" Fairways of the Familia of Dionysus went to the depths of the dungeon to search. Ace.

Fate slowly mixed all the threads together and slowly extended downwards.


The status continues to improve, there will be another update soon.

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