The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 595 Encounter (2/2)

Chapter 595 Encounter (22)

Chapter 084 Encounter

The seventeenth floor of the dungeon.

Although this is an underground city, it is like a cave. The two sides are not smooth walls, but walls made of rocks.

This irregular wall extends all the way down the underground city. The bottom is not an exit, but an entrance. This is the underground city. If you want to escape from here, you have to go up instead.

However, sometimes there will be two passages on the left and right, or even four passages, to test the adventurers in this kind of place. If you go wrong, it will naturally waste a lot of time. There may even be traps or a large number of monster lairs. , it can be said that this dungeon is definitely full of malice.

Moreover, there may be traps under those stone paved roads, and there may even be monsters hidden in places where torches cannot be found on both sides of the cave.

After reaching the tenth level, things like this will start to increase.

The treasure chest may have traps, and it is possible for the treasure chest to cause monsters to wake up or cause riots nearby. Various traps fully demonstrate the malice of the gods.

If the gods really created dungeons, then their malice toward adventurers would need no words, as it would have overflowed from various traps.

In a place like this, even level 3 adventurers must walk carefully, because if one accidentally falls into a besieged situation, even a team of level 3 adventurers will never be able to escape.

Under such circumstances, a level 1 adventurer ran quickly on the rocky side wall like a light antelope.

A light ball skimming over the stone slab quickly is a magic. The speed of this light ball is a few minutes faster than the speed of the silver-haired boy running on the side of the rock. Once any trap is pressed by the light ball, it will immediately It was activated and popped up instantly, but the light ball was smaller than humans and faster than humans. By the time the trap was activated, it had already moved several meters away.

The boy who was flying over the side of the rock wall did not have any special magic to be able to fly over the wall like this. Instead, he relied entirely on the explosive power of his feet and his own speed.

The young man's eyes flashed with excitement, but his face was calm. This was something he learned from the battle with Kelal.

You don't need to show what you see, or even have an expression on your face, to avoid being read by enemies and monsters. Hiding your true thoughts like this is a great help in combat.

Plus Keilal's training on his avoidance, dodge, speed, and strength application.

Although he is only a level 1 adventurer, Bell is not vain at all by running around on the seventeenth floor as a scout.

His chest is full of pride now. He just feels that he is omnipotent now, but his reason reminds him that he is unable to defeat a Minotaur alone now. His omnipotent pride is only based on his recent substantial growth. false confidence in the data.

He is an adventurer that Hestia is optimistic about. Hestia will update his data every night. Because of this, he knows the increase in his data. The more he knows the increase in his data, the more he will know. There is a sense of pride and confidence that is increasing.

His data performance is really good. The good ones are a bit surprising, and the good ones are unbelievable.

He had only trained for three short days, but his data was improving exponentially.

I believe it won't be long before he becomes a level 2 adventurer.

Moreover, the training that day was also a good start. After killing the jackalope, a precious material was revealed. The horns of the jackalope were exchanged for hundreds of thousands at once. Everyone shared a lot of money, which made Bell even more convinced. The future is bright.

Although he didn't attach much importance to money, he couldn't live without money in Orario. The hard life he had with Hestia before he became an adventurer made him understand the importance of money.

Being able to improve your strength and make money at the same time is already a better and happier life than 99% of the adventurers in Orario.

He ran forward with great excitement. His magic was the skill that appeared in his dream after seeing the ball of light cast by Kelal that day.

This radiant light ball is called "Light of Longing". It is a cherished skill with dual attributes of physical attack and magic attack. It has a wide range of functions and consumes very little magic power.

This light ball not only has the effect of physical impact, but also has the property of destroying evil. It can also emit light for lighting, and consumes very little magic power. It can be said to be a very perfect skill.

But what Keilal didn't know was that this was exactly the skill brought about by Bell's innate skill "Single Vision".

The magic that Keilal used that day was extremely shocking to Bell. It is precisely because of this that Bell, who admired Keilal, derived this skill.

And this skill is also extremely practical. After Keilal gave him a few pointers, he no longer needed to test whether there were any traps in front of him. He only needed to lay the light ball on the ground. .

As for attracting monsters, he doesn't need to take risks himself. He only needs to shoot the light ball and hit a monster to lure a large group of monsters over.

Of course, this usage was also given to him by Keilal.

Now Bell is like a ghost in the darkness, at home in the dungeon.

As a scout, he would go back and report to Keilal every two hundred meters. When he advanced to a certain point, he would immediately stop and turn around to go back.

But the sound of clanking in front of him made Bell stop. He hesitated for a moment, then turned into a black shadow and ran forward.

After being around Keilal for so long, he naturally began to learn to analyze the situation on his own. If it was him before, he would definitely go back to find Keilal, but if it was him now, he decided to go and see for himself.

He quickly found the place where the battle was taking place. It was an open battlefield. There were three adventurers and there was no danger.

After making his judgment, he began to look at the three adventurers.

First of all, there is a woman wearing a blue and white short shirt and shawl. She has an indifferent face, with a scepter and a short sword stuck at her waist. Her white clothes are spotless in the dungeon, and when facing a group of seventeenth-level monsters, she can't even use a sword. If you don't pull it out, I'm afraid it's an adventurer of level 3 or above.

And the other two people...

Bell was stunned for a moment after seeing them.

It turned out to be Bert, the level 5 adventurer of the Loki Familia, and Lefia, the level 3 adventurer? !

Why are they here?

"Who's there!" Bert suddenly shouted.

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