The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 597 Slightly Modified (2/2)

Chapter 597 Slightly Modified (22)

Chapter 086: Slightly Modified

Keilal's words made Fairways alert almost instantly.

But Bert agreed immediately.


You can see that Lefiya's expression also relaxed.

When she entered the dungeon before, Lefiya's brows were furrowed, and she looked worried about Ais. But when Keilal decided to join in, she relaxed almost visibly, and even grew taller. Take a breath.

Fairwis opened her mouth several times but couldn't help but want to speak, but Bert and Lefiya trusted Keilal so much, so what she said now was just a villain.

She stopped talking, she was just a guide. As for the real fighting power, it was Bert.


"It's okay for you to keep up. Are these two guys behind you really okay?" Bert, a man like him, has never said anything about weaklings, bastards, etc. since he was beaten by Kelal. If he understood, he kept silent and trained himself. Keilar proved that even a level 1 adventurer can defeat a level 4 adventurer. Real strength does not depend on data and updates.

As long as you train to a certain level, you can become stronger even if there is no update from the main god.

He said this purely out of kindness, because the next twenty floors and above will be the battlefield for level 3 adventurers. He and Faileweis are experienced, so there will be no problem in taking Lefia with them.

But behind Kelal were two level 1 adventurers.

If these two rookies were touched, they would die immediately.

"It doesn't matter. I was originally heading to the thirtieth floor today. Being with you can be regarded as giving them a layer of insurance, which is just the right time to exercise them." Keilar said with a smile.

Hey, if all of Orario does what you do, all level 1 adventurers will be dead before they reach level 2.

Fairweisse's face twitched, she was complaining crazily in her heart, and she continued to look at Bert making a decision with a cold expression on her face.

"Well, don't blame us if you die." Burt was different from the delicate Faileweis. When he heard Keilal say this, he stopped talking. As their captain, Keilal's authority was absolute. Yes, Keilal said so, so let’s just believe him.

But soon Bert, Wilfis, and Lefia all looked at the level 1 adventurer Bell with admiration.

Bell was much faster than them, and since he didn't need to fight, he was even faster.

With the skill "Light of Longing", it only takes about thirty seconds for him to reach a distance of 200 meters. After the investigation is completed and they come back, they can just follow the road. There is no need to worry about monsters, traps, etc. It can be said that it is very The convenience and convenience.

Such a convenient and quick scout can allow the entire team to move forward with confidence, which is really unimaginable for adventurers who have been strained by long-term battles.

Lily and Lefia didn't realize it yet, but the experienced Bert and Fairwies were already so surprised that they couldn't even open their mouths from ear to ear!

They looked at Bell in surprise as he came back to report once within thirty seconds. He knew the situation in the entire pit very clearly.

Obviously, such a scout who does not need to fight will greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the entire team.

Although Finn did not have the support of theoretical knowledge, he still made a similar judgment to Kelar. It can only be said that the brains of wise men have figured it out.

But unfortunately, Finn didn't know much about this set of operations. Their vanguard army was too bloated and huge.

There is absolutely no problem for strong men to serve as scouts. In fact, the level of most national scouts is above the average level of the regular army. However, there may be some misunderstanding of the function of the vanguard army, so Finn let the vanguard army clear the way. Both right and wrong.

As for what should be done, to be honest, there is no right answer. The only correct way is to arrange tactics according to each person's personality and personality.

It seems that Keilar took a fancy to Bell's speed at a glance and absorbed Bell into the team.

The adventurers in the dungeon think that Bell's speed is useless except for being faster when escaping. Without the bonus of weapons, he is probably useless.

But for Kelal, this is a good prospect for scouting.

If Keilal is to speak, Ais is indeed a very good scout, but is Finn willing to let Ais do detective work? And will Aisi go back and report on time? This is probably not possible.

Ais loves fighting, and she longs to become stronger. She holds the position of assaulter in the entire team, and she will never be able to do these "humble" things.

However, the fact is that menial tasks such as logistics, reconnaissance, and collection are the efficiency of team advancement.

Keilal assigned these matters to Bell in detail. After Lily, he only had to be responsible for fighting.

Bert soon discovered the power of this tactic.

When they encounter monsters, Bell will come back and tell them that when they are more than ten meters away from the monsters, he will lead the monsters over, and then the monsters' first priority target will be him. At that time, Keilal will come from the side. Rushing out in an instant to cut off the monsters, the monsters behind will choose to attack Kelal, while the monsters in front will be scattered by Lily and Bell.

No matter how many and how strong the monsters were after being separated like this, they suddenly became a lot less. After Keilal eliminated the monsters in front, the monsters behind would be killed by Keilal step by step.

The key point of this tactic is that Kelal can quickly kill the monsters behind, while Lily and Bell are not killed by the monsters in front.

In fact, after Lily and Bell separated, their attacks could not kill any monster at all, but they could easily attract the monster to their side, circle around, and then wait for Kelal's arrival.

When Bert and the others didn't take action, they were really stunned by this tactic.

Kelal and the others relied on this tactic to reach the seventeenth floor, and even had to go higher.

"How about it, do you want to join this tactic and give it a try?" Keilar looked at Bert and asked with a smile.

Bert's heart skipped a beat, "Are they going to join in too?" He pointed at Lefia and Fairwiss with his thumb.

"If they want." Kelal smiled and shrugged.

Bert turned his head, looked at the two of them, and raised his eyebrows, the meaning was self-evident.

"I'll join!" Lefiya said, raising her little hand.

"What about you?" Bert asked, looking at Fairfax.

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