The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 598 A little running-in (two-in-one)

Chapter 087 A little adjustment

"Magic Swordsman? It's such a rare profession." Keilal was a little surprised when he heard about Fairweese's profession. This is a rare profession.

You can use your sword to kill monsters from close range, and you can chant spells and launch group attacks from a distance. The profession of magic swordsman requires more effort than a warrior or a magician.

There are many talented people in this world, but everyone has 24 hours. If the time of practice and study is counted as 12 hours, if you practice fighting for six hours and practice magic for six hours, it means that others are already 2 When you are a level 1 warrior, you are just a level 1 warrior + a level 1 magician. This configuration cannot produce an effect greater than 2.

Sometimes they even hold each other back, resulting in 1+1 being less than 2.

It's like she is an elf, she has a long life, and she is just a level 3 adventurer now.

But if she only specialized in warriors or magicians, then she would probably be a level 6 adventurer by now.

But she is still at level 3...can she exert more combat power than a level 6 adventurer?

I'm afraid it's impossible.

Keilal did not express his thoughts, but smiled at her and nodded.

"Then, let me tell you a little bit about everyone's positions."

Kelal coughed slightly, "Bell, vanguard scout."

"Yes." Bell nodded slightly. This sentence was actually not meant for him, but for Bert and the others.

"I am the vanguard, the output and battle shield position."

"Burt was a flanker, attacking the monster from the side."

"Fairweis serves as the center forward, preparing for mid-range attacks."

"Lefia serves as a defender and prepares small-scale attack magic."

"Lily, as the queen, is watching to see if anyone is coming from behind."

As I said before, things like teams are not fixed. For example, Kelar used Lily and Bell as forwards and decoys, and he himself became a defender, but now he has turned into a vanguard, and Lily has become a forward. Became a defender, Burt was on the wing, Fairwies became a center, and Lefiya became a defender.

After such a set of configurations, their team has completely changed.

When Bell lures monsters over, there is often no need for center forward Phil Weiss and defender Lefiya to take action, and they are completely eliminated before they can react.

After dealing with two groups of monsters, they successfully reached the eighteenth floor.

I had a little chat with Borth on the 18th floor. Borth was quite afraid of Keilal. This kind of fear was even greater than that of "The Banshee" Phil Weiss, facing Keilar. He knew everything and explained Ais's whereabouts without even mentioning it to Faile West. This performance was really beyond Faile West's expectations.

"Ms. Fairwis must be surprised."

Lefia explained with a smile beside her.

On the contrary, Bell, Lily, and Bert all sat down with normal expressions on their faces. This was Keilal's normal operation.

"Mr. Kelar is a very powerful person."

I see it. Faileweisi kept her expression calm and thought to herself.

"He could make friends with just about everyone."

No, no, Bell and Lily are his subordinates, Bert has very complicated senses about him, and Borth is completely afraid of him. Fairweis has more life experience than Lefiya, so the things she sees are naturally different from Lefiya's.

I met so many people in Kelal, but almost no one was his friend.

"So Mr. Kelal is very popular among our Loki Familia." Lefiya explained to Fairwis with a smile.

Fairfax's expression changed: "Is he a member of your Loki Familia?"

"Stop saying stupid things, stupid woman." Bert said in a rough voice. He didn't know why, but when he heard that Keilal was going to join the Loki Familia, he felt a little bit of resistance, a little bit of joy, and a little bit of discomfort. , in short, his senses are correct, it is just as complicated as Fairweese saw.

"Kelar is a very proud guy. I'm afraid he won't join any family." He said gruffly.

"How is that possible?" Fairweese didn't believe it at all: "His skill is probably that of a level 4 adventurer or above. How could he have such power without updating the data from the gods!"

"Level 5." Bert's face was not good-looking, and he remembered the situation when he was beaten by Kelal at level 4 before, which meant that Kelal had at least level 5 combat effectiveness.

Even now, if he wants to fight Kelal one-on-one, he doesn't have the courage to win.

"So how is this possible..." Failewis still refused to believe this.

But Keilal had already walked over from Borth.

"Ais and about eight adventurers continue to go deep into the dungeon. Their goal is the 30th floor." Keilar made the matter clear in a few simple words, and then spoke to Bert and the others.

"It didn't take much for us to reach the 18th floor. We don't need any supplies. Let's go directly."

Keilal is now the captain of the team, and after Bert has retreated to the second line, he naturally has all the authority. When he said that he was going to set off directly, no one said anything.

The previous worries about Bell and Lily's strength have all turned into expectations for them, looking forward to which level they can persist to.

Or maybe they can really reach the 30th floor like Kelal?

No one has a specific idea about how Bell and Lily should retreat or retreat if they can't hold on anymore, but this is an adventurer. If you shrink back, you will never be able to move forward or enter. Next level.

When Keilal and the others left and looked at their leaving figures, Borth couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air. For some reason, when he faced Keilal, this man, he had a feeling of trepidation in his heart. This has nothing to do with whether Keilal has any malicious intentions, it is entirely something he feels with his sixth sense.

As a level 5 adventurer, he would still feel this way. As a human spirit, he would never dare to make any mistakes when facing Keilar. Watching Keilar and the others leave, he already felt something in his heart. Got some ideas.

First it’s the Sword Girl Ais, and then there’s Kelal. There’s going to be another disturbance in the dungeon.

No matter what he thought, Kelal and the others finally started to move deeper.

Lily emptied all the magic crystals in her bag at a low price in the town on the 18th floor, and then emptied her backpack to prepare for more and higher-level magic crystals.

As they progressed to the twenty-first floor, the monsters gradually became more difficult.

But even so, their forward speed is still as fast as ever. According to Bert and the Loki Familia's tactics, there will be a certain tug of war after the twentieth floor, and the forward speed will stop.

But in Keilal's team... the advancement speed was really fast, which surprised Bert.

Hey hey hey, what speed is this...

Bell lured the monster. If the monster was too strong, Kelal would deploy the holy shield. After Kelal withstood the first wave of attacks, Burt would rush into the enemy's formation and disrupt the enemy's formation.

Although the monsters do not have a real formation, they are grouped together.

Although the monsters are not very intelligent, they still have a certain level of intelligence. These independent individuals will naturally have different ideas when facing the enemy.

Some monsters want to attack Bert who bursts into their vicinity, while other monsters are attracted by Kelal, and some monsters want to bypass Kelal and pursue Bell. As for the delicious and weak magician behind him, Elves are also the focus of some monsters, or some monsters are designed specifically for spellcasters.

So when the thinking of these monsters becomes confused and not unified, they are the ones who fall into fighting on their own.

At this time, it became easier for Kelal and the others to kill them.

You just need to avoid monsters that want to attack you and others.

After the monster's attention is distracted, no, after the human's attention is distracted, it is very easy to kill, let alone the monster.

Therefore, the efficiency of killing monsters has been greatly improved. This is equivalent to Kelal and Bert critically hitting monsters every time, and their attack power is already very high, not to mention this kind of critical hit?

So even if Bell lures the monsters, it will take some time, but the progress will be extremely fast after that.

Occasionally, you will encounter powerful monsters like Minotaurs. At this time, Kelal needs to pull all the Minotaurs with force and let magicians and magic swordsmen like Fairways and Lefia Start chanting the spell, and the small-scale attack magic will come soon. You only need to hold it off for more than ten seconds.

Although in a real battle, these ten seconds are enough to decide many things, but with countermeasures and policies, not only Keilal can do it, but other adventurers can also do it in just ten seconds. That's all, I have to get through it even if I die.

After Faileweisi takes action, Kelal will only benefit from dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

As a magic swordsman, her attack speed is very fast. Lefiya has not made a move until now. All the monsters have been wiped out by Fairweese's short, fast and powerful magic.

A magic swordsman is not a magician holding a sword.

When she uses magic, she will take out her short staff, and after using magic, she can also pull out her short sword for close combat.

It can be said that her career has determined that it will be difficult for her to do both.

She looks very strong, but her shortcomings are also obvious. For example, her magic attack is not as good as that of a real mage, but her close combat is not as good as that of a real warrior. If you think about it this way, she is actually quite useless.

However, Keilar feels that she has practiced very well now. She can release magic faster than ordinary magicians, and magic can provide herself with auxiliary combat power, and she is no weaker than ordinary warriors in close combat.

If she perseveres in the future, she may be stronger than warriors and mages of the same level.

But now, at level 3, she can still only be ruthless at levels below level 40. As for Lefiya's magical combat power - she has the ability to cast powerful magic, so she was absorbed into the Loki Familia. Become a member of the vanguard group even though you are only level 3.

Precisely because her magic is powerful, her spell casting speed is not as fast as that of Failewis.

The monsters on the 20th floor were basically killed by Faileweisi. Faileweisi's intermediate magic casting speed was faster than Lefiya's elementary magic.

So Lefiya didn't catch any decent monsters along the way, but Faileweiss killed them all.

Kelal and the others relied on this speed of advancement to quickly catch up with Ais and the others.

To be honest, when Kelal and the others caught up, Ais was not in their team.

"Which family is this?" Looking at the vines and magic flowers surging like a snake cave, Keilal was not in a hurry, but turned to look at Bert and asked.

"They are the Hermes Familia, and the leader is [Almighty One] Yasi Fei. She can make amazing magic items and is a very capable level 4 adventurer." Burt may not know the other people. But how could he not recognize the level 4 adventurer Yasifi?

"Hey...Bell, Lily, spread out and lure away some magic flowers. Burt and I will go up. Lefia and Fairwis prepare high-level magic. No matter where Ace is, knock them down first." "Kelar gave the order.

Lily and Bell immediately dispersed, Bell began to attack the magic flowers, and Lily began to shoot with crossbow arrows.

They suddenly dispersed to the left and right, scattering the two magic flowers, making the Hermes family members in front relaxed a little. As for the addition of Kelal and Bert, they were even more powerful, and they were killed in an instant. Killed two magic flowers.

However, the challenge level of those magic flowers is about level 40 to 45, which are very strong, and their combat power is above the average of monsters of this level.

This is also the reason why the Hermes Familia is still in a hard battle even though the average level is around level 3. One is that there are too many magic flowers, and the second is that the level of the magic flowers is too high, and it is very difficult for them to deal with them. , and Yasifei was injured by the opponent's masked man.

In other words, the masked man opposite actually has the strength of a level 5 adventurer. The previous battle with Lyu was just because he didn't want to reveal his identity in Orario.

Seeing Keilar and the others coming in to disturb the situation, he snorted in displeasure, waved his hand, and immediately countless magic flowers headed towards Keilar and the others.

He was overjoyed in his heart. He had wanted to kill Keilar for a long time after Keilal disrupted the situation one after another. Now that Keilal was coming to his door, how could he not be overjoyed? !

Several boa-like magic flowers rushed towards Keilal and Bert.

Burt snorted, jumped up, and then kicked six times in the air in an instant.

The huge air flow was instantly kicked into cannonballs by him, attacking those magic flowers for him.

The magic flowers didn't even touch Kelal's clothes, and they were blasted to pieces.

Level 5 adventurer, Bert the Fierce Wolf!

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