Chapter 101 Get moving

"Wise man! Wise man! So awesome!!" The news that Keilal received the title spread throughout the streets in the blink of an eye.

But the only people who really know that he is a wise man are the few people close to him.

Bell got the news earlier than Lily, but Lily was a local snake, and the speed of getting the news was definitely not slow. Combining it with Keilal's name, the final conclusion is that Keilal really only came underground. In less than 2 months, he has already obtained a very precious title.

The title "Wise Man" is not a simple title.

For example, Bell has now been promoted to a level 2 adventurer. His title is "Little Rookie", which means that although he is a human, he is very young and small, but he has become a level 2 adventurer at a young age. Adventurer.

And the titles of fierce, brave, and wise are not given randomly.

The fierce one represents Otta's bravery in battle, and also represents that he took the lead and rushed into the level 7 hall before all the adventurers.

The brave man represents Finn's bravery, as well as his courage to take responsibility and the spirit of exploring the dungeon.

This wise man is very wonderful.

This is obviously a compliment to Keilal's intelligence and wisdom, but has Keilal done anything that is recognized and praised for his wisdom?


After Kelal received the title of Wise Man, he had to bear tremendous pressure and accusations for a long time.

Planned actions take time, and publicity also takes time. In the emptiness of this time, Kelar must bear the slander, accusation, pressure, and criticism from others.

Questions like "Why does he have this title?" will continue to arise.

Of course, as far as the city of Kelal is concerned, he doesn't care about these problems at all. These things are not important at all. He just enters the dungeon step by step, sharpens his new artifact and team, and then quietly waits for Loki The Familia and Freya Familia took action.

The number of people taking action and the number of family members mobilized were far beyond Kelal's imagination.

And the gods' methods are more clever than Kelal imagined.

There was one thing that Keilar didn't point out - they didn't need to unite the merchants and nobles at the beginning. They just needed to spread the news and wait for the merchant nobles to come to them.

The gods have their families and adventurers, Orario and dungeons. They firmly occupy the initiative in this game.

Businessmen and nobles actually need to spend more resources and funds than the gods and families to occupy their fair share of this game.

The fundamental thing is that the gods are a whole in Orario, and the existence of the Parliament of the Gods ensures that the will of this whole is unified.

The businessmen and nobles cannot guarantee the unified will of their factions.

If you, the earl, don't sell me farmers or join this plan, I can go find the viscount, other barons, and marquises. Anyway, there are a lot of nobles on this continent. Are there still a few nobles missing from you? !

It doesn't matter if you, a businessman, don't join in. I will go directly to your hostile forces and other businessmen. There are so many businessmen on this continent, and there will always be businessmen who see opportunities and smell money and pounce on them.

It's okay if you don't come now, but you won't be able to get in if you want to come later.

Businessmen and nobles are the most savvy groups in the world, but they are all exquisite egoists. They dress carefully and collect excessive taxes just to make themselves look more noble and comfortable.

As for the life and death of those who were exploited, it was not something he needed to consider.

They are backward and selfish, and their intelligence and shrewdness are never used in the right place. They are greedy sharks, eager for every drop of blood. After eating, they elegantly wipe the residue at the corners of their mouths with silk, looking polite. , just like civilized people.

Kelal thought that the gods would not notice this if he did not remind him.

But he didn't expect that the methods of the gods were much higher than what he expected.

They just released a plan to develop the 18th floor. After the 18th floor was high-end farmland, businessmen swarmed around like flies.

In addition to being a city of adventure, Orario itself is also a city of commerce. The city cannot perfectly digest the magic stones, mineral deposits, and precious materials that adventurers find every day when they go deep into the dungeon. At that time, merchants saw the opportunity, came to Orario, and began to transport these things to places outside Orario to earn the difference in price-this was almost a huge profit.

But now, new profit-making projects have emerged, how can businessmen just sit back and wait!

The arrival of the businessmen made the gods' straight-hook fishing fruitful, and when the businessmen learned that 20% of the shares in this plan could be released for them to operate, they immediately went crazy.

Chen Qun's pair of businessmen approached the family members with whom they had a cooperative relationship, and these family members told the cooperating businessmen the entire plan.

Businessmen spread the word by word of mouth through their own networks. In just a few days, other businessmen scattered around the world immediately began to gather towards Orario. This unprecedented plan and unprecedented alliance of businessmen Get up and start preparing to take a piece of this plan.

What makes them smart is that they know very well who has the initiative in this matter.

After they united, they said nothing at all, but began to discuss and ask the gods if they could use materials in exchange for an amount.

It is very difficult for them to come up with such a large amount of money, but if it is replaced by goods, it will be very easy.

The gods have already made a conclusion. Of course, they must also allow this method of payment. Kelal needs a variety of goods. Wood is a necessity, and of course metal, as well as grain, seeds, and fertilizers. These are all necessary. .

It was impossible for the merchants to provide all the funds, so providing supplies became their necessary choice, and what Kelal needed were their supplies.

All their reactions had been calculated by Kelal from the beginning.

They can use market-priced materials to participate in the stock market, and Kelal does not require them to suffer too many losses. This kind of investment has a long cycle, but the rate of return is high. Businessmen with a normal mind should be able to think clearly whether they should invest. ——What's more, with the Orario gods as proof, and with a large family platform, the chance of recovering the cost of investment is even higher.

Making huge profits is never impossible!

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