The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 613 Changes on the Eighteenth Floor (Two in One)

Chapter 102 Changes on the Eighteenth Floor

So far, Keilal has not shown up.

All of this is the gods negotiating these things with the merchants.

No one knows what Keilal, the wise man, did.

Keilar led Bell and Lily to explore the underground city step by step, but in fact, on the eighteenth floor, Keilal had already slowly told Borth what he should do.

The entire eighteenth floor has now been greatly changed, and every place is surrounded by ropes and wooden stakes.

After the adventurer team entered the eighteenth floor, where they should get water, where they should defecate, where they should camp, and where they should rest, all became more organized.

You must know that Borth has opened a store here for almost 20 years. What was it like here before? Can other adventurers not know?

Borth would never be able to do such a thing.

So who did it?

No one knew, everyone only knew that the entire eighteenth floor had become orderly and comfortable.

Someone started to sprinkle lime powder on the toilet area for composting.

The entire eighteenth floor began to make positive progress.

But what is surprising is that not only inside the town, but also outside the town, people began to use wooden stakes and ropes to divide the entire eighteenth floor, extending far, far away.

The eighteenth floor is much larger than ordinary people imagine.

It's not just a distance as big as seven or eight football fields, but a real distance, as if there is another world.

Although this world is a bit small, there are absolutely no cruel terrains such as deserts or swamps. There are only rocks and fertile land here.

In this way, these lands are divided according to acres and acres of rope, which looks very handsome and regular.

Just as Kelal continued to go deeper into the dungeon, he was led by level 6 adventurers from the Loki Familia and Freya Familia. They would protect a group of merchants from the first floor to the eighteenth floor.

To be honest, this is really overkill.

The reason why Keilar set his target on the 18th floor was, firstly, because the 18th floor was a safe house that had already been developed, and secondly, because it was not far from the ground.

Don't look at Bell fighting to the death. He barely managed to enter the 18th level after level 2. But in fact, that was because Bell's level was too low. At the beginning, he was just an adventurer who had just started. It's just a newbie. After a lot of hard work, I entered level 2.

In fact, Bell has never entered the mainstream fighter sequence.

On the eighteenth floor, for an adventurer team with level 3 adventurers as the main force and level 2 adventurers as the auxiliary, a team of 5 people can bring hundreds or thousands of people here.

Based on the number of adventurers in Orario, this combination can transport millions of farmers in within a month.

Millions are certainly impossible, but hundreds of thousands are possible.

Although this group of merchants were doing business in Orario, they had never come to the depths of the underground city. One reason was that it was not necessary, and the other reason was that they could do business without entering here.

This is not an exciting but non-dangerous game like a roller coaster. Entering it requires risking your life. For billionaires, do they need to take such a risk?

It is precisely because they don't have it that they have never been to the dungeon.

But when they came to the dungeon, it was really like traveling.

Four level 6 adventurers, two each from Freya Familia and Loki Familia, ten level 5 adventurers, selected by the top combat power of other major familia, and more than thirty level 4 adventurers, selected from the dungeon The leaders of the major and medium-sized families took action, and escorting such a group of people to the 18th floor was no different from an outing.

These people are not only guards, but they are also observers. They also bear the responsibility of being the eyes of God. They are also members of the inspection team, and they also bear the responsibility of inspecting whether the plan on the 18th floor can be implemented.

To be honest, despite the huge momentum now, the merchants and gods can stop at any time. They come to Orario to sell and buy things, and the gods have no input and just simply discuss it. This is just a few words about the feasibility. As for whether it is really feasible, they will know after they send their own group leader to take a look.

As for investment - they have to wait until everyone is ready, funds are in place, resources are ready, and the population is ready, then it is their turn to invest.

This is also the reason why all the gods are very relieved.

And all of this is of course the result of Keilar's calculations.

What this group of businessmen saw along the way was different from what the group leaders saw.

What is the most common thing in the dungeon?

Stones and sand, of course.

But even mining stone and sand takes time!

There are also various metal mines - it is almost difficult to mine, but in fact, as long as there is a safe area, they can completely let those farmers become miners. The value generated by mining is of course higher than that of farming. I don’t know where it is. !

They still don’t understand what productivity is, but from an economic point of view they see a treasure that has no mining at all.

There are many kinds of mineral deposits, and businessmen are very excited just to see a few open ones.

When they arrived at the 18th floor, they were surprised by the emptiness of the entire 18th floor, but what surprised them even more was the red flags all over the mountains and plains on the 18th floor.

"What's going on!" Not to mention the merchants were shocked, even Finn, Hill, the leader of the Canison Familia, Shakti, and the leader of the Hephaestus Familia, Chun, were all shocked. With confused faces and eyes facing each other, no one could tell clearly what happened in this place.

"Are you a team of adventurers?"

At the exit of the eighteenth floor, a green-haired orc young man looked at them and approached them and asked.

He is obviously not an adventurer. Otherwise, how could he not know this group of clan leaders at all?

"Yes, we are adventurers." Finn smiled gently at him and said.

"Ah, then you will need 10 Wallis to rest on the 18th floor, ten for each of you."

Many people frowned. Ten Wallis per person, so there are thousands of people here.

What is Borth doing? Enclosure autonomy?

Finn and the merchants laughed with satisfaction.

"I know, here are six thousand Wallis." Finn threw out six gold coins and said with a smile.

"The guests are really happy." The young man from the orc tribe, wearing linen and straw sandals, threw all six gold coins into his pocket with a smile on his face and greeted them attentively: "Then I will take the adults to a resting place now."

"Why do you want to give money?" The leader of the Hephaestus Familia, Tsubaki Cobrand, came to Finn's side and asked in a low voice.

"Because this place does provide shelter, so if you go to other cities, the entry fee is not necessary." Finn said with a smile.

"But here..." Chun, like her main god, is a woman who is good at making weapons, but not good at words. Although she knows that this situation is wrong, she cannot say what is wrong.

Now that all the group leaders are almost united in a community of common interests, it is natural for people who are familiar with her to explain things she doesn't know.

Yasifei is also on this escort mission. As a level 4 adventurer leader, she can only be regarded as a person in the third echelon. However, as an "omnipotent", she often makes magic items by herself, which is different from the blacksmith. Chun also has something in common, and it is normal for the two to be familiar with each other.

And she is much smarter than Chun.

"Because all this money will become ours in the future." She whispered: "We have shares here, don't you remember."

Chun suddenly realized. She first wanted to say how much this money was worth, but when she thought about the huge base of adventurers, she couldn't tell. Chun's Hephaestus was also a large-scale family, so this time, they divided To about a point above the stakes.

For 10 Wallis per person, they can receive 1 Wallis, and there are hundreds of adventurers traveling to and from the 18th floor, at least more than 100,000 adventurers will pass through here.

To them, 10 Wallis is nothing, and even the lowest level adventurer can easily take it out, but for those who share it, they can earn hundreds of thousands a year here.

And this is just a toll.

Then she wanted to be angry. Isn't this exploiting adventurers?

But then she remembered that 10 Wallis really meant nothing.

Not to mention high-level adventurers, even low-level adventurers will make tens of thousands of profits by entering the dungeon. Ten Wallis is really nothing for a safe camp.

If Borth was not qualified to charge the adventurers who entered before, then after this development plan and the sharing of shares, the gods of the dungeon can justifiably say: This place has been contracted. People who want to come in must pay a fee.

"Brother, what are these red flags and ropes used for?" Finn asked in a calm and chatting tone as he walked on the road.

Although the businessmen had already guessed it, they still pricked up their ears and listened quietly as they followed Finn and looked around.

"Some time ago, I don't know why Borth went crazy. He asked us to tie up every acre of land with ropes and wooden stakes. Recently, he even asked us to plant red flags near the wooden stakes. Now the entire eighteenth floor has most of the The land is like this now, I really can’t understand him." The young man from the orc clan complained. He was just a servant, an errand boy, and didn’t know anything about the things above, so all these things required him and his companions to do it.

Of course errand runners don't like to do things. Who doesn't like to sit comfortably in a chair and wait for the adventurers from above to come down and lie on the ground to collect money?

But when the businessmen and even the heads of other clans saw this scene, they all showed satisfied smiles on their faces.

Obviously, this is something to prepare for the future division of fields or even the development of cities.

However, a full acre of land was divided directly with long ropes, and then Finn and the others walked on this unprecedentedly wide street.

The middle of the street was divided by a rope.

"What's going on with the rope in the middle?" Finn was more attentive than others. Even though he was a man, he noticed this detail faster than most other women.

"This is said to be for carriages in the future. The left side was for carriages in the past, and the right side was for carriages. How can we have carriages in our place." He shook his head, as if he didn't agree with what Borth said. But the businessmen looked at each other with satisfied smiles on their faces.

Obviously, with such a plan now, in the future, as long as the materials are in place, construction here can be started at any time.

They can even see that in the future the roads will be filled with houses and bluestone-paved avenues.

This is indeed very fertile land.

There are constantly businessmen grabbing handfuls of soil from the ground or on both sides of the road to see the quality of the land.

Even if they are not farmers, they still have the necessary knowledge, just like people in the Internet age will definitely use smartphones - even if they can't program.

And people in this era, even if they don’t know how to farm, still have the necessary knowledge to farm.

For example, how to identify the soil and the water here.

The water from the upper level is like a waterfall. After flowing through several other tree roots, only a small river remains, then disperses into streams, and finally reaches the lower level.

This is like groundwater that has been filtered through layers. The quality of the water is unparalleled.

Coupled with the shining crystals in the sky and the big trees that cover the sky, everything here looks so beautiful, just like the Garden of Eden. The water quality and soil quality are much better than they imagined. .

They were all extremely excited, but they felt that this place was much better than advertised.

Water is already there, soil is already there, what is left is only missing people.

Once you have the people and transport the materials down here, the entire base will come alive!

It only takes a year for this place to come alive.

They continued walking forward and soon approached the original city.

This place is no longer the same as it was half a month ago. There are one to five dome tents in the middle of the acres, which looks very interesting.

As for those wooden walls, I'm afraid they have already been demolished and used as wooden piles.

After the wall was demolished, the whole town gave people a grand feeling. The further you walked inside, the more prosperous it became, and the more businessmen nodded.

Not only the merchants, but also the heads of other clans also nodded secretly. Borsi had never seen that he was so capable before.

But Hill and Finn looked at each other, already seeing in each other's eyes the answer to such a change on the 18th floor.

Sure enough, it was that man again. That man had silently and unknowingly changed the 18th floor and Borsi!

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