The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 614 Big Change (Two in One)

Chapter 103 Big changes

"Guests come and go this way." The attendant entertained Finn and the others attentively.

They are not simply stationed here casually.

He led them to a camp surrounded by ropes. This camp was only about an acre of land, but if there were forty or fifty of them, two movie stars would be needed.

"This area and this area, these two areas are yours." Since they had paid the "entering tax", they naturally obtained two campsites - this was calculated based on head count.

There are close to eighty of them, and it is normal for there to be men and women, but...

The orc youth looked at Finn and the others with a flattering smile: "Guests, do you bring your own tents? We provide tent services. These tents are both warm and light-proof. No matter what you do inside, the outside will be covered with water. Invisible, such a tent can accommodate ten people at a time. Guests only need to rent eight tents to accommodate all of you. If guests are distinguished, they can also rent our small tents and stay in them at one time. Four or five people can sleep comfortably inside with the included blankets and cushions.”

He winked at Finn with a lewd expression, and Finn chuckled twice. The female adventurers behind him cast their murderous gazes in this direction. Given their level, they could hear everything this guy said. Clearly.

But the businessmen also heard it, and they looked at each other, already eager to try.

At the same time, hostility was seen in the other party's eyes.

Obviously, this is definitely a business!

"A large tent only costs 100 wallis a day, and can accommodate ten people at a time. It is only 10 wallis per person, while a small tent is more expensive, costing 200 wallis a day, but can accommodate 4 people at a time. Five people are very comfortable, very suitable for you noble people." The orc boy rubbed his hands and introduced it very attentively.

Obviously, if Finn and the others rent a tent, he will definitely get a lot of commission - and this commission is something that has only been proposed recently.

Renting a venue is just the most basic business, renting tents, renting quilts, beds, or even directly acquiring some land to build a hotel. The hotel can be built to be very high-end.

For example, high-level adventurers are not stingy with money. Now it is too cheap to get a station with 10 Wallis. A tent only costs 100 Wallis, and a high-end tent with bedding only costs 200 Wallis. This How can the price reflect the dignity and nobility of the guests?

A high-end tent with beds costs 1,000 wallis a day! Can only accommodate 2 people! Of course, the bed is big enough to sleep four or five people!

As for high-end hotels, let alone that. Not only do they sell rooms, but they also sell services. Every morning, noon, and evening, there are waitresses in beautiful and sexy clothes knocking on the door and asking: "Sir, what's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?" They can also do it at night. Order some other special services or something.

Of course there is an upper limit to this kind of thing, but there is no lower limit.

Orario doesn't ban prostitutes, let alone have a dedicated prostitute god, the Familia of Ishtar.

If they just serve adventurers, they can already make most of the money.

Finn frowned. If they were just serving adventurers, there would be no need for them to bring in merchants and nobles. They could do it themselves, but that's not necessary.

Money is just spinning around in Orario. The problem is that outside money can't come in and inside money can't get out.

Finn did not have this kind of theoretical knowledge, but he still relied on his intelligence and instinct to realize that something was wrong with the problem.

"Did Boris think of this too?" He decided to inquire about this young man before meeting Keilal.

"Of course." The little brother nodded with a matter-of-fact expression: "But it is said that Borth did not do these to make money from adventurers, but to prepare them for the nobles and travelers who will come to visit in the future. Who would come to such a ghost place to visit?" he complained.

For the residents of Orario, the underground city represents death and danger, and has nothing to do with sightseeing, travel, and entertainment.

But Finn's mind seemed to be split by lightning, and he immediately understood what Keilal meant.

Of course, the future eighteenth floor cannot rely solely on agriculture. Tourism is also a huge source of money.

Like the entertainment city outside Orario, the entertainment city can attract millions of tourists and nobles every year. Anyone can find fun there, and the benefits gained are also huge. Just being a [Guard] can earn hundreds of millions of Varys, so it can be deduced from this that the income from the casinos and brothels in the entertainment city is huge.

Orario's underground maze is different.

The underground labyrinth is different from those entertainment cities. The underground labyrinth is mysterious and dangerous. It is a place that only adventurers can enter, and even if you enter it, you cannot get out.

This kind of place is a forbidden place for ordinary people, but if you think about it from another angle-this is not a kind of excitement.

An action to explore the unknown, walk on the edge of life and death, and still be able to come back alive.

Generally in modern times, this kind of activity is called extreme sports, but here, nobles and businessmen with big families cannot leave their foundations to find this kind of excitement, so the dungeon on the 18th floor seems to be all of a sudden Gave a very good place to go?

The food and accommodation are not inferior to those in the entertainment city. In addition to the services, you can also enter the underground city to experience an exciting adventure life.

They don't need long-term travel adventures. If they only need a short-term experience, they can already bring huge changes to the eighteenth floor, and even Orario above.

This is a way to more directly absorb the wealth from other places into the dungeon - and they do so voluntarily.

Once this happens, the entire Orario landscape will change.

To give the simplest example - some adventurers who just want to survive and live well can continue to accept travel protection tasks in the upper levels of Orario after level 3, and protect some nobles to travel to the 18th floor. They can make a lot of money without risking their lives to explore the lower levels.

In previous missions, their mission was often a certain kind of material or metal. If they couldn't find it on this level, they had to go to the next level, and then the next level. If they couldn't find it this time, they might go back. Go to the 18th floor or the first floor to regroup, then go down and fight again.

Although such a mission is well-rewarded, the mental and physical pressure is extremely great. An adventurer who does this all day long will collapse directly.

However, transporting supplies or protecting nobles from the first to the eighteenth floor is not a big problem for groups of adventurers headed by level 3 and level 2.

Finn is so smart, he certainly knows that not everyone in this world is as keen on deeper exploration and development as he is, with the goal of clearing dungeons.

Most people in this world are ordinary people, ordinary people, and mediocre people. They just want to live a good life. They are illiterate. Going into dungeons to adventure and gaining the title of adventurer is a combination of effort and benefit. Large selection.

This is like if you go to the battlefield, one out of a hundred people can survive, but it is possible to rise to a position that is beyond the reach of civilians, or even become an official.

If you were a civilian, would you do it?

In other words, ordinary people in Orario have no choice. They can only choose to be ordinary people or live in mediocrity for the rest of their lives.

Ambitious people, people from outside, such as Bell and Finn, will advance very quickly after becoming adventurers, but one day their advancement will stop, and they will one day become middle-class adventurers. Years, they will get married and have children one day.

When they have families, children, and wives, will they still be brave and diligent, will they move forward courageously, and will they make it their mission to open up the underground city?

It’s impossible. Normal people, ordinary people, mortals, and mediocre people are the majority after all. They account for 99% of the people in this world. It is precisely because of this that today’s adventurers rarely see a few three-year-olds. People over ten years old.

One is because of mortality, and the other is because they are both married and have children.

They would rather work in restaurants, or they may have accumulated enough money to open restaurants, hotels, residences, etc.

This is why adventurers over the age of thirty are sorely lacking.

Dwarves and elves like Gareth and Riveria who have reached the pinnacle of adventurers are actually still very young. Their age when converted to humans is only between twenty and thirty years old. If you only follow the elves From the perspective of dwarves, they have just entered their prime.

But it's different now, very different.

The lifespan of an adventurer may extend from retirement or death at the age of 30 to 4 or 50 years old. Even if the adventurers are fifty years old, a level 3 adventurer will have no problem reaching the 18th floor.

They can escort supplies to the first floor, and can bring supplies from the first floor or tourists down to the 18th floor...

Has this guy Keilal even considered these things?

Finn smiled bitterly and told him: "We will stay here for three days. We will be given six tents, four for men and two for women, okay?" He turned to look at Hill and said.

Hill nodded.

Obviously there are many female adventurers here, and there are even two female merchants. It is quite normal to prepare two tents for the women.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I hope the guests will pay attention to."

The orc youth smiled like a flower and felt much happier, but he still had to pay attention to what he should pay attention to.

"Huh?" Finn looked at him with interest, looking forward to what else he might say.

"It is not allowed to defecate in the camp. If guests need to defecate, we have a special place here. Do you want me to take you to see it now?"

Is there a special place for defecation?

Although there is such a place in Orario, and there is also a large bathhouse, but it is Orario, a place on the 18th floor, where you can just dig a hole and use it as a place for defecation, but such centralized defecation is according to Kelar Judging from the previous behavior style, I am afraid there may be some other connections.

"Then take us to see it." Finn said to him with a smile.

When other people saw what he said, they stood up one after another.

The orc boy shouted to a few young people who were setting up tents nearby: "Burt, they want six tents, big ones. I hope they will be ready when we get back."

"Okay!" Several young people from the orc tribe and the small human tribe also shouted over there.

Finn was very pleased to see that young people from the small human race could find jobs in this place. Before him, the small human race had been targeted and discriminated against. Everyone knew that the small human race could not become stronger without them. Ways to become a powerful adventurer.

But Finn used his own practice and chose the title of "Brave" to let the world know that small humans can also become top warriors.

From that moment on, the little humans began to slowly gain the respect of others.

The world is like this. When you fail to achieve results, no one can believe that you can achieve results, but when you achieve results, everyone will recognize you.

When they arrived at the toilet, they were shocked by the toilet.

What are these rows of square-like things?

Above these blocks is a semi-open water pipe, and you can clearly hear the sound of the water pipe flowing. These water pipes are laid flat, but the final flow direction is to the river on the other side.

"What do you mean by the pipes on this?" Finn was very curious about everything now. Seeing this novel thing, what is it used for?

"You will know when you come in and take a look." After the orc youth opened the door, many people subconsciously covered their noses, but they found that this place did not have the smell of a toilet at all, but instead had a faint strange smell.

"This is..." Finn sniffed the strange smell.

"Quicklime." The toilet is not just two wooden boards as everyone imagined, but a place similar to a squatting pit. There is a water outlet at the end of the squatting pit, and there is a channel extending upwards. , it is a pipe with a wrench-like switch on it, which is strange.

"Every guest, after urinating, just press here and go back on the board." The orc young man pressed the wrench down, and the water above rushed down. "This is also a special place here. .”

"But precisely because of this, our place will be very clean and comfortable."

"All the adventurers and residents on our eighteenth floor sincerely welcome you all."

He introduced with a smile, as if this place had been like this from the beginning.

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