The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 616 Officially begins (2/2)

Chapter 616 Officially begins (22)

Chapter 105 The official start of the operation

The inner city on the eighteenth floor is still the same as before.

Except for the removal of the wooden walls, the streets inside are still in that condition.

But the businessmen did not show any disappointment. To be honest, this situation was what they had expected. On the contrary, the camps, toilets, housing, and leasing outside the city were truly abnormal.

It is a kind of "amazing".

It is a [design] that transcends this era.

They were amazed by the design and full of confidence in its future.

The monsters they saw along the way are good tourist selling points, the materials and minerals they saw are good commodities, the land they saw here is a good commodity, and the tents they saw here are commodities, they The campground rentals they see here are commodities. Everything they see here is full of untapped commodities. They only need to come in to develop these commodities and obtain a steady stream of money.

The merchants went back with satisfaction, but the heads of the clan were full of questions. They didn't know what caused the eighteenth floor to undergo such a change, and they didn't know whether the change was good or bad.

Vested people are always afraid of change.

But this fear can no longer stop this plan.

After the merchants returned to the surface, this plan could no longer be stopped.

In the feudal era, even the most powerful merchants must have the support of forces behind them, or they themselves were a powerful force - there was no way to prevent wolves without swords and guns.

These businessmen are extremely sensitive to politics and money, and more importantly, there is someone behind them, either a king or a noble.

When they went back, they communicated everything here with the nobles and the king.

These things turned into power, and then slowly gathered towards Orario.

All this was what Keilal had expected. Their publicity plan hadn't even started yet. They just let the businessmen take a look at the eighteenth floor, and the whole thing had already started to ferment.

When these big businessmen and big nobles start to promote these things, those nobles with a keen sense of smell will naturally start to follow the actions of the big nobles.

It's not the gods of Orario who support this plan, but these big businessmen and nobles who support this plan.

If Finn, who has a certain overall view and wisdom, knows a little bit about the merchants and nobles, then he will be full of wonder at this plan.

Because from the beginning of this plan, it was Finn's Loki Familia and Freya Familia who gave the plan a platform in front of the gods.

Later, the gods and the city of Orario stood up for the plan before the merchants.

Then, merchants and nobles began to legitimize the plan in front of the rest of the world.

The entire plan is linked link by link, always making everyone believe that this plan can definitely be passed and this plan can definitely be completed.

Everyone believed so firmly, and then believed in the stronger people, and then began to pour their own strength into this plan.

In fact, if there is a problem in any aspect of this plan, and if someone backs down, it will be impossible to complete and continue.

But that's what the silver-haired man did.

It was like he pushed the first domino, and what followed was just a chain effect.

And this domino game was arranged by him - unknowingly.

By the time Finn found Keilal, Keilal and the others were almost on the 40th floor before returning home.

"How did you do it?" Finn sat across from Keilal in the hostess's hotel. Facing the delicious food of the hostess, he had no intention of feasting. He just stared at Keilal, as if there was something in his heart. Like a kitten, he was scratched and scratched, making him unable to rest.

He looked directly at Keilal and asked his question.

"What aspect are you talking about?" Keilar was eating freshly baked bread, drinking warm soup, and there was ice-cold wine next to him, looking very comfortable.

Of course Hill sent all this to him.

Sitting next to them were Lily, Bell, and Hill, dressed in maid uniforms, holding plates, leaning against the pillar next to them, staring at Keilal.

To be honest, she didn't see as much as Finn did, but the things Kelar was able to do surprised and shocked her just from what she saw.

The influx of merchants and nobles did not interfere with Orario.

Orario's daily life is still peaceful. Although any actions of the country will affect the people, in fact, ordinary people are very slow to feel about such things.

It seems that almost half a month has passed, but there are still people questioning that Kelal [Wise Man] is not worthy of his name.

But in fact, the whole world has been acting according to Kelar's will in the past half month. Only high-level adventurers and gods know what Keilar has done and what he has accomplished.

He was exploring the dungeon like a normal person, but somehow he felt that he had accomplished everything.

Finn couldn't understand it, no matter how much he thought about it, he didn't know why, so he came to Keilal today specifically to find the answer in his heart.

This answer is very likely to be the truth.

Seeing Keilal eating sausages and ham elegantly, Finn gritted his teeth and said, "How on earth did you make the eighteenth floor look like that?"

Finn's focus is right. This is indeed one of the core issues, but it is not the real core.

"I'm just implementing the city plan I had originally envisioned." Keilar pointed at Finn: "Orario is obviously very big, but after only a few people living there, it started to get crowded. Obviously the problem of urban construction is very big, so the problem arises. I tried to re-plan the 18th floor, and the effect was unexpectedly good."

His words were understated, which made people a little angry.

"How can you be such an understatement! What kind of magic did you use to make Borsi and the 18th floor look like this!" Finn asked a little crazy, he really seemed to know.

A wise man like him clearly knows that this cannot be explained clearly by a single reason, but the changes on the 18th floor are too great. He went down to the 18th floor several times, about four or five days apart, but every time he went down to the 18th floor, It's like being completely transformed, which is jaw-dropping.

"Forget about that, have the merchants started taking action?" Keilar naturally changed the subject, and then asked Finn and the others to divert their attention.

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