The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 617 Prepare to escort (two-in-one)

Chapter 106 Prepare to Escort

When they heard Keilal talk about business, Finn and Hill naturally became serious. Bell and Lily, who were feasting, had no idea that the person who could decide the entire Orario's actions was the triggering young man in front of them, the blond little boy. Human race, and a silver-haired woman wearing a maid outfit.

They were just in this tavern, chatting about everything that happened in the dungeon and what was going on in Orario.

Although power does belong to a few people, the way these people act at will still makes Lily and Bell not feel that they are truly in charge and deciding the dungeon.

In fact, they don't have a correct understanding of Finn's identity.

Although Finn was like a young boy in front of Kelar, when the gods decided to make this plan, it was impossible for them to personally come down and preside over it.

Then the rest is for the representatives to do.

Keilal, who proposed this matter, received the title of "Wise Man". He is equivalent to a "consultant". The host is Finn, the leader of the Loki Familia and one of the best wise men in the dungeon. The executive is Hill and Xi. I am Freya's daughter. Although humans don't know it very well, the gods are clear in their hearts. Moreover, Hill has no power and is not an adventurer. However, everyone feels relieved when she executes it.

As for Xier Huizhi and Xinlan's carefulness, it was secondary.

Apparently relationships are more important to the gods than intelligence.

But the gods don't know. Only the two goddesses Loki and Freya, and perhaps Hestia, are aware of it. What they know is that the "consultant" Keilal has been occupying this matter from the beginning to the end. dominant position.

Goddess Freya is the kind of person who will be happy the better Keilar performs. It's too late to be happy, so how can she expose him.

As for Loki, he actually hopes that Finn can learn something from Kelal.

If the commanding ability before this was what Finn wanted, then Keilal's current wisdom is what Finn and Hill are most concerned about.

That's what Keilal was thinking.

There was no way he could tell Finn what the problem was.

Should we directly tell him that this is urban planning that transcends this era, this is a brain circuit that transcends this century, this is economics that transcends this space, this is a mobilization force that transcends this world?

Since you can't tell the truth, you can only play perfunctory.

If Kelar doesn't tell Finn the answer, then Finn will find the answer on his own.

There were never any teachers in the underground city.

Even if Finn and the others cultivated Ace and Bert, they actually allowed them to grow wildly.

Because of this, their organization of theoretical knowledge is very poor.

But their learning ability is very strong.

Ais's sword skills are obviously imitated by Finn's spear skills. Finn's spear skills are light and agile, which is the path suitable for Ais.

Burt imitated Gareth's explosive output and matched his legs.

As for Lefiya, she naturally followed Riveria's lead.

Now since Keilal doesn't teach, Finn will learn it on his own.

"How much wood have you prepared?" Wood is the main material for construction, but it cannot be obtained on the 18th floor.

Even if there are trees on the eighteenth floor, they are by no means towering trees and cannot be directly used for construction.

Although the eighteen layers of floating soil can allow rice and wheat seeds to take root, it cannot provide the deep roots of huge trees.

This is also inevitable, so all wood needs to be transported from the ground.

Before transportation, it is natural to transport the wood to Orario for centralized processing, and then uniformly transport it to the 18th floor after processing.

These are considered investments and will be converted into money and invested.

The transportation is of course done by the adventurer family, and the transportation cost is of course directly folded into the investment.

It can basically be regarded as zero cost, but in fact everyone's labor and resources have been converted into investments and invested.

Since the adventurer families have shares, they naturally have to work hard. This is what Keilal encountered at the beginning, and this is inevitable.

After the supplies are collected, they need to be transported to the 18th floor.

"Well, the wood in the two warehouses is really spectacular." Finn nodded, and he said with some sigh: "I really underestimated those merchants before, their power is really scary."

What he said elicited nods from Kelal and Hill.

In fact, the whole plan has not yet fully started. The merchants have filled up the two warehouses with just a little movement. Not to mention anything else, the adventurers just want to transport the wood from these two warehouses to It takes a lot of time to go to the dungeon. In comparison, the adventurers seem to be weaker than the merchants.

This is of course normal.

The power gathered by these businessmen is called capital. There is only one country in the world that will not bow in front of capital, and Orario is not included.

Fortunately, we are only in the early stages of the emergence of capital. The scarcity of commodities in the agricultural era has fundamentally inhibited the development of capital.

But if they want to exert force, the lumber in these two warehouses is nothing but light.

"Then the next step is to lead the team to send the wood down." Kailar is very confident about the quality of the wood, because in the face of this kind of investment, businessmen will not give others an excuse to kick them out.

"Finn, I want you to lead the team in person. Don't take action on the way. Arrange a level 3 adventurer to be the leader, and all other level 2 adventurers to be escorts. The number of people should be less than ten people." Keira Er's words made Finn nodded.

With Finn's mind, he immediately figured out that Kelar was simulating the transportation environment of ordinary adventurers.

He nodded and said, "Leave it to me."

"Hill made some statistics to see which merchants delivered how much wood. I personally suggest that we separate wood, stone, sand, grain and seeds, let different merchants be responsible for different types of materials, and then calculate the cost of the materials. It's more convenient to invest this way." His words made Hill nod.

"I'll do it right now."

Of course, Hill could not complete such a huge project by himself. Instead, he wrote down this matter and brought it to the Freya Familia, and let the smart people in the Freya Familia complete it.

"As for other things, let's wait until Finn comes back. There's no rush." ​​Keilar smiled and said with an indifferent attitude.

"What should we do with the nobles?" The nobles have not come to discuss this matter yet, but everyone knows that it will be a matter of time. They are not coming now, but they are just holding back and waiting for Kailar and the others. After it starts, the nobles will start to get anxious.

Chapter 107

When Finn sat on top of the carriage, there were thick logs behind the carriage.

The coachman fearfully drove two tall horses. Around the horses were the seven or eight adventurers.

Lefiya was walking in front of the carriage, and there was a trailblazer from the Loki Familia in front of her. She never imagined that this mission would be reduced to the point where she was asked to be the leader.

Level 4 adventurers will not come. For level 4 adventurers, taking this path is the same as playing. Levels 1 to 18 are not considered level 4 adventurers.

Even level 3 adventurers are not dangerous.

But because it is not dangerous, a combination of level 3 adventurers and level 2 adventurers appears here.

It sounds like no one has noticed it, but in fact, in the future, an adventurer family is bound to have a large number of escort missions. Whether it is escorting people or escorting supplies, five level 2 adventurers may be able to roam around the 18th floor, but they must If you are escorting a group of people, I'm afraid there must be at least one level 3 adventurer holding the line.

But the problem now is that most of the adventurers cannot reach level 3. In fact, as the saying goes, drought will die and water will die. In this case, they will inevitably have to be seconded from the Great Familia. Level adventurers.

At that time, level 3 adventurers will be seconded and hired.

At that time, the most basic thing that maintained the clan was the name of the clan.

What Keilal did was to divide and divide the whole thing that Orario was proud of.

That is the system of the divine family members.

Adventurers will no longer surround themselves with gods, or even adventurers from their own family, but will become completely independent adventurers.

The family system will be reduced to its weakest level.

At that time, whatever you want to do will become easier.

It was obvious that Keilal was cutting the flesh with a dull knife.

They couldn't detect anything at all.

The driver's fear is inevitable.

This place can barely accommodate a carriage of more than one width. If monsters attack, or even emerge from the cave nearby, then they will have to face the monsters face to face.

Not to mention that the coachman was timid, even Lefiya was like this.

Finn sat next to the coachman, looking at Lefiya's cautious look, he couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

Lefiya is still the same, always lacking confidence. This is her motivation to move forward, but it is also the crux of the problem.

She is already a level 3 adventurer.

In fact, among Orario's other Familia, an adventurer like her is already the leader of the Adventurer Familia.

But in the Loki Familia, she has always been like a child who has not grown up.

She actually has more lethal power than ordinary adventurers, and is even much stronger than ordinary magicians.

But she just couldn't do it alone.

Now it seems that letting her lead the team was a wrong decision?

Finn's eyes flashed with disappointment, but Lefiya's ears perked up. She stopped, raised her fists and shouted, "Everyone stop."

Finn's eyes flashed with excitement, did you notice it?

As a level 6 adventurer, Finn was twice Lefiya's level, and his combat power was at least five times greater. Naturally, he had already discovered the enemy, but he did not speak.

This walk was to test whether a level 3 adventurer leading a level 2 adventurer could carry supplies through the 18th floor of the dungeon.

He is just the last resort, and will only take action when everyone's lives are in danger and failure is almost imminent.

But Lefiya can feel it when she is thirty or forty meters away from the enemy. Should she be called an elf? Or has she grown up?

I have to say that Lefiya and Keilal have been together for a long time. After all, she is not an idiot, and her growth is unexpected. Surrounded by a group of level 4 and 5 adventurers, this kind of vigilance was discovered by them before they had time to show it. .

But if you compare it to the average level 3 adventurer, you will find enemies with excellent perception from a distance of more than 40 meters.

Both elves and dwarves have extremely high senses. Dwarves need to sense the movement of the earth anytime and anywhere to prevent landslides, while elves are not that safe in the forest.

But even so, Lefiya really grew up when she felt the problem 40 meters away in the winding mine tunnel.

Lefiya subconsciously glanced at Finn, who was sitting next to the groom.

Finn looked at her with a smile and seemed to be in a good mood. He didn't give any hint at all, which even made Lefiya think that her judgment of feelings was wrong.

But, she wasn't wrong.

Soon, a group of Robbie Rabbits holding axes rushed towards them.

"Maintain the battle line and block them in front of the horses!" Lefiya commanded loudly, while the two tall horses behind her stamped their hooves uneasily.

Magic began to rise in her body, and she began to chant magic.

At this time, the Robbies rushed over in groups.

They are agile monsters. Although they have axes in their hands, as long as they are entangled, there will not be a big problem, and as long as there is a human shield in the camp, there will not be much of a problem.

Lefia's magic power was surging, but she was chanting the spell very quickly.

It wasn't a very powerful attack magic, just a small-scale attack magic, but it still reduced more than thirty Berts to only a sporadic seven or eight.

After the other level 2 adventurers from the Loki Familia killed these scattered Burts like chopping vegetables and melons, the groom felt much more at ease.

With such a group of people escorting him, his safety was undoubtedly guaranteed.

Escorts and adventures are not the same.

When escorting, you need to avoid the monsters as much as possible, but when taking risks, you need to go towards the monsters.

Finn only discovered the difference after following a car.

But the advantage of this is that if everything goes well, maybe level 2 adventurers can reach the 18th floor with a truckload of goods.

When they reached the eighteenth floor, someone immediately came up to unload the goods.

Finn found that there were more and more people here, and he was a little surprised. Why did the number of people here start to increase before the nobles moved?

He found an acquaintance who was a retired adventurer who worked on the 18th floor and asked him about it, and then he suddenly realized.

Career Opportunities!

Orario is filled with a large number of poor people. Supporters like Lily and even level 1 adventurers do not have enough to eat or wear. It is too difficult for them to find a job.

But when Borth began to recruit people in large numbers, even on the 18th floor, even if they risked their lives, these hopeless poor people could only move their bodies!

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