The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 618 The Incredible Man (2-in-1)

Chapter 107 The incredible person

Not only did he discover the problem, but the Loki family members who had been adventuring for a long time also discovered the difference between transportation and adventure.

"If this happens, will the adventurers become weaker or stronger?" Finn was a little unsure.

To be honest, he had two possibilities in his mind, but neither possibility was low.

For example, there are two possibilities in the future. One is that future adventurers may become weaker, because everyone will be content with the status quo and just follow this path. Everyone can make money easily by transporting a batch of materials and a batch of people. After reaching the 18th floor, you can easily transfer a sum of money.

Then the adventurers will probably not go any further.

No one is pursuing such a great goal like him. Their goal is only to make money. Everyone is supporting their families. Since they can make money here, why take huge risks?

But on the other hand, if the benefits of this trip are good, then level 2 adventurers may take risks, and even level 1 adventurers may take risks for the sake of these huge benefits.

From this aspect, they are getting stronger.

The growth rate of adventurers will be accelerated due to escort missions.

To be honest, Finn was too confused. He didn't know which was the real truth, but I'm afraid only Keilal knew the answer to this question.

"Captain, why are you a little uneasy?" Lefiya still clearly felt Finn's emotions and asked.

"Well, let's not talk about that. You performed well this time, Lefiya." He looked at Lefiya, smiled gently, and praised her.

"Hey hehe." Lefiya was very proud when she said this, with a silly smile on her face. This time Finn did not take any action at all, relying entirely on himself to lead the team to the 18th floor, even though he had been there many times. times, but this time the meaning is completely different from before. She is stronger, more self-reliant, and more independent.

"Well done Lefiya, I plan to transfer you out of the vanguard after this time and let you lead the second team." I thought Lefiya would be able to adapt quickly to high-frequency and high-level battles following them and Upgrading, now it seems that he was too hasty and too protective of Lefiya.

Now Lefiya leads a team by herself and performs very well, which makes Finn start to reflect on himself.

"Hey, can't we go on adventures with Miss Ais in the future?" Lefiya looked very disappointed.

"No, on the contrary." Finn laughed: "I plan to let Ace lead the host team 2."

Finn's words made Lefiya's eyes light up.

"Then I have no objection, but Captain, does Team 2 just run from the first to the eighteenth floor?" Lefiya asked strangely.

"No, on the contrary, you guys from Team 2 go and open up the dungeon." Finn was planning to completely let go of control of the first team. The second team he was talking about was an adventure team composed entirely of young people. It's the future, let them fight.

Finn originally thought that this matter would come slower, but now it seems that it may come faster than he imagined.

In fact, the Loki Familia's second expedition has been delayed by this incident.

Finn and the others valued this matter far more than the expedition, and all preparations for the expedition were halted.

Of course, once this matter is completed, they will not need an expedition. The expedition between the first and fiftieth floors and the eighteenth to fiftieth floors are completely different. With the relay station and supplementary points, Finn and the others can set up a base station here and then complete the replenishment of the vanguard here.

He already had a plan in mind. He planned to personally take charge of the eighteenth floor, and let him transport the distance between the eighteenth and fiftieth floors.

As for the task of moving to a higher level, I'll leave it to Ais and the others.

Finn had a good idea, but the cabin that the workers on the 18th floor were building caught his attention.

"Your construction method..." he asked in surprise as he watched their work.

These workers cut the wood in half. They first dug deeply into the soil on the ground, then hollowed out grooves at both ends of the wood, and then put the wood in. The wood was placed in stacks in the pit. Then use square wooden blocks to insert into the grooves dug at both ends of the wood. The square wooden blocks firmly fix the wood. Next, use the two ends of the log to dig into a square, and dig out semicircles at the upper and lower ends of the square. It is like building blocks. A cylinder is bitten by two logs with semicircular dents. It seems very simple, but Finn pushed the log a little. The wall didn't move at all, it was perfect.

It is really unexpected that this seemingly simple building can be so strong, and it only takes four people two hours to complete the walls of such a building!

These people have an orderly division of labor. One person is dissecting and decomposing the tree, another is digging the hole, another is carrying it, and the last person is assembling it.

After the foundation is almost completed, the person who dismantled the trees will go to the assembly area to help. When all the wood has been dug, the person who dug the holes will go to the transportation area to help.

The four people worked together in an orderly manner and seemed to be in perfect harmony. After they completed the wall, they mixed soil with water to turn it into clay, and then used clay to paste the gaps between the wood and the wood. When the clay dried, they began to The ground was dug up, and then a layer of ground was made, and then compacted. Finally, a cellar-like thing was dug out, and wooden boards were laid on it. Strips of wood were used as floor beams, and then wooden boards were used to lay the floor one by one. , and finally the floor was laid perfectly, and then nails were used to fix the floor beams and the floor, and the floor of the entire hut was completed.

Finn had never seen such a perfect hut. He stood there dumbfounded for 2 hours, looking at it from scratch, from nothing to a perfect roof except for a roof.

Before they stopped, they began to place another large beam with both ends dug out between the two beams in the house. This beam was stuck in the middle, and then placed two fixed triangular brackets on it.

There is a wooden pillar in the middle of the house as the main pillar. At this time, it can be aligned with the top of the triangle above. Then the main pillar is slightly concave, just to catch the top wood. It consists of five main pillars and four triangle beams. The assembled wooden house is now completed. The remaining two hours are spent on water grinding and nailing the wooden boards to the roof one by one.

Finn also discovered that there were actually two layers of wooden boards nailed to the roof of this house!

Even though this world considers "stone houses" as good houses, Fenn was still amazed by the house made of this kind of wood.

The aesthetics of this house are so great that you can't help but want to live in it.

Even Lefiya was shocked. She stood next to Finn and watched the workers capping the house.

Borsi didn't know when he came to Finn's side and said with a complex tone and emotion: "Isn't it amazing?"

Finn nodded subconsciously.

"I also think it's amazing. This guy directly drew the drawings. The drawings are very clear and distinct. Even these guys who are not literate at all can see the very clear and distinct drawings."

"Lend me to take a look!" Finn, who had always been elegant, actually shouted in a commanding tone. You can imagine his gaffe.

"I knew you wanted to see it." Borth smiled and took out a roll of parchment from his arms.

Finn opened the parchment without caring what it looked like.

The sheepskin is not what Finn thought, but a piece of wood is drawn more concisely and clearly, and then there is an action, an arrow key, a dotted line, and then the second picture is what the wood should look like.

Although it is only a superficial movement, it is true that if you do it as shown in this picture, no matter how illiterate you are, you can always understand the picture.

What they should do in the first step, what they should do in the second step, and what they should do in the third step are all clearly written on a piece of sheepskin.

After they finish this volume, they turn over and see what they should do in the fourth and fifth steps.

The drawings are clear enough for children to understand.

"It's amazing." Lefiya looked at the picture above and said in amazement.

"He drew this?" Finn asked.

"Well, it's a house he designed for people to live here. It's all wood, no stone needed, very labor-saving."

Yes, this was Keilal's plan in itself.

Even if the same materials need to be transported to the 18th floor, stone is denser and weighs more for the same area. More importantly, it is more difficult to mine and more troublesome to transport. Even if it is used for construction, it takes more time to process than wood. difficulty.

Human beings can do without stone tools at the beginning, but they can never live without wood.

Wood is a necessity.

This assembled structure is China's unique mortise and tenon structure. The mortise and tenon structure combined with Eastern wisdom can even be assembled without nails.

This is the unique wisdom of Eastern people. Even the smartest people will exclaim oh my god when they see this structure!

This is a magical architectural method that Westerners in the 21st century have personally experienced.

Even Finn couldn't help being shocked after seeing this kind of architectural structure.

On the other roll of sheepskin that Borth handed over, there was an imaginary picture of a house drawn in a semi-open house.

There can be a brick chimney and fireplace here, there can be a dining table and living room here, people can live on the second floor, and a coat rack can be placed at the door on the first floor to store weapons and armor.

Except for the lack of toilets, ordinary people can even use the fireplace to cook food - after all, not everyone has such a large kitchen.

This place looks so full of home that you can't help but indulge in it.

There is a second floor with a ladder made of wood. You don’t need your hands. Although it is a bit steep, you can even walk up it with a plate.

There is a bed upstairs, which can sleep two people directly with cushions and blankets - you can even sleep more.

This painted picture is so tempting that even Finn, let alone ordinary people, has the urge to buy one.

"How about it, it looks good. If I saw this kind of house when I was 17 years old, I would try my best to buy one and live in it with the woman I love, raise a dog, and have a child..."

Even Lefiya narrowed her eyes at Borsi's words, and even she couldn't help but envision such a situation.

Apparently no one can say no to having a wonderful family.

Although the house designed by Kelal only has 10 square meters, even if the second floor is included, it does not exceed 20 square meters, it is exquisite.

Keilar has already considered the issue of land on the 18th floor, so this kind of single-family house can be used as a residence for a wealthy merchant and aristocrat, or the tables and chairs can be moved away and spread with furs to sleep four people. .

For an ordinary group of adventurers, it is enough to rent a room for girls on the top and men on the bottom. Eight people can sleep in a tight squeeze. If there are more than eight people, two rooms can be rented. Five or six people in each room are also very good.

With the current configuration of the adventurer team, it is completely fine to sleep in one room.

Keilal's considerations are really comprehensive. Finn doesn't know it yet, but Borth is completely shocked by him.

He has almost become a "puppet" now. The entire eighteenth floor is full of Kelal showing off his talents. Many adventurers have received commissions, asking them to safely bring Orario's civilians to the eighteenth floor. , and almost all of these civilians have children and daughters, and they are Kelal's "employees".

They were hired by Kelal, entered the eighteenth floor as employees, and then presented the fruits of their labor.

From building houses to cutting ropes, they all have a share. Now that the trade route has been opened, a steady stream of materials is being used towards Orario. Prices here will soon subside. For adventurers It was great news for them, and what Keilar was creating was not so much the dungeon raiding bridgehead in their plan as it was him building his own castle with reckless abandon.

But I have to admit that he didn't do a bad job.

"Save one for me, Borth." Finn looked at the painting and said.

"Finn, are you stupid? Don't forget, Loki Familia is here and has a 20% stake."

"For every 10 houses built here, two are yours." Borth's words made Finn suddenly brighten up.

He made a decision he would never regret.

Not only him, Lefiya's eyes also lit up after hearing the news.

Even the eyes of several adventurers from the Loki Familia who were resting next to them all lit up.

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