The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 619: Tens of thousands of houses in Ande Guangsha

Chapter 108: Tens of millions of houses in Guangzhou

The cabin designed by Kelar is indeed very inviting, with a small and stable feeling.

In fact, humans like small places. This is a DNA and instinct that has existed since the caveman era.

The oppression that humans experience in daily life will become even more oppressive when living in a place, so modern people begin to overcome their genetic instincts and pursue big houses.

But now humans have just escaped from the cavemen. It is the time to pursue instinct and chase a house with security.

Although the castles of the noble lords are particularly huge, there are many people living there, including guards and servants, and the space that the lords themselves can use is only thirty or forty square meters.

The room designed by Kelar is about 17 square meters in terms of use space (including the upper and lower floors, but Japan only counts the floor area). Because of this, people who are attracted to attics and living rooms, regardless of whether Who will fall in love with this room at first sight.

This is an advanced design concept that has spanned thousands of years. It is precisely because of the excellence of the design concept that it has a unique sense of beauty. More importantly, human beings have different feelings about beauty. Even if the aesthetic standards are different, in the face of a truly beautiful and generous design, They immediately felt the beauty.

Just like the retro style of Japanese-style architecture, Westerners may not understand why it becomes that way, but they can still experience the beauty of another style from Japanese-style architecture.

No matter how human beings' concepts change, their aesthetics must remain the same.

As soon as the first house was built, it was decorated, then furniture was placed, and finally it became a model house. Adventurers came to view the house every day, and dreamed of owning such a house in the future.

Obviously, what Borth said was definitely not a lie. If he were twenty years old again, he would definitely buy a set and die alone here with the woman he loves.

And most of the young adventurers don't want such a house.

Not only adventurers, but also many laborers who came here to visit this house. They will not be eligible for free [housing allocation] in the future, so they must use labor to make money, and then buy a house after making money.

Of course, the price of this house is definitely not cheap, but there are certain discounts and subsidies for local residents. Of course, the more important thing is that their wages cannot compete with the big nobles and big businessmen in bidding.

Big businessmen and nobles will definitely not be satisfied with the free real estate brought by their shares. There will be a new round of mergers and acquisitions, but Kelal will not let this happen.

This is not a simple investment issue, nor a simple merger, acquisition, or annexation issue, but a political issue.

If Kelar wants to make this a sanctuary, this kind of thing can't happen.

There must be laws here, there must be systems here, and businessmen and capital must obey the local system.

Kelal is building this system step by step, and the cornerstone of this system is not the adventurers, but the ordinary people in front of him. In Orario, these people can only be untouchables and poor people, huddled in the slums. Trembling, they carefully looked for job opportunities, and were exploited by other adventurers who gave up on themselves. This "paradise" was hard-won, so they worked harder and doubled their work.

The eighteenth floor is not cut off from Orario, but people who work here often try to ask the adventurers to take them back - they work here to provide convenience for the adventurers, and the adventurers naturally I'm happy to give them a ride.

After they brought them to Orario, the beauty of the 18th floor naturally spread in Orario. This was a simple word of mouth. There was obviously no publicity about the whole plan, but the businessmen just heard about it after receiving the rumor. The news came, but these poor people and even most adventurers didn't know about it.

So when the good life on the 18th floor spread from word to mouth among the poor, it naturally led to the blind obedience effect of the fish.

The school of fish only follows the leader. After the leader discovers the ocean current, food, and direction, they will just follow the leader blindly. Unless they are driven away by the big fish, they will remain blind throughout their lives.

In fact, the same is true for human beings. Human beings have always been blindly obedient. Only a few masters are different from ordinary people from the beginning.

For example, Kelal in the first life...

Or maybe Finn...

They know what they want from the beginning and then what they need to do to get what they want.

Ordinary people don't have foresight. They can only act when they see tangible benefits. For example, now, the "companions" who went on an adventure on the 18th floor came back and told about the beauty of the 18th floor, and then they were tempted.

Then hundreds of poor people suddenly flooded into the recruitment area.

But from now on, they need to go through the first screening.

No, the screening has actually started a long time ago. The first people who chose to register on the 18th floor were a group of brave poor people with no way out. They all implemented a very strict household registration admission system. They are not yet 18th floor. Residents of the upper class, but in fact they are very strictly cataloged when they apply for jobs, including age, gender, height, race, eye color, and even whether they are tall or thin.

This external rhetoric is a precaution to prevent them from stealing things and destroying the 18th floor. Everyone accepts it, but in fact they are the most qualified people to buy houses on the 18th floor, and various policies will even be introduced in the future. Let them move their wives and children.

The outside population is part of the population, and Orario's pauper Kelal isn't about to give up either.

The external population can easily form leaders during the migration process. Although they cannot make any waves in front of the adventurers, the leaders formed by their families, villages, regions, and countries will become their spiritual calling on the road. At this time, it would be very troublesome if they unite to put pressure on Kelal.

Kelal doesn't wait until that point to solve the problem, he already starts solving the problem.

He has begun to support the local people in Orario. The local people in Orario have deep-rooted obedience to adventurers. When faced with things led by adventurers, they will only obey, obey the strong, and become the strong has become their deep-rooted belief. Something.

What they lack is just an opportunity - some people don't even have a place to live before entering the 18th floor, don't even have an iron tool, and can't even afford a weapon.

The huge gap between rich and poor in this world does not exist because the gods don’t know about it or can’t see it.

So what can they do? Under the oppression of the four mountains of nobles, merchants, gods, and adventurers, they were also desperate, and they didn't know what to do.

When an opportunity appears in front of them, they will naturally try their best to seize it.

The new influx of applicants is considered the second group of people. Compared with the first group of people who dared to risk their own lives, they are less pessimistic about life and death, but they have an extremely keen grasp of opportunities.

They even succeeded in giving other poor people hope of escaping from their current lives.

The whole Orario seemed to come alive.

It had been a long time since the gods had seen such an energetic Orario. That man indeed had an extraordinary magic, a magic that seemed to make the whole city boil and move.

It's obviously just the development of the 18th floor. To be honest, it's not a novel idea. However, due to the lack of external funds and resources, even a level 5 adventurer like Borth, who has good leadership and charisma, But there is still a lack of a thorough development state.

But now... everything is different, everything has changed!

Now, they can somewhat understand why the two giants are willing to fully support Kelal.

This man is so interesting. Didn't they come down to the world just to have fun? The fun that Keilal can bring to them is really great. They are really happy to see it now and watch the excitement with great joy.

"Kay." In Aina's room, the two of them had just opened their eyes and looked at Keilal who was getting dressed. Aina, who had only a sheet covering her body, called out hesitantly.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Keilal turned around and looked at her gently and asked.

"Do you want to be the king?" She hesitated a little but finally asked what she was thinking. As the person she sleeps with, as a member of the Adventurer's Guild, she is too sensitive to Orario's various circulations. However, she could clearly feel that Orario's people were pouring into the eighteenth floor. If the adventurers still didn't know what happened to Orario, then as the defenders of order, their sense of smell would Much sharper.

And they will definitely know in advance to facilitate this plan.

So when facing Keilal, she was slightly able to detect some of Keilal's thoughts.

"How could you have such an idea?" Kailar said with a smile.

"However, it is true that what I do will cause some people to have an illusion, like Game of Thrones or something." Keilar smiled, he knew that this would create an illusion, and the gods probably thought so too. ? Not only would they not stop Kelal, they would even be happy to see it happen.

But none of their speculations were true.

Kelal did want to establish a political power, but he would never be the king himself.

There is a fundamental difference.

The fundamental difference will cause them to make wrong judgments. For example, when Keilal faces Aina like this now, she will be hesitant and confused, not knowing whether she should help Keilal and how she should help her. This creates an ideological disconnect.

If they really thought that Kelal wanted to establish an underground kingdom, they were sadly mistaken.

Kelal wanted to establish a regime, a sanctuary, but never a kingdom.

"Aina, do you want to come to the 18th floor to help?" Keilar thought for a while and said suddenly.

To be honest, Aina and Keilal are spending less time together and more apart. Keilal not only takes risks, but also often runs to the 18th floor. He spends less and less time on the ground.

Perhaps this is normal for adventurers, but for Aina, the pillow person, she is more sensitive and feels more deeply than others.

Hearing Keilal say this, she was very happy inside, but the happy expression on her face flashed away, and a worried expression appeared randomly on her face.

"Our Adventurer's Guild does not enter the dungeon." Moreover, they do not have the ability to enter the dungeon. The staff of the Adventurer's Guild do not have adventurers. If they want to enter the dungeon, it will be a narrow escape.

But that was only in the past.

Now, here comes Keilal, and the rules have changed.

"In a few days, the Adventurer's Guild will issue an order to open a new Adventurer's Guild branch to the eighteenth floor. If Aina is willing, I can find some connections and let the gods transfer you. past."

In any case, the gods are now fully supporting Kelal.

They are very useful, and Keilar is not shy about asking for help.

They gave Keilal unimpeded access in return, and Keilal gave them a show that was unparalleled in the world.

The two sides are just providing convenience to each other.

"Can it?!" Aina opened her eyes wide.

Although there are risks on the 18th floor, since the gods have decided to develop the 18th floor, the risks are also limited, not to mention that Keilal is here.

Although Aina does not have an intuitive feeling about Keilal's power, judging from Finn's attitude, she is not weak. In this case, with Keilal around, there is basically no danger. If she passes by, Will I be able to be with Keilal more often?

"I'll go!" she shouted.

"Okay, I understand." Keilar looked at her with a doting smile on her face and said, "Then just wait for my good news first."

He put on his clothes and armor and walked out.

He occasionally comes to Aina's place to spend the night, but he has been busy recently, so he only comes once a week or so. This time, Aina's reaction is normal, so he will send out this invitation.

For him, the transfer of Orario's core is inevitable and inevitable.

Orario will only become an entrance in the future, the entrance to the dungeon.

As for the current prosperity.

Kelal wants to empty it step by step so that it still looks prosperous, but in fact, the things inside Orario are slowly being lost.

Finn and the others have decided to establish a new branch on the 18th floor.

The Freya Familia is not slow either.

As for other family members, they followed suit.

This is not only to be the first to open up the dungeon, but also to stick to the fat so that others will not unknowingly deprive them of the benefits that should belong to them.

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