The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 620 Big changes every day

Chapter 109 Big changes every day

Bell and the others' mission today is a bit strange.

Their mission is to escort Miss Aina to the eighteenth floor.

Instead of wearing a black women's suit as usual, Aina wore a tight-fitting outfit that bound the cuffs and trouser legs, and wore leather armor, looking like she was going on an outing.

What is rare is that she is carrying a big bag with many daily necessities in it.

This time, Keilal was leading the team, but Keilal didn't make many moves along the way.

Bell at level 2 and Bell at level 1 are no longer the same person. Bell's skills have now been completely transformed. In the battles from the first to the 18th floor, there are very few monsters that can embarrass him. Most of the time. He was all alone in cleaning up the monsters.

Even if he reaches the 18th floor, he is still strong enough to move forward alone. Only after the 30th floor do they need the cooperation of a team.

The monsters along the way were easily washed away by Bell, and they followed Bell as if they were on an outing.

This was a real outing, as if Aina had come to the dungeon for the first time, and she was very curious about everything.

Lily still wanted to lower her head to pick up stones, but she just looked at everything in the dungeon curiously.

Everything in the dungeon was new and curious to her, something she had never seen before.

Keilal walked beside her and introduced everything here to her with a smile.

"Before, there were only a few bluestone slabs and lamps here."

He pointed to the ground and the walls.

"Originally, the only light source here was crystal stones. The light source of those crystal stones was very dim, making it difficult for people to see the surroundings. However, after the 18th floor development plan, the walls here were inlaid with magic crystal lamps. , always bright, and can be used for more than a year at a time.”

The magic crystal lamp is not a big investment. If it is purchased in other places, it may increase several times. But in Orario, the place where magic crystal is produced, the price of this origin will certainly not be that high.

There is a magic lantern every 10 meters along the way. These were installed by adventurers who received the mission. The craftsmanship is average, but the quality is guaranteed to be good.

And as adventurers, they know best what adventurers need. There are magic lanterns for lighting at every corner. That is to say, if there is an enemy behind the corner, the magic lantern will illuminate the figure behind the corner on the ground. People can see it clearly.

Of course, the role of the magic lantern is not only that, but also a guiding light for adventurers.

Each level of the dungeon is very deep, and more importantly, each level is a maze.

Unless there is an experienced adventurer to lead the way, newcomers must all try and make mistakes before they can find the real path.

Now there is no need for newcomers. If they take risks on this level, they can start to spread out in all directions along the main road. If they want to go to the next level, they can just follow the light and go to the next level.

This is a very friendly and helpful measure for new adventurers.

They can easily decide where to go without risking their lives to find the way.

Before this, the adventurers didn't think there was anything wrong with this - they were not relatives, so why should the routes and experience they gained by their own escape be given to those who came after them?

People all have dark psychology, not to mention that this is a kind of [morality] in itself, and even latecomers don't think there is anything wrong with it.

When a habit becomes a recognized thing, even Finn can't escape this bondage.

But Keilar is not from this world. He immediately discovered the unreasonableness of it. He issued a task and ordered people to build this light corridor. After the light corridor was completed, everyone Only then did he suddenly wake up.

This is just a matter of a simple effort, and how many adventurers have died due to problems like this without doing a "little effort".

When Keilal said he wanted to build roads again, no one objected.

As shareholders, it is their duty to contribute in places like this.

Some places do not need to be paved, because the dungeon itself is a road, while some places require bricks and stones to pave the way for carriages to pass smoothly. With lights to guide them, many adventurers just put the bricks they brought with them. Just the ground that needs to be paved will be fine, and other adventurers will arrive there with bricklayers and then pave the road.

This is a delicate job, but the adventurers are like ants, gathering in small groups to pave all the roads from the first floor to the eighteenth floor within a month.

A comfortable and flat road led them to the underground city with the guidance of lights.

You can see that many monsters often come from nearby mines or pile up directly on the road. That is because they also like bright places. These monsters are what make the entire road dangerous, and it is precisely because of them Only adventurers have the value of existence.

Along the way, Bell impressed Aina. The rookie who had just entered the Adventurer's Guild, looked childish and looked around, has now become an independent adventurer.

Bell, who was considered a leader among level 2 adventurers, turned out to be just a subordinate of this man.

Although she knew that Keilal had been changing Orario, she could only realize what Keilal had changed when she walked on this lighted road.

People in Orario are generally illiterate, but even the gods have difficulty defining what he is doing now, because they have never seen anything called reform, and it has never happened in this world.

They watched Bell perform along the way, and arrived at the 18th floor without any danger. What they saw made Aina take a breath of air.

"Is this the eighteenth floor?" Aina stood on the mountain and looked at the busy people at the foot of the opposite mountain in surprise. She didn't expect that there were so many people here.

"So many people are here..." she said involuntarily.

"Well, the number of people has increased. Before this, there were only one or two hundred people here, most of them were floating adventurers. Now the number has increased to five thousand." Keilar stood beside her, Looking at all this with satisfaction, it was obvious that the more than 5,000 people here were recruited after he arrived.

"That place is?" Rows of buildings like a forest of monuments attracted Aina's attention.

"Toilet, hit the toilet." Keilar knew that it was too far to see anything clearly from above.

But even though he couldn't see clearly, he could see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance, just enough to see the entire city on the 18th floor clearly.

"There is..." She was like a curious baby who had never seen the world at all.

In fact, this is not the case, because Orario is almost the center of the world. Orario exports magic stones, and other merchants send the best things to Orario in exchange for magic stones.

This is a trade output and trade input. Orario brings together the world's good things, but Aina promises that she has never seen such a thing.

It was a shed built on the water. The shed directly spanned the river like a small bridge, and there were countless people on it carrying large logs over there.

"There is a waterwheel, and the waterwheel drives the wood saw, and then all the wood is sawed, and finally the fine processing is done."

There are two kinds of hydraulic wood saws: circular saws and blade saws, which can greatly improve the efficiency of workers.

Some people will think that this kind of thing will make them unemployed, but from a macro perspective, making the job of five people working together into one person's work can free up the other four people to do more meaningful work-this It is a better tool that can be used by one person as five people.

Then more people can devote themselves to other jobs. Although the farmland has been divided now, it is unrealistic for them to cultivate it because the land area is too large. The land area covers more than 5,000 people. It makes no sense for people to cultivate it.

Almost all of them are workers now, and about 40% of the young women are not only the guarantee to ensure the balance between men and women, but also the cooking, cooking, and logistics personnel.

They may have to live in the flesh business in Orario, but the remuneration they receive here is enough for them to become normal ordinary people and live an honest life.

They like this place, this place makes them feel alive.

There are about four to five thousand people on the entire eighteenth floor, but the real adventurers are only more than five hundred - this is a huge increase from the previous number.

Those single-occupancy hotels have been used. Since the establishment of this hotel, adventurers have been very interested in this hotel.

Lovers can ask for one room, small groups can ask for one room, and large groups can ask for two or three rooms. Even before residents move in from other places, this beautiful hotel is already full every day.

The number of hotels is increasing at a rate of two per day, but the supply is still insufficient.

One is that the adventurers themselves are wealthy owners, and the second is that hotel prices have been significantly reduced.

In the past, a small room cost 30,000 to 40,000 wallis, and a small room could only accommodate one or two people.

Nowadays, the hotel only costs 10,000 Wallis per night. Although it is still expensive, it does not seem to be too expensive for adventurers of level 2 and above who can reach the 18th floor.

If they are lovers, the two of them will only pay 5,000 Wallis each. Having such a small nest, privacy, and no sound, they can rest here, stretch comfortably, and even do some loving things. OK.

For a small adventure group of four or five people, the cost would be 2,000 Wallis per person.

Although they all paid the entrance fee - no one took the little Ten Wallis seriously.

But Keilar knows that this kind of "no capital" business is the real huge profit.

Adventurers come, adventurers go, adventurers come again, adventurers go again...

They are infinitely poor.

There are no adventurers permanently stationed here now. The real residents are just about twenty adventurers led by Borsi. They are all from level 2 to level 3. There are none at level 4 and only level 5. Borth alone.

This may be a very weak adventurer group, but they are the core here, and they are the only ones who don't need to pay to enter the city.

The remaining adventurers, who come and go, have to pay 10 Wallis every time they come, even Finn and the others are no exception.

If you pay a sum of money every day, even if you calculate it as half of the adventurers, 250 people, it will be 2,500 Wallis every day, so in a month it will be 65,000 Wallis.

Maybe it’s not as much as the six-day rent of a cabin, but it’s all for nothing! There are only two hundred and fifty people! Doubling that would be 130,000! If the number of people is larger, as Kailar expects, the daily traffic is more than a thousand people, and the resident adventurers are around 2,000, the income here is 10,000 Wallis in one day, and 300,000 in thirty days. For free.

One year...

3.6 million annual income.

And it will continue to rise.

This is just the most conservative estimate.

Oralites who don't know math probably don't know the horror of the city entrance tax.

After bringing Aina to the city, the bustle of people became even more lively.

This place is like the passionate people in a certain red era. The poor people who have found hope use 120% of their enthusiasm and efforts to give back to this ideal land in Orario.

Aina didn't know what to say, because she had never seen such an Orario before.

They don't seem to be Oralien.

The toilets are the focus to watch. After all, the news about the toilets on the 18th floor has spread throughout Orario, and even around the world.

But Orario couldn't make this kind of toilet. Considering Orario's tight urban land, they couldn't go to pick up water several kilometers away and then pipe it to Orario.

But now she can finally see her true face.

After squatting comfortably in the sealed space for more than ten minutes, Aina came out with a red face, fearing that there was some strange smell on her body.

Keilal knew that this was how women went to the toilet, so he was not dissatisfied or anxious. He just smiled and drank tea in front of the house.

When Aina came back, he smiled and nodded to her.

Aina looked at the door of the house where he was sitting and exhaled.

This is a house different from other houses.

The house is larger than other rental hotels.

Much larger.

The big one surprised Aina.

Aina's house in Orario is only about fifteen square meters. Since there are no upper and lower floors, it looks larger than a small single-family wooden house with eighteen floors. However, the house in front of her is made of twelve huge wooden poles. It is made of 100% wood and countless small pieces of wood. It occupies an area of ​​only fifty square meters. There are more than three floors inside, and the usable area including the attic is a full one hundred and twenty square meters.

There is naturally a reason why this kind of building is designed.

If we say the biggest reason is to highlight one's identity - of course, more expensive money is inevitable.

Separate the nobles, businessmen, and high-level adventurers from others and charge more expensive money and higher-level services. On the contrary, they like this feeling of superiority even more.

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