The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 625 Stop Loss (1/2)

Chapter 625 Stop Loss (12)

Chapter 114 Stop Loss

After these farmers take a bath and drink broth, they will be arranged to sleep in the shed.

As mentioned before, it is impossible for this group of farmers and workers to live in that kind of single-family villa.

After those single-family villas for four people are spread all over the mountains and plains, Kelal may wait for the opportunity to let people like the leaders of these working groups buy the houses at low prices.

In fact, after businessmen enter the market, housing prices here will rise to incredible levels. At that time, state agencies will need to intervene to curb housing prices. Otherwise, just look at the housing prices in Tokyo and New York.

Ginza District, Tokyo - 40 million yen (2.4 million yuan) per square meter.

Manhattan, New York - Regardless of whether it is new or old, house prices are US$100,000 per square meter (5.9 million yuan).

This is the result of no state agency intervening and allowing capital to act as it pleases.

As for the housing prices in the capital that everyone complains about every day, the highest XC district is only 110,000 per square meter converted into RMB. As for the people in Chaoyang District who want to be the most famous, it is only 70,000 per square meter, which is slightly on par with the above two countries. By comparison, we can see that the state's control of housing prices is generally successful. Otherwise, based on an annual GDP growth rate of 6%, housing prices would never be that low.

Without the strong [government] formed by Kelal, this group of farmers and workers would undoubtedly be in trouble. They would simply be manipulated by the aristocrats and capitalists without any ability to resist.

Now Kelal has formed a basic government based on the adventurer leaders, and the entire eighteenth floor is controlled by this summit. They have room to deal with nobles, businessmen, and capital.

What Keilal wants to introduce is a work point system.

This kind of work points is full of contribution value and authority. As long as it can be used well, it can greatly increase the enthusiasm of this group of farmers and workers.

The days with hope always pass quickly, and as for the hope that is so close, it makes them redouble their efforts.

There is only one thing that Keilar is worried about right now, and that is the issue of male-female ratio.

He noticed that among the first batch of more than 500 farmers who came to Orario this time, the majority were men, including old men, middle-aged men, and young men. As for women, there were only women in their prime.

In other words, among the more than 500 farmers, there are only about 100 women, and most of them are married.

So the question becomes, how to solve the single problem of the remaining 300 men?

But don't laugh yet.

It may seem ridiculous for Keilal to worry about the marriage of these farmers, but this is an issue that every lord and leader must pay attention to.

Young people are energetic and hot-tempered. After working every day and eating a big pot of delicious food, they really have nothing to do.

Can the Orario people ask the adventurers to give them a ride back to the prosperous Orario? If they have money, they can also go shopping or buy property.

But these farmers have nowhere to go if they have nothing to do.

By then, they will become unstable and become the source of disrupting public order.

The cornerstone of a stable society is public security. History has proven that a society with corrupted public security will cause unrest in people's hearts.

Keilal has to worry about their marriage and children.

But after watching farmers begin to cultivate farmland the next day, he felt relieved.

He didn't know much about the farming technology of this era, but he still knew something about ordinary farming technology.

It can be said that the technology of these farmers is only at a very primitive stage.

How original is it? They still use upright plows for reclamation, and the plows are still pulled by humans.

To cultivate one acre of land requires two or three members of a family to work together.

The man spreads the land with a plow, and then his son or wife starts to sow the seeds. If there is one more person, he can water or fertilize.

Anyone with a little bit of agricultural knowledge should know that the power efficiency of a curved plow is at least eight times higher than that of an upright plow.

When the Qu plow came out, it was known as the eight-ox plow, which means that with this plow, one cow can be used as eight cows.

The upright plow was too heavy and bulky to be pulled by an ox, let alone a human.

Therefore, the efficiency of digging pits in farmland is very low.

This is still good land. It takes one unit per morning to cultivate one piece of land. Although more than 500 farmers cultivated more than 100 pieces of land at once, there is no doubt that their efficiency is too low. .

In Keilar's view, their efficiency is indeed too low.

But for ordinary adventurers and workers, who are not farmers, the efficiency of farmers is really ridiculously high.

After having good food, drink, bathing, and shelter from the wind and rain, the enthusiasm of the farmers was somewhat unexpected.

Keilar believed that if anyone could see this scene, they would understand why a country that mobilized tens of millions of farmers could defeat an industrial country.

Workers and peasants are by no means just words.

This is the first batch of more than 500 people, and farmers will come here intermittently in the future.

They are considered "investments" by the nobles, because the nobles themselves are like this. They don't care about anything other than the nobles and their own property. The so-called territory is just to better obtain money. As for the people, it has no value or meaning at all.

Kelar had seen countless nobles of this kind in Camelot and Rome before. After all, these nobles were exactly the same, no matter which time and space, which era or which world they were in.

In other words, this is the original sin of mankind. After having rights, desires, money, and no restraint, human beings are the same no matter where they are.

However, the farmers behind may be much slower.

——Whether they are businessmen or nobles, they are all extremely cunning people, or the kind of people who don't let go of eagles when they see rabbits.

The reason why they agreed to this plan was because it was very likely to be implemented, because this plan looked very likely to be implemented from the outside.

But after all, they are not fools. They know that in order to complete such a [country], apart from other things, the minimum self-sufficiency is necessary.

And everything that is self-sufficient comes from these farmers.

Don't look at the fact that they have already invested a lot of wood and more than 500 residents, but if it is divided evenly, it will only be a small investment. Once these farmers can't grow food, they can always stop loss.

As for people in Orario, they can go back to Orario directly.

It's not a big loss for anyone.

The only loss was that Keilal's plan was ruined.


Back to my hometown in Hunan.

Hunan is so cold, 4 or 5 degrees cooler than Guangdong.

Wearing a sweater and down jacket, shivering next to the stove.

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