The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 626 Teaching Farmers (2/2)

Chapter 626 Teaching Farmers (22)

Chapter 115 Teaching Farmers

The land here is good land.

Keilal had known this for a long time.

Because the tree roots will continuously release ammonia and nitrogen, the land will become very nutritious, and the tree roots will make the land very soft, so this kind of land is the dream land of many farmers.

Although these farmers were sweating profusely and looked like they were fished out of water, the smiles on their faces never stopped from the beginning.

Obviously, this place is not deceiving people in terms of external publicity. Although it has suffered a lot along the way, the land here is indeed fertile, and there is food, clothes, and a place to live.

Everything has been arranged properly. The only thing that needs to be worried is whether the lord of this place really collects only one-tenth of the tax every time as promised.

When they reached an average of three acres per person, Kelal stopped their work.

This made them a little upset. Obviously, the previous promises made them happy, and now it would undoubtedly violate their interests to prevent them from reclaiming the land.

In Keilar's view, caring for one acre of land for one person and three acres of land for a family is already the limit.

What he needs is not the kind of extensive cultivation, but the kind of precise cultivation.

Although extensive reclamation allows a small population to take care of more land, and the harvest of the land depends on the sky, the price/performance ratio is extremely high in the farming era.

However, China has always been a developed economy and trade country in ancient times. The developed landlord system squeezed the survival system of small farmers, so small farmers had to sell their land, or find ways to increase production capacity on the only land they had.

Intensive farming was naturally born in this land. This is an inevitable choice of history.

Once intensive farming is promoted, food production will increase exponentially.

Only then did people discover the benefits of intensive farming. They did not need to depend on the weather for food, and the output depended entirely on their own maintenance. For the first time, humans held grain production capacity in their own hands.

Now Kailar's demand for intensive farming undoubtedly offends their sense of "ownership" of the land they enclose.

This is a very ridiculous thing. Less than three days after arriving here, this group of farmers has already regarded this place as their home.

Fortunately, it fully meets all the standards of a "small country". The direct control that goes deeper into the grassroots instantly suppresses their weak dissatisfaction. The more than 4,000 workers have naturally become members of the "violent organization".

What's more important is that after the first batch of farmers accepted three acres of land per household, when later generations wanted to violate this rule, they were actually infringing on their interests.

So when their voices were suppressed, Keilal's voice gained the upper hand.

He doesn't need to tell them why they do it, he just needs to tell them what to do.

A small canal was dug along the red line that separated each acre of land. This was to facilitate scooping water for irrigation. As for how to transport the water into the canal, another type of pedal water wheel was required.

This slanted barrel-shaped waterwheel made like a pillar was originally made of pillars. A waterwheel made of bamboo tubes and a paddle-like wooden board can easily pump up the water. , and then poured into the ditch when dumped.

These canals are more like man-made streams than canals, extending into other fields.

Farmers can easily water the entire field by simply scooping water into the ditch with a ladle.

These man-made ditches are spread out in all directions along the fields. There are even small ditches on the roadside. Facts have proved that even in the Chinese countryside in the 21st century, there is still room for such ditches to survive. Now, this A small ditch drive filled with water can already be regarded as "high-tech".

This group of people had never thought that water could be obtained so conveniently - both in ancient times in the East and the West, water sources were crucial. This was related to the amount of effort it took to obtain water for irrigation during farming, and even directly related to the dry season. Whether your crops can survive is a matter of life and death.

It is precisely because of this that these farmers often beat the dogs out of their minds due to water source problems. This water is limited. Sometimes your family has it, but my family does not have it.

But ditches like this, which are averaged around every acre of field and can be easily irrigated, allow farmers to know at a glance whether there is water in their fields and how many days it can last.

They have been farming for decades and all their lives, and they can draw conclusions about this kind of thing almost at a glance.

If in the future every acre of land is divided by canals as it is now, then why will they have to fight for water in the future?

The water in this canal belongs to everyone!

If it's not enough, just let the water tanker pump it again!

Hydraulic power is an important power, and it is one of the three major forces along with wind power and heat. If you know some dynamics, you should be able to understand how important hydraulic power is as a source of "automation".

Kelal sawed wood with water power on the 18th floor, which saved workers a hundred times, and pumped water with water power, making irrigation a hundred times easier.

The farmers were convinced by his invention of the waterwheel and the field. After that, he taught them how to compost and fertilize, and no one had any complaints anymore.

Just like what was said before.

People here couldn't understand Keilal's actions.

Just like Keilal asked them to build a water pipe from the mountain to collect water, no one knew what the water pipe was used for until the bathhouse and toilets were completed.

Keilal asked them to make an iron propeller, and they couldn't understand the use of such a thing. They didn't know that cutting wood could be so easy in this world until they assembled it with an irregular-shaped iron saw using ropes and wooden gears.

Now that Keilal's "miracle" was unfolding again, they didn't need to ask why, they just needed to ask how.

The Orario people, who have long been accustomed to Kelal's behavior, have long been accustomed to Kelal, and even take it for granted why the gods gave him the title of [Wise Man]. Such a magical person certainly deserves to be a wise man. Two words, if he can't afford it, then who can?

Composting begins.

Not everyone likes that pile of excrement.

But for the next year's harvest, they had no choice.

To be honest, these hundreds of acres of land have almost everyone paying attention to them.

These places represent whether the entire plan can be implemented smoothly or not.

The days passed so slowly...

Kelal also unknowingly ushered in his first year in the dungeon.

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