The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 631 What I saw, heard and felt

Chapter 120 What I saw, heard and felt

"Everyone, get off the car." The people on the carriage seemed to have privileges. Ordinary people had already got off the car when they were down to earth, but the nobles and them could drive straight in.

This is what is called the equality of all beings, and some people are more equal than others.

In a feudal era, this was inevitable. Keilar could not break the laws of history, and he did not have the pure belief in revolution, so he might as well retreat.

What's more, he knows in his heart that people's living standards have nothing to do with any system but everything to do with productivity.

The United Kingdom, a constitutional monarchy, has a queen, but it is still a developed country. On the other hand, in Mandela's democratized South Africa, ordinary people do not even have enough to eat.

This is probably the gap in productivity and technology between the two countries - it is also important whether there is anyone stirring up trouble in the country.

A country is a perfect metaphor for the barrel theory.

If a country's military is not good, it will be invaded by other countries; if a country's internal affairs are not good, riots will occur; if a country's technology is not good, its productivity will not be enough to supply the people...

In any case, these gods are more equal than others.

But the nobles are obviously more equal than them.

The voice of the groom John made several gods get off the carriage, but the carriages of the nobles and merchants continued to drive forward.

"This is the [Harvest Stone], welcome everyone!" Old John, standing on the carriage, opened his arms and said to the four gods.

The four gods got out of the car and looked at the hotel.

It's really big...

Even on par with the hostess of abundance.

Different from the small restaurants that Keilar and the others saw at first, which could only accommodate four or five tables, this was a big hotel through and through.

With meals on the first floor and accommodation on the second floor, it can be said that this is not only a temporary resting place for ordinary civilians, but also a temporary resting place for adventurers with some financial constraints.

It can be said that there is a lot of people here, and it can be said that there is a mixed crowd.

Of course people like Old John know that those who are willing to rent a small car and travel with four people are not short of money, and they will never be stingy about renting a luxury villa in the "upper class area", but so what?

He was smart because the other party was completely unfamiliar with everything about this place and the "safe house".

They are all newbies!

If that's the case, what's there to be afraid of?

Although he would not say that he would cheat the other party - this kind of bad habit of tour guides is strictly prohibited here, and it is even a serious crime, ranging from whipping to exile. Anyone who does business here and is employed has such courage, There are still a small number of people who want money rather than their lives.

But like Old John is doing now, he is using his power to drag these "cute newcomers" to his old friend's hotel. That is completely fine and there is no violation of the rules at all.

After these four people reacted, it would have been three or four days anyway, right?

After three or four days, whether they fall in love with this hotel or move to a more luxurious uptown area has nothing to do with Old John.

Maybe they would meet Old John by chance on the way back, and then point at him and laugh and curse at him, but if they really wanted to say that Old John had tricked them into something, it really was nothing.

So Old John was completely confident. He greeted the four gods: "Guys, Old John has to drive the car to a special place. You can just go in and tell the landlady that Old John introduced me. But there are some Discounted.”

His words made several gods laugh. Anyway, since he introduced them here, they should go in and take a look.

They turned their heads and looked at the tavern. This tavern had two large wooden doors. However, because there were too many people coming and going, both doors were open. People came and went, and all kinds of people came and went. Yes, from elves to dwarves, from small humans to orcs, and of course, most of them are humans.

Old John stopped at the door for more than ten seconds and the door became crowded. However, after Old John left, although there were many people on the road, it suddenly returned to normal.

The abortion returned to normal so quickly, which surprised the gods, but their curiosity about the hotel completely covered up their surprise at the abortion.

After they entered the hotel, they were shocked by the spaciousness and hugeness inside.

This place covers an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, and six or seventy tables are bustling with people chatting. From time to time, guests walk out after eating, and from time to time, people approach, just like what they saw on the carriage, here The people seemed to be busy all the time, coming and going like the wind, and eating very fast.

Some people poured in, found a seat, and yelled for the waiter to come over and order. The waiter was so busy that he ran around the corridor of the hotel as if he was running. Their hands could be used at once. Take two plates, and you can place four dishes or two set meals on the two plates at the same time. They look like hard-working ants, unable to stop using themselves for a moment.

"Welcome!" A middle-aged woman wearing a maid costume came to them with a humble smile - even when the hotel was the busiest, there would still be a waiter at the door to greet guests. The most basic respect for strangers coming here for the first time.

"How many guests are here for the first time?" The middle-aged woman wore a small hat, but it could be seen from her ears that she was not a human or an elf. Her tail was raised and furry, expressing that she was in a good mood. , but I can’t tell what race they are.

"Do you need accommodation or food?" Her smile was bright. Although the years had left traces on her face, she was still very beautiful with her bright smile.

Several gods were shocked by her smile. They seemed to have never seen such a beautiful smile.

They don’t know that this is the glory and beauty that only belongs to the working people.

Women who work are most beautiful—from some great man whose name dare not be spoken.

"We were introduced by Old John, and we have accommodation and food."

At this time, only the goddess of beauty was more resistant. She stood up and said: "The four of us have to stay in a hotel and eat. Do you have any recommendations?"

"We have single rooms and double rooms here. If the guests don't mind, you can rent two double rooms. If you want to dine, please come with me. Do you mind sitting in the lobby? If you mind, you can rent a private room, that's it. rent……"

Of course she was trained to say these words.

Kelal has conducted several trainings, most of which focused on service industry training.

As long as you listen to Keilar's lectures carefully, you will be able to understand this set of things clearly, logically and in an orderly manner.

Several gods were surprised that she spoke so clearly, but they became curious about this hotel. However, this was not the time to talk about this. Freya opened her mouth to ask for a private room, but Hermes intercepted her. She said: "Let's just sit in the lobby. If you have a room, you can give us two double rooms."

Several gods looked at him in surprise.

The waiter led them to a table, placed the menu in front of them, and then left - her job was to welcome guests, not to be a waiter.

"Are you crazy? Our chances of being discovered here will greatly increase." Dionysus whispered.

They did not dare to argue loudly, because there were already clear legal provisions here. Any private fight would be whipped or exiled, and death would be a serious crime, hanging or beheading.

Because there are several major family members supporting them in the background, the express provisions of the law are very deterrent. Once they make a loud noise, people may think they are quarreling, and they will be reported to the Public Security Department. After the security team arrives, they will not be able to leave. La.

As for concealing identity, it is no longer possible.

So they talked quietly but fiercely, as if they were arguing over what to eat.

Dionysus was right. Even if the ordinary people here have diluted the adventurers a lot, their chances of being discovered while dining in public will be much higher.

"Don't worry, Dionysus." Hermes cynically blocked the neck of the elegant young master Dionysus and said with a smile: "Don't you want to know the secret of this store's popularity? "

His words silenced the others. He was right. They came to the 18th floor of the dungeon just to see the charm of the 18th floor?

Seeing that everyone was convinced by him, Hermes smiled slightly and picked up the menu: "Let's see what's here."

They each picked up the menu cards in front of them and exclaimed in surprise.

There are not only words on this menu, but also pictures on it. Although these pictures are not painted with watercolors and are not oil paintings, the images drawn with just a few simple strokes are clear to people. Even illiterate people can easily Understand, let alone the four gods.

"I'm afraid this picture was also created by that wise man." Hermes paused for a while with complicated eyes before speaking.

"This painting is completely different from other paintings." Hestia said.

"It is indeed unique." Dionysus touched his chin and said. He usually likes songs, games, art and other things. It is precisely because of this that he has never seen this kind of "painting". "Wind", but no matter what, this style of painting is realistic and beautiful. Ordinary people may salivate when they see it. Even these literate gods couldn't help but swallow their saliva after seeing the text under the picture. .

There are eight sets of these pictures in total, which are all the dishes in this tavern. They use a set meal style of main course, staple food and soup. There are only eight kinds of set meals.

There are chicken, mutton, pork and fish, and there is even a vegetarian diet to take care of the elves. The soup to take care of the dwarves is replaced by wine. Many drinkers will buy it twice occasionally, and there are even two kinds. Cheap set meal with less meat.

It can be said that it covers everything, and no one can make a mistake.

"It's really amazing." Except for Hestia, the three gods here were all very thoughtful. After reading the menu in detail, they just exhaled. There is really something wrong with such a comprehensive menu. The feeling of surrender.

——As gods, they bow down to the wisdom contained in a menu.

"Have the guests chosen what they want to eat? Our roast pork here is very famous." A waiter saw that they had been sitting here for a long time without ordering, so he naturally came up and asked.

This is absolutely impossible in Orario. When the waiters see you sitting still, they will only come over to rush you. They even chase people away. They come up to greet them with a smile and ask them what they want to eat. This is the first time.

Everything here is different from the big city Orario. Everything here is so strange and peculiar, but the details are full of wisdom and humanity, making people feel comfortable involuntarily.

"What's the word for roast pork?" Dionysus, a gentle and elegant nobleman, raised his head and asked.

"It's natural," the orc lady, who looked thin and small with round ears, said with a smile: "Although the menu is the same throughout the eighteenth floor, the skills of the chefs at the back are different. Our chef here is the best. What we are good at is roasting pig. The roasted pig skin is crispy and delicious, and the roasted pork is fat but not greasy. This is what the eighteen layers are famous for."

She looked young and thin, but she was very articulate. A few words made several gods salivate and they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

"In that case, I will order a roasted pig set meal." Hermes said.

"Then I want the roast chicken set meal." Dionysus said.

"Roast pig, roast pig, roast pig." Hestia almost slapped the table and yelled for the food to be served quickly.

"My word, let's eat the fish." Freya said when she saw that everyone else had made their choices.

"Understood. I'm going to place orders for a few customers right now. Please stay away from those guests." The maid wrote something on the board, then turned around and left like the wind. After that, there was a long wait.

But just as Hermes said, from this position, they could clearly see the people in the entire hotel, including people at thirty or forty tables. It was an unprecedented scene, and there were more than one in the hall alone. More than two hundred people were dining at the same time. Some people finished their meal and paid their bills and left, while some people kept coming in, as if this place could be open from morning to night with a continuous flow of people.

"I finally know where the tens of millions of shares this year come from." Freya looked at it for a long time and suddenly sighed, causing everyone else to look over.

"This meat-based meal set menu costs about 1,000 watts, and the cheaper one is 500 watts. This lobby can accommodate more than 200 people at a time. If we calculate it as lunch and dinner twice, one meal per person will cost 500 watts." One hundred Wallis, this day's income is 400,000 Wallis. If it is one thousand Wallis, it is 800,000. Moreover, there is a constant flow of people coming and going, and there is no gap at all. Obviously, there is more than enough food for this day. These two hundred people.”

She had sorted out the whole thing in just a few seconds, and only then did Hestia and the three of them realize that this small restaurant was actually so profitable!

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