Chapter 121 No face

They had been waiting for a long time, but it didn't seem that long, because watching these adventurers eating big meals and ordinary people chatting loudly, I always felt that there was some silent emotion brewing.

They have never seen this kind of world, this kind of people, maybe this is the reason why they came down to earth?

"A few guests have been waiting for a long time." The orc maid held two plates in her hands like butterflies, with two set meals on each plate. The fragrant and steaming set meals were placed on them. in front of.

"This is the hot soup provided by our store. Please take it." She put the plate on the table with a smile, and then put down the set meal.

The entire set meal includes 3 pieces of white bread, a meat dish, a mashed potato mixed with green salad, and a bowl of soup.

Except for the thick soup, the portions of other dishes are surprisingly sufficient. For example, the white bread is as big as Hestia's two fists. After eating three white breads, people will doubt Hestia's taste. Will your small body be overwhelmed by this white bread?

As for the portions of meat dishes, it’s even more outrageous. It’s a whole plate of meat. Take Dionysus’ roast chicken for example. Half of the roast chicken weighs two pounds and looks crispy and delicious. One chicken drumstick and one chicken wing are enough. I've ordered two or three bowls of wheat rice, and I don't know how much bread I can eat with it. It's obvious that the entire restaurant has done its best to provide nutrition for the workers here.

The generous portions of the meals look amazing. Although the price here is about two to three times that of Orario, when faced with meals of this size, no one feels that the two or three times the price is deceptive. Instead, they feel that this store So honest.

I can't help but want some gods to try the portion and appearance of those cheaper set meals.

But it doesn't matter. They live here today, they still have a lot of time.

"It smells so good." Looking at the food in front of them, the gods took a deep breath, and then took the fragrance into their nostrils.

Obviously, nothing but spices can create this scent.

The gods were surprised that there could be spices here, but they understood after imagining the prices here and the identities of the "investors".

As an investor, treating spices as an investment is an inevitable choice.

Just like some territories have a relatively abundant population, they produce people. Some territories have a declining population but have plenty of wine, so they produce wine. Some territories specialize in spices, so their spices will naturally be invested in the 18th floor.

Keilar did not clearly give a number of years to receive a return, but in everyone's minds, they all understood that this was an investment with a period of approximately two to five years.

They invest in special products, so the actual amount of investment is not that large, and the pressure on ordinary lords is not that great.

But if it is successful, it will be the foundation for eternity - this kind of legal thing will naturally be protected by the laws of various countries. Once the investment is successful, what will be left to the descendants will not just be ordinary noble titles, territory, or the rights of the people. They are no different from other nobles.

Once eighteen levels of shares are left, even if the descendants are unfilial, ignorant, unable to manage a territory, flatter the superior nobles, run an army, or do business, as long as the shares are there, there will be a steady stream of dividends every year. , it can guarantee that even if the territory is ruined by the next generation of prodigal sons, the whole family will still have the possibility of making a comeback.

As mentioned earlier, this group of merchant nobles are ignorant and feudal, but they are cunning, cunning, and mean. They are typical self-interested people without any conscience.

It was Kelal's seduction and "guarantee" platform in many ways that allowed this group of egoists to see their interests and come in droves.

They don't feel that they are "spending money" at all, but feel that they are tearing off a piece of fat, and their calculations are crackling in their hearts.

The four gods looked at each other, and Hermes rubbed his hands, then picked up a fork and inserted a piece of pork.

There was only a click sound, the pork skin was pierced, and the fork was inserted directly into the pork easily. Heat spurted out along the pig skin, and the golden pig skin seemed to be covered with a layer of light.

"This is roasted..." Hermes couldn't describe his feelings. He raised the fork, as if it were nothing. The pork that seemed to be integrated had been finely chopped from the back. If one piece was inserted, it would be destroyed. The whole pig skin allows the square pieces of pork to split apart and be inserted easily.

Hermes put the pork into his mouth, chewed and tasted it carefully. He had eaten slowly enough, but there was still a clicking sound. Obviously, no matter how carefully he tasted it, the crispy pork The crispy aroma cannot be concealed.

He only ate one piece here, and Hestia already had a piece of pork and a piece of white bread, munching on them.

Hestia has always had no taste. All the gods knew this. She was used to being poor. Now that she was looking at delicious food, her behavior only made Freya and others chuckle in their hearts. No words were spoken.

The other three were like nobles, using forks and knives to cut gently and taste carefully. Except for the sound of Hestia's chewing, there was no other sound on the entire table, sharing the table with other people. The bustling chatter above sounded like people from a completely different world.

After waiting for a long time, the gods had finished eating most of the food. Then they slowly exhaled. After drinking the hot soup, their whole bodies and stomachs felt warm.

They pondered for a long time, as if they were digesting the meat in their stomachs, and as if digesting what they had seen and heard along the way, but no one spoke first.

Dionysus suddenly said: "It's no wonder that this store is booming and crowded."

He paused.

"If I were an ordinary civilian in Orario, I would rather go to the dungeon and earn three thousand Valis a day than eat these things for three meals a day."

"I'm afraid this ordinary person has never eaten such good food in his life."

He is the god of eating, drinking and having fun, and his priesthood even has some overlap with Hermes, but he is a well-deserved master in pleasure, so when he said this, it was almost recognized by the other three gods with a nod.

There was one sentence he didn't say out loud, because it didn't look good on the faces of the gods.

That is--

It’s not just the common people who have never tasted this good food?

I'm afraid most of the gods in Orario have never tasted such a good thing, right? !


There should be another one; I was woken up by firecrackers at 7 o'clock this morning, so sleepy; my sister broke the temples of my glasses on New Year's Eve, and now they are tilted, making it uncomfortable to look at the screen, except for typing. blind.

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