Chapter 122 Residence

The four gods tried their best and couldn't finish their portion of the meal, so they had no choice but to give up and eat the rest of the meal.

Hermes was so careful that he called the maid to ask if it was too much to leave so much food.

The maid laughed happily: "Since the guests have paid, they naturally have full power to dispose of it. Even if they can't finish the meal, it doesn't matter. Whether these leftovers are used to feed the pigs or given to the workers and farmers for free." , after all, there are people who have never eaten meat.”

Just half a year ago, she was just one of those people who couldn't afford meat, but just a job had completely changed her destiny. Now, as a waiter, she wanted to eat a few I only eat a few strips of meat. Even when I saw these strips of meat recently, they seemed a little greasy, so I wanted to eat something lighter.

This has changed destiny.

These thoughts just flashed through her mind, and she didn't go into too much detail. Instead, there was some light in the eyes of the god.

Obviously, they have seen some destiny.

"Will all these leftovers be given to the poor?" Hermes, as the negotiator, was always talking. The maid who had some free time did not hesitate to chat with them. When she heard Hermes' words, she nodded. : "It's natural. These are good meals. It's common for guests to not finish the food when they come here for the first time. It would be too wasteful to just throw it away or feed it to pigs. Let's collect it with a little attention. Then we can give those poor people a good meal."

The four gods did not notice that the "poor people" she spoke of were not the common people in the sense they understood. The common people they understood were the first generation of Orario's labor recruiters and the first batch of people who came here. The farmers who come here.

After a year, they have changed greatly.

For example, the proprietress here is the Orario recruiter who came here last year. When recruiting the person in charge of the tavern, she also very courageously chose to take charge of her own business. After the training, she opened the hotel successfully. , is also extremely famous in this "safe house".

"We are full. Can you take us to the room to have a look?" Dionysus asked politely.

Don’t guests need to take a stroll on the 18th floor? It's still early in the day.

Swallowing the words in his heart, he thought about what he said during the training, what should be asked and what should not be asked, and he suddenly had no intention of asking anything.

This group of guests is a bit strange. They were tricked by Old John into coming to this middle-lower class hotel. They are not angry at all. It seems like they don't know?

In any case, they stayed here to take care of business. As a maid here, she had no position to ask them anyway.

Hermes's room was already prepared as soon as they entered the room.

After they finished their meal, the room was already tidied up. After entering the door, there were two small beds. They looked extremely soft, but they were in the style of single beds. Although they were not wide, they kept a certain distance from the corners. distance, and there is a bedside table with a lamp on it - this is a configuration next to every bed.

Although it is just such a bedside table and such a lamp, it immediately creates a feeling of home.

This hotel does not consider the issue of weapons placement at all, but only solves the most basic problem-accommodation.

If any of the adventurers have experienced this kind of hotel, they will never choose to camp in a camp outside the city again.

Such a double room is not expensive, costing 5,000 Wallis per night. If two people split it half and half, it would be 2,500 Wallis per night.

Two thousand five hundred wallis a night, in a thick and heavy wooden house, with a comfortable, soft and clean bed one meter wide, this price is just the price of two meals for ordinary people. If you compare it a little, then Who would be stingy with these two thousand five hundred wallis?

"I think we should have a single room." Dionysus said. After seeing the comfort of this double room, he longed for the luxury of a single room even more.

"What's the hurry?" Hermes, who didn't take off his shoes and just sat on the bed with his feet stacked together, said with a smile: "We can change rooms tomorrow."

Dionysus was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and said hesitantly: "Isn't this good?"

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you listen to what the maid said before?" He said with a bad boy smile: "We have given money, who can say that we are not."

If he had dared to make such a request in Freya's [Plenty Mistress] shop, Mia's mother would have hung him up and slapped him with a slipper.

But here, on the eighteenth floor, in this "safe house", he easily found the essence of this place after a short meal.

If the theme of the United States is called "Freedom" and the theme of the Soviet Union is called "Democracy" (really, I'm not going to lie to you, that's what they claimed during the Cold War, until the Soviet Union collapsed), then in such a place, its core value lies in 【rule】.

As long as it's within the rules, you can do it.

You can't do anything outside the rules.

For example, their seemingly unforgivable wasteful behavior is despised in every corner of the earth. Even the nobles are not able to express their position publicly.

But here, doing so is not sinful and is a reasonable approach within a reasonable range. No one will criticize you harshly. At most, the rest of your meal will be given to people at a lower level.

The same goes for changing rooms. Since they paid for it, they can naturally get the freedom to change rooms. This is within the rules.

Keilal makes up the rules all the time.

The carriage service is the rule, the city entry tax is the rule, the winding cliff road is the rule, and the food and accommodation here are full of rules.

As long as it's within the rules, there's no problem. This is what Hermes is best at.

So he was at home here like a fish in water, and there was some conspiracy in his eyes, making Dionysus hold his forehead and sigh.

This guy is at it again.

I just hope he doesn't cause anything.

the other side……

"Yo ho!" Hestia fluttered onto the bed. She was lying lazily on the bed like a boneless mermaid. Her lower abdomen was slightly bulging, obviously because she had eaten too much just now. s reason.

"Ah, I'm satisfied, I'm satisfied." She stroked her belly, causing large waves to surge, which made Freya's eyes twitch slightly as she sat next to her. This woman was still as "majestic" as ever.


Low back pain, sleeping.

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