The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 659 Pirates in the South China Sea

Chapter 073 Pirates in the South China Sea

"Then do it," he replied.

"Bring Monica prisoner to me."

"Let me see what the twelfth Knight of the Round Table is capable of."

he said with a smile.

Filled with infinite trust in the person on the other end of the phone.

"Well, leave it to us." Over there, the three women responded at the same time.

Liwang, Koko, and Leila responded at the same time.

In another cabin, Falme was wearing only a vest besides his pants.

She was sitting and doing push-ups between breaths.

Don't underestimate push-ups. This is a core muscle training exercise that can exercise more than 60% of the muscles in the back.

Falme's figure and weight are enough to be used as weights to make her back muscles stronger and tighter.

Her satellite phone was placed next to her. When she heard the message on the phone, she couldn't help but smile.

If the previous Kou Kou was like a zombie selling arms, but he hated this industry and wanted to find a way out all the time.

But when she was in Kelal's hands, she saw hope for peace.

How much energy can a person who can capture the Bunitalia Empire's most proficient princess with only one machine unleash once he possesses a national machine like the EU?

Of course, some people are only good at small-situation tactics but not large-scale strategies.

But what Keilal did after becoming the Shadow Chancellor gave Koko even more reassurance. She now firmly believes that as long as Keilal is given time, Bunitalia will be immortal.

In fact, the Bunitalia Empire is the culprit causing trouble and fighting everywhere.

The Bunitalia Empire is somewhat close to the fusion of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets and the Qin Dynasty. Military achievements are the first priority when establishing a country. All the ancestors of the nobles now become nobles after they have made meritorious service in wars.

Now that the population is constantly expanding, what should the young people of the Bunitalia Empire do if they want to make contributions and become a new rich?

Then we can only continue to expand our territory and annex other countries.

How majestic and majestic it is to destroy a country. How powerful it is to destroy a country with one horse. It will be even more beautiful and glorious if one person can destroy a country with one horse.

This leads to the fact that among the Twelve Knights of the Round Table, the average age is actually less than 30 years old...

This is simply...militant!

It was precisely because of the war on several fronts in the Bunitalia Empire that Koko and her company became interested in smuggling arms trade.

And Koko is already very impatient with this kind of war, or tired, or scared, or disgusted. Facing the strength of the Bunitalia First Empire, she can't see any hope of ending the war.

She may actually join the Bunitalia Empire one day and help the Bunitalia Empire end the war as soon as possible.

But now after Keilal appeared, she stood unswervingly behind Keilal and worked hard for her ideals. Now Kou Kou is more like a living person.

Levi walked in from outside the cabin and looked at Falme who was exercising. He was a little surprised by her figure. She started from the brachioradialis muscles and her arm muscles undulated. You can clearly see her strength from Starts with the brachioradialis and goes all the way to the biceps, then all the way to the triceps, all the way to the deltoids, and then to her back muscles.

Her push-ups were extremely standard, meticulous, and her body was straight, even a bit like a plank.

This woman is a soldier, and she is an extremely elite and self-disciplined soldier.

Only with self-discipline can one become an elite, and there is not one person in a million who has this kind of self-discipline.

Levi is not this kind of person. Levi's self-discipline is because her life is always threatened. People living in the Roalapula Islands must maintain their strength at all times and cannot show their weaknesses. Once someone is attacked, If they find you weak, someone will pounce on you and eat you, leaving no trace behind.

But Falme is different.

Falme actually went to the battlefield very rarely. As Koko's trade lines became more and more mature, she needed to fight even less.

But even so, she did not relax in her training. She trained herself strictly and even harshly. She was like a real fighting machine.

Falme didn't pay attention to Levi who walked in, but after completing the 300th push-up meticulously, he looked like he was fished out of the water, dripping with sweat.

Levi's face turned serious instead. This woman was really strong.

Even though she has done 300 push-ups now, apart from sweating, her hands don't even shake. This means that this is a daily training that she is used to and is far from her limit.

"You should be able to understand French, right?" Falme put the towel beside him on his neck, wiped his hair, and then wiped it from his neck down.

"Let me give you a suggestion. That silver-haired man is not someone you can offend. You should know what problems will happen if you offend someone you shouldn't offend." Falme was no longer as tense as before. Just to protect Keilal She must be tit for tat with her dignity.

But now that there was no Keilal, Falme did not hesitate to warn her.

"Don't mess with people you can't afford to mess with."

She took a deep look at Levi, wiped all the sweat off her body, put on a clean vest, and then put on her coat.

Levi snorted and said nothing, too lazy to compete with her. They were not from the same world to begin with. Their worldviews were completely different, their outlook on life was even more different, and their growth trajectories were also completely different. The two of them were fundamentally different. We are not from the same place. If we insist on arguing about right and wrong, then there is no right or wrong.

But Falme and Dutch's warnings have made Levi restrain a lot.

Those who work in their profession must first know who they can mess with and who they cannot mess with.

And someone like Keilal, who has a strong background and has great hands and eyes, is obviously not someone who can be messed with by a low-level person like her.

Just when Keilal hung up the phone and was chatting with them one after another, Dutch's expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Keilar asked with a strange look on the black bald man's face.

Even though he was as black as a piece of black coal, Keilar, who was proficient in micro-expressions, could still tell from the changes in his facial structure that there seemed to be something wrong with him.

"Those greedy maned dogs have discovered us." The bald black man said viciously: "Go in and sit tight, we are going to speed up."

"Levi, Beni, those pirates have discovered us." He pressed his earphones and said, "Levi, go up there, Beni, be careful."

"Kai, I'm afraid you have to go to the back." He looked at Keilal, his face no longer calm and relaxed.

"Didn't you say that you won't be discovered by the Bunitalian army?" Kelal asked with a frown, still afraid of something.

"It's not the Bunitalia Empire." Dutch gritted his teeth and said, "The Bunitalia Empire couldn't discover us. The only ones who discovered us were the Chinese pirates who also used old-fashioned speedboats."

"Chinese pirates?" Keilal's expression became very strange when he heard this unfamiliar word.

"Yes, those guys who are usually fishermen and even dare to go fishing in the Atlantic Ocean, but after the fishing season is over, they become pirates. They are really difficult to deal with." Dutch looked at the four oncoming light spots on the screen with an ugly expression. .

This group of vicious fishermen is definitely the most difficult force in the South China Sea. If other countries do not dispatch their navies, even in the fights between fishermen, fishermen from all countries will generally suffer.

Once the fishing season is over, this group of people will be really poor. In order to survive, it is inevitable that they will come out in groups to rob merchant ships.

The Black Reef Merchant Guild occasionally does things like robbing merchant ships, but the Black Reef Merchant Guild usually receives a task and then goes to find the designated items. It is different for fishermen and pirates like this group of fishermen and pirates who are as hungry as they can be.

But why would this group of fishermen look for them? They are just small boats. Even if they rob, they don't have much profit. Has the news that Kelal is here leaked?

He subconsciously glanced at Keilal, who was sitting in the cab with his seat belt tied snugly.

Farmey pushed the door open from the back cabin and walked in at this time: "What happened?"

"There are pirates." Kelar told her the problem simply and directly.

"Do you have any weapons?" Because we were going to a country like the Federation of China, which has very strict control over civilians, it was impossible to bring a gun. I only brought two daggers and a claw knife for self-defense. So in the face of this situation, the law Ermei asked directly.

"It's great to be able to come in and help." At this time, one more combat power means one more firepower output. He wants to sail the ship. In fact, Levi is the only output on the entire ship. The nerd Beni below the cabin is Can't count on him.

"Levi, help this eldest sister find a handy weapon. You two go up there."

He pressed down on his earphones, obviously giving orders to Levi.

Levi walked in from behind with a bad look on his face and hooked Falme.

Falme glanced at Keilal, who nodded slightly.

Falme then followed Levi and walked back.

"The other party is still five nautical miles away from us." He growled.

This is urging Levi and the others to hurry up.

One nautical mile is equal to 1.8 kilometers, which means that the other party is less than 9 kilometers away from them. Although it seems that it takes more than ten minutes to drive 9 kilometers, but in front of such a speedboat with at least 30 knots per hour, (1 knot is 1.8 Kilometers per hour, 30 knots is 54 kilometers per hour, and a fast speedboat can reach 50 knots, which is 90 kilometers per hour.) It only took a minute or two for them to face each other.

"Hurry up." Levi opened the seat in the back cabin and saw that there were a lot of weapons under the seat, ranging from rifles to RPGs, but most of them were old powder guns.

Obviously they couldn't afford the cherry stone gun at all.

"This is good." Falme was a little unhappy. These guys actually let Kelal sit on such a dangerous thing.

She could clearly see several RPGs inside.

She picked up an RPK light machine gun with a bullet bag on it, which meant that it was a light machine gun with at least 100 rounds of ammunition.

Levi was very rude. He put an AK on his back, picked up a rocket launcher, and climbed up to the cabin with several RPGs under his arm.

There is a special cover on the cabin. When opened, there is a watchtower that can seat one person.

This watchtower is on the top of the entire ship. After Levi went up, Falme was holding the RPK with one hand, and you could see the strength of his biceps, while he climbed up with the RPK with the other hand.

Although Levi seems to have a lot of things, compared to the weight, it is really not as heavy as her RPK with a hundred bullets.

After Falme got on board, he could easily see the speedboats rushing towards the ship from four directions on the sea level to pursue and intercept them.

"Why don't we avoid them?" Falme didn't care about avoiding battle in order to protect Kelal's safety.

But Levi had a ferocious smile on his face: "It's useless. Their speed is almost the same as ours. If we go around them, we won't be able to get rid of them."

"Besides, why should we avoid them?" She inserted a rocket into the rocket launcher, then put it on her neck, aiming at the speedboat which was at least several kilometers away.

"Hey, this distance..." Before Falme could finish his words, he saw Levi's rocket thrown out.

The RPG flew toward the middle of the two ships with thick smoke billowing from it, only to see a bang explode between the two ships.

The two ships were like frightened sparrows, scattering to the left and right, and then squeezing their companions on both sides away.

Levi just used one RPG to make the opponent's tight formation disperse and open up the middle channel.

Falme suddenly realized it.

The opponent is not a regular army. Whenever they see an explosion or a threat, they will instinctively avoid it. However, the regular army has received relevant training. When climbing on the barbed wire fence, machine gun bullets will fly overhead, letting them know that they are afraid of bullets. It's of no use. You still have to hit what should be hit. The opponent's hit is not as good as your ability to catch it.

As soon as the opponent dispersed, Dutch accelerated in an instant and rushed out from among the four ships. After rushing past, he slowly slowed down. The four speedboats on the opposite side turned around with great effort and began to chase them. .

"Levi, there are people in front! Leave the back to the elder sister!"

Seeing that there were four light spots in front of him, Dutch frowned fiercely.

"Qi." Levi clicked her tongue in displeasure: "There's someone in front. I'll look at the front, and you look at the back."

Falme smiled on his face. The two of them had an almost inexplicable tacit understanding, back to back, and then put the tripod on the iron frame of the watchtower. In this way, it can provide a relatively stable support for Levi's RPG. The tailpipe was placed directly on Falme's shoulders, as if there were two shelves.

"Da da da da..." RPK's clear gunfire rang out, and they saw countless bullets hitting the speedboat closest to them in an instant. The cockpit of the speed boat seemed to have been invaded by a violent storm. It instantly became riddled with holes, and the glass windows shattered by bullets were filled with blood. The speedboat suddenly lost power and slowly fell behind.

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