The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 660 Is there any hope?

Chapter 074 Is there any hope?

The gunshots were so dense that Levi couldn't help but look back.

After only seeing thirty rounds of bullets, the opponent's closest ship was already filled with flesh and blood, losing power and slowly falling behind.

Apparently everyone in the boat had been killed.

Although this kind of aluminum alloy ship is light and strong, from another perspective, its defense is naturally not as good as that of a large-tonnage ship.

Those large-tonnage merchant ships can even handle RPGs, but small speedboats like them with firepower output can't even handle 7.62.

But even so, in an RPK with a hundred bullets, it takes thirty bullets to kill a boatload of people. The strength of the gun's arm is enough to surprise people.

This is on the sea. You are ups and downs, and the opponent is also ups and downs. You have to follow this ups and downs rhythm to drive most of the bullets into the opponent's cabin. One hundred bullets may be able to do it, but thirty hair?

The other party is really the best among the best.

Levi secretly admired her, but her competitive spirit also arose.

She yelled: "Be careful of fireworks."

Falme immediately turned his head and saw a stream of tail flames erupting from the back seat of the RPG, heading straight towards one of the four oncoming speedboats.

Maybe the previous RPG had made them feel that it was nothing more than that, or maybe they had no retreat, or maybe Levi's desire to win had increased her accuracy. They only saw the RPG with tail flames and thick... The smoke hit a speedboat at once, and then the speedboat had no ability to resist for a long time, and instantly exploded into a ball of fire.

Dutch seemed to have the same mind as Levi. When he saw the direction of the RPG, Dutch had already adjusted the bow of the ship and rushed forward with the RPG. Sure enough, the ship was blown into a ball of fire in an instant, and the other three ships were instantly The children were frightened and scattered, and then Dutch rushed forward, brushing against the fireball burning on the sea.

"Huh." He let out a long breath in the cab. After getting rid of the opponent's encirclement and suppression, the next thing was left to Levi and the others.

"Hey, Levi, I will slow down a little. Can you deal with the opponent?"

"Leave it to me." The other person replied very firmly.

In fact, Levi and Falme had already gone crazy.

There was another magazine tied to the magazine of Levi's AK, and Falme still had more than seventy rounds of ammunition.

The 7.62 bullets fired by the two men were like metal storms, and anyone who dared to get close would be riddled with holes in an instant.

Even though these two people have fierce firepower, I didn't expect that their marksmanship is also very good. The recoil of RPK is like no recoil in front of Falme's muscles. They can hit wherever they point. Levi's AK is more accurate than RPK. The rifle actually worked well in her hands.

Even if the speed here slows down and the other side closes up, Levi's RPG will frighten him from time to time. Those who get too close will be riddled with holes by Falme.

After Falmelevi killed one ship each, eight ships were sent out, and now there were only four ships left. The pirates finally understood that this ship was a tough one and they couldn't take it off.

So even after Dutch kept slowing down, the opponent still gave up.

I saw them decisively turning the bow of the boat and heading back in the direction they came from.

Finally got rid of it.

Dutch finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's unknown why this group of people came. It doesn't matter whether they are crazy poor and want to rob to collect tolls, or they want to stop Kelal because of someone's instigation.

They were out of danger, that was the most important thing.

"Okay, we are safe." He smiled and nodded at Keilar and said.

"Want a beer?" He picked up the half dozen beers beside him and asked.

"Let's have a bottle." Keilar unbuckled his seat belt, which mainly fixed him in the seat to prevent him from being thrown out.

In fact, Keilal is not that delicate, but as their cargo, he must behave well to reassure them and Falme.

If we really want to fight, Kelal can also bring up the RPG, he is not that delicate.

But it also kept him from being so "obedient", so they could concentrate on sailing the ship and fighting. Kelal was doing them a big favor by not causing them any trouble.

Nadaqi tore the plastic open with his hands and threw a can of beer over.

Keilar caught it with one hand, opened the lid of the beer, then raised his head and drank.

In the hot climate of the South China Sea, this kind of bitter beer is more popular than boiled water, but there must be a reserve of fresh water in the cabin, otherwise there will be problems.

"Why are you not afraid at all?" Dutch was a little surprised.

If these people are pirates, they kill people without batting an eyelid, and if they kill people and throw them into the sea, there will be no victims at all. When your body reaches the shore, who knows it will still be you.

If they hadn't gotten rid of that group of pirates before, they might all be in danger.

"Such a small scene..." Keilar smiled and said nothing, but Dutch immediately understood that this kind of scene was not enough to scare the man in front of him.

"Hmph, it's my fault." He snorted twice and turned his eyes to the sea.

Their route is normal and we will arrive at the pier in a few hours.

This country is already in a state of despair.

But there are still people who are willing to come.

A big country...

Dutch shook his head. As a traitor to the Bunitalia Empire, he was not qualified to say these things.

There are also people of color in the Bunitalia Empire. For example, the fourth knight of the Knights of the Round Table is black.

The speedboat bypassed the complicated port and then came to a remote fishing village.

Such fishing villages can be found all along the coast of the Chinese Federation. It can only be said that this in itself is the economic level that the Chinese Federation should have.

If productivity and economy cannot improve, no matter how large the population is or how large the land is, the more room for error there is, but it will eventually run out.

From Dutch's point of view, he felt that the Chinese Federation was almost finished.

Since the Bunitalia Empire swallowed up District 11 more than ten years ago, the Chinese Federation didn't even dare to let him know that the Chinese Federation was finished.

That's District 11, that's Japan. As long as they station troops, they can easily cross the sea to attack the Korean Military District of the Chinese Federation, or even directly use it as a springboard to launch a large-scale attack on the hinterland of the Chinese Federation. You must know that Zhu Forbidden City is only a hundred kilometers away from the sea. That’s all!

At knightmare's speed, it doesn't even take three hours to get there as long as you log in!

As a huge country, the Federation of China does not even have this level of military strategic literacy. It is really going to be doomed!

But the people in this country are really strong.

Let alone a girl like Levi who was killed from the slums, a long line of luxury cars lined up in front of the only road in the small fishing village. A group of men wearing black suits and sunglasses stood beside the car door. On the top, he looks like a godfather.

He slowly parked the boat beside the wooden pier of the small fishing village, stopped the engine, went to the bow of the boat and dropped the anchor into the water, and then he hooked his hand with Keilal in the cabin.

Falme had been standing beside Keilal for a long time. She looked heroic in a windbreaker. No one could have imagined that she had two daggers hidden in her boots and a claw knife at her waist.

If she wanted to, she could kill all these classy-looking gangsters in a matter of seconds.

Sorry, the difference between elite soldiers and large-scale and organized gangs is just that big.

"Mr. Zhang! I've brought the guests over to you!" Before he even got off the boat, Dutch opened his big palm-like hands and shook them, shouting in his broken Chinese.

The group of men in black suits standing next to the car glanced at him. One man came to the car, lowered his head and said something at the car window.

Only to see the car door finally opened, and a man with hair combed three-quarter length, wearing black sunglasses, a black windbreaker, and a white scarf hanging around his neck walked out of the car.

"Hey, I didn't expect that this time it would be Dutch and Levi transporting you." He greeted them with a smile.

"This is the distinguished guest from the EU, hello." He first greeted Dutch and the others casually, then turned around and solemnly spoke to Keilar in French.

Levi raised her eyebrows, and then realized that Keilal's identity might be more noble than she thought.

"No need to do this, I can speak Chinese, hello Keilal Etok."

"I didn't expect your Chinese to be so good. I'm Zhang Weixin from the Triad, and I'm here to take you to the Forbidden City." The man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in sunglasses took off his sunglasses, revealing a handsome face, and spoke with Kai Lal shook his hand and said.

"Leave now?" Keilal asked.

"Leave now."

"This is my guard Falme, Falme, this is Mr. Zhang." Keilar turned sideways and let Falme come to his side, introducing him to both parties.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mademoiselle." Mr. Zhang, the leader of the Triads, showed off his pure French.

"Nice to meet you." The other person is not a weakling. When you shake hands with him, you can feel the calluses in the other person's hands, which are worn out by too much handling of guns.

It's just that Falme's cocoon is not just about touching guns, her boxing, kicking and knife skills are also extremely strong.

Zhang Weixin looked at this woman with some horror. Although he just shook her hand, the other woman squeezed him so hard that it hurt. What did this woman eat to grow? Why did it feel like her body was full of muscles?

"Thank you for taking care of me along the way." Keilal said goodbye to Dutch and Levi with a smile.

Then he and Zhang Weixin got into the relatively luxurious black car.

To be honest, Keilar still can’t recognize the names of those cars, but this car must be quite high-end. As far as the naked eye can see, almost all the places that can be touched are made of cowhide stitching, and Falme’s seat When we got into the passenger seat, plus Boss Zhang's younger brother who was driving, there were four people in the car.

However, there were four cars driving ahead and behind them, and the convoy never slowed down along the way.

It has been driving at a speed of more than 100 kilometers.

Kelal can clearly feel the fear that ordinary people have towards them.

The vehicle in front of them honked and drove away, and all the cars on the highway avoided them.

This country is really...

Apart from a brief chat with Mr. Zhang along the way, Keilar lost much interest.

Mr. Zhang is also happy to do so.

Dutch could only guess about Kelal's identity, and so could Mr. Zhang.

He actually didn't know the identity of Keilal, but the person who ordered him came directly from the Triads. Although he was one of the leaders of the Triads, he couldn't go against the wishes of everyone in the Triads. Opinion.

Not to mention that the other party spent a lot of money.

They have to do things after receiving money. The most important thing for these low-level gangsters is the word "faithfulness", otherwise they would not pay homage to Mr. Guan all day long.

What's more, it's also great to build a relationship with the client.

So as one of the leaders, the most powerful and the youngest Zhang Boss is here.

But Boss Zhang personally doesn't want to have anything to do with Kelal.

Because he has another layer of hidden identity.

Kailar looked at the farmland and seedlings on both sides of the highway, and suddenly felt worried and sad.

"Do you think this country can be saved?" He seemed to be asking Boss Zhang, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

"Ah?" Boss Zhang shook his head before he could react, "Sorry, it's nothing."

Wait... Boss Zhang turned his head and looked at Kailar. Could it be that this man...

Zhu Forbidden City is a huge city. After two hours, they had arrived at Zhu Forbidden City.

That is N Jing.

First of all, here is the huge capital with vermilion walls, and the emperor lives within the vermilion walls.

Outside the walls, there are circles of residential areas and roads extending out from the walls and city gates.

Of course, there are guards on the outermost roads as checkpoints.

But after seeing the license plates of Boss Zhang and the others, they waved their hands and let them go. Kailar shook his head gently.

This is obviously not because of the high social status of Boss Zhang and others, but because of the money offensive provided by the underworld.

This empire...can it really be saved?

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