The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 664 Successful Surgery

Chapter 078 Successful Surgery

When Kelar stepped out of the carriage.

He took a deep breath of the air in Forbidden City.

After three months of planning, we finally entered this city.

And it's not just sneaking in secretly, but coming in openly and with a normal identity.

Of course, Eunuch Liu and his adoptive father Liu Bian had to bear a lot of political risks, but now that people are going to die, what does political risks matter?

It is precisely because of this that when Kailar walked into the room of Eunuch Bian of the Eight Tigers Liu, his room was full of disciples and disciples kneeling all the way outside the house.

Just like Eunuch Liu was tied to Liu Bian, their disciples and disciples had reaped so many benefits under Liu Bian's banner. Now it is not that simple to change the banner.

They must hand over their own interests and pray that the other party will not liquidate them. This is more uncomfortable for this group of people who have control of power than letting them die.

After all, Eunuch Liu was Liu Bian's adopted son. He screamed and kicked away his disciples and grandchildren who were kneeling on the ground, and screamed: "Go away, go away, don't act like your ancestors are dead, ancestors He's not dead yet, the doctor is right here, make way for everyone else."

A group of eunuchs, their disciples and disciples, raised their heads in awe and watched as Eunuch Liu led Kelal, a foreigner, into the room.

There were also several worried middle-aged eunuchs in the room with stern faces.

And Kelal brought in by eunuch Liu made them even more furious.

"Liu Xi, how dare you bring outsiders into the palace!" A eunuch with a crown on his head stood up and shouted.

Disciples, disciples and grandchildren are not qualified to enter this room.

In this room are all Liu Bian's adopted sons, eunuchs with the same status as Liu Eunuch. Their status is neither low nor high, and they are the backbone of the palace.

They have the same status as Liu Xi, so they don't need to care about Liu Xi's face.

And Liu Xi was able to reach his current position not because he was kind to others.

He said angrily in a high-pitched voice: "My foster father is already like this, can you expect those quack doctors to be good? They are like this now! Why don't you try the Western doctors I brought here?"

Keilal stood beside him, neither humble nor arrogant. He seemed neither angry, afraid, nor happy.

He looked at all this calmly. This was not his stage. His stage had not been set up yet. Now he could just watch Liu Xi's performance.

As soon as Liu Xi screamed, everyone else fell silent and lowered their heads.

His meaning is very clear and everyone can understand it, that is - already like this, why not use the dead horse as a living horse doctor?

What's more, what if Kelal's treatment is not good? Eunuchs don't know how to heal, don't they know how to kill? Kill someone in the palace and bury him in the garden. Who knows that someone has disappeared in the palace?

To be honest, Kelal took a huge political risk by entering the palace.

The risk is so great that if you don't pay attention, you may be shattered.

Ordinary people will never get involved even if they have a certain level of intelligence. The risk is too huge. Even if they succeed, they may not be able to gain wealth. There is a high possibility that Liu Bian will kill him to keep the secret.

And those imperial doctors are also likely to die.

The risk is too great anyway.

Under such huge risks, Liu Xi didn't even ask Kelal what he needed.

When you trade with others, do you not ask what the other person wants?

Liu Xi just didn't ask.

He may be doing it on purpose. He cannot give a specific promise, or an exaggerated promise may be seen through by the other party, so he subconsciously avoids this problem.

Kelal didn't ask, knowing he couldn't give his own specific reward.

And he will get the reward he wants.

He never got used to what others gave him.

What he wanted, these eunuchs couldn't afford.

Even his adoptive father Liu Bian was the same.

Seeing that everyone else fell silent, Liu Xi shouted: "What are you doing standing still? Let the Za family disperse and let the Za family take the doctor to see the adoptive father!"

The others stepped aside silently, just as Liu Xi had no choice but to retreat. People in this kind of department had no way out. Now they could only hope that the Western doctor Liu Xi had brought had some skills.

"Mr. Kai, please come in." Liu Xi greeted Kailar, and then led Kailar inside.

Keilal didn't bring anything with him, because this was the palace after all, and bringing any scalpel would be politically risky.

But since this is inside the palace, what’s not there?

Just say hello and they have everything you need, even foreign surgical instruments.

Liu Bian was lying on the bed, breathless. As the saying goes, an illness is gone like a mountain falling. Ever since he knew that he was sick, he felt as if he was about to die, and his energy and energy had been drained away.

As the stewards of the palace, his disciples can certainly keep the palace in order, but the inner panic of his disciples is something that he can't do anything about now.

"Father, my son has brought a Western doctor." Even at Liu Bian's current level, Liu Xi still didn't dare to offend him. One reason was because Liu Bian could easily kill him with just one sentence, and the other reason was Even if Kelal revives him, his current offense may still lead to death.

As long as people are alive, they still have the power to intimidate them.

"I'm already like this." At the level of the Eight Tigers, they can almost be said to be one of the most powerful people in the entire empire, and even in all mankind.

There is nothing else they can see.

Liu Bian had actually given up in his heart, but his adopted sons were reluctant to let him go, and they didn't dare to let him go. Even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, they would try to keep him from dying. Go.

The political power of living people and the political power of dead people are completely different things.

Keilar came to Liu Bian's bed, looked at him and smiled slightly: "Keilal, I'm sorry."

"Haha." Liu Bian seemed to have lost the strength to open his eyes. He squinted his eyes and looked at the bed curtain, completely lost in thought.

Keilar grabbed his wrist with one hand, and the magic power swept across his body quickly. Although the magic was so pitiful, there was almost no way for Keilar to perform a serious healing magic, but here It's quite convenient.

An ordinary Western medicine doctor relies heavily on medical equipment.

Including stethoscope and CT, X-ray, B-ultrasound, etc.

Western medicine has lost these things, and those who usually treat people are actually Chinese medicine doctors. Now the doctors in the hospital are actually a combination of Chinese and Western medicine. Except for traditional Chinese medicine, there is no clear distinction between Chinese and Western medicine.

It's just that people insist on using the name of Chinese medicine to represent Chinese medicine and defeat Chinese medicine by some charlatans, which is really ridiculous.

Traditional Chinese medicine and quack medicine are two different things. Is there no quack medicine in Western medicine? No, are there too many quack doctors who cut the wrong part of someone’s body with Western medicine? Why can't such people become representatives of Western medicine?

After all, there are still people who want to completely overthrow Chinese medicine and completely deny this country from its roots.

Keilar is now using a very primitive pulse-taking method. Without any medical equipment, pulse-taking is more accurate than other detection methods.


"Do you have a stethoscope?" Keilal asked.

"Yes, yes." Liu Xi looked at him expectantly from the side. Hearing his question, he quickly replied. He yelled to the two little eunuchs waiting next to him: "Hurry up and get it. This look in his eyes No head at all?!”

One of the little eunuchs ran out rolling and crawling.

Liu Xi looked at Keilal, his eyes full of expectation, hoping to hear an accurate answer from Keilal's mouth.

"If I heard correctly, it should be cancer." He smiled at Liu Xi, who was so frightened that Liu Xi turned pale.

"The Zajia family is hopeless?" After hearing the information about his body, Liu Bian became a little more energetic, but when he heard about cancer, Liu Bian's face became even worse.

Cancer is a very difficult disease to save in human history. In fact, even with the development of science and technology today, the cure rate of cancer is very low.

Humans have come up with countless ways to kill cancer cells, but in the end they found that cancer cells are extremely difficult to kill. In the end, the most convenient and quickest way is to use physical methods to cut them out of the human body.

A terminal illness at this time is tantamount to a death sentence.

"Don't get excited. Cancer is not a terminal disease. I need to determine where the cancer is before I can pronounce the verdict." Keilar smiled slightly, as if he was handing out invitations to death, but it was precisely because of his confidence that the air in the room filled the air. Slightly loose.

Outside the room, a group of distinguished eunuchs stood in front of the door, looking inside with their heads stretched out like swans. They tried their best to hear clearly what the three people said, but they still couldn't hear clearly.

But they could clearly see Keilal's smile, and they felt relieved. Could it be that it wasn't such a big problem?

The little eunuch hurriedly ran back, holding the stethoscope in both hands and placed it next to Kelal.

Keilal took the stethoscope, put it in his ears, and said, "I'm offended."

He opened Liu Bian's brocade robe and placed the stethoscope on Liu Bian's chest.

It could be seen that Liu Bian's well-maintained skin was instantly covered with goosebumps due to the coldness of the stethoscope.

Liu Bian groaned because of the coldness and became even weaker.

Kelal moved the stethoscope, and finally placed it properly under his ribs.

"If I guess correctly, it should be liver."

The Chinese Federation is more classical, with more people drinking and socializing, but fewer people smoking.

It is precisely because of this that it is not unexpected at all to have a liver accident. No one knows how much Liu Bian drank when he reached this position, so it is normal for his liver to be damaged and to die.

"Prepare surgical instruments, don't delay." Keilar directly ordered.

"Go, go." Liu Xi shouted in surprise.

Since Keilar said this, it means that there is a certain degree of certainty of cure.

As for whether the certainty is 10%, 20%, 50%, or 90%, they no longer care at all.

It's already like this, and things will only get worse. If Liu Bian doesn't die or go to court for a day, his power will be eroded bit by bit by the other Eight Tigers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not delaying things. It must not be done. The procrastination must be resolved soon.

Surgical equipment was quickly provided, as well as highly concentrated spirits.

Although the lights here are bright, without a focusing mirror, the operation will be difficult to succeed, because that kind of mirror focuses the light, so that the inside of the body can be seen clearly, and the doctor's eyes can be prevented from stinging. Let the doctor perform the operation more clearly and more quickly.

But Keilal didn't need it. This group of laymen kept the lights brightly lit in the room. Even the assistant was only a little eunuch with nimble hands and feet to prevent Keilal from being blocked. However, everyone was waiting outside the door, lying on the bed. They were waiting at the door to come in and perform the surgery on Kelal.

"Alcohol cotton disinfection."

In fact, cotton is also contaminated to a certain extent, unless it is a medical sterilized cotton. However, soaking cotton with alcohol can eliminate most viruses to a large extent.

Keilal turned Liu Bian, who had only a towel covering his vital parts, like a butcher before killing a pig, and then stretched out his hand.



"Wound Rake."

His operation was performed step by step very quickly, as if it were mechanical, but precisely because it was so fast, it made people uneasy.

Watching Keilar cut a place open, then used instruments to fix the wound, even lying down to make an incision, constantly using cotton to absorb the blood, and then throwing away the cotton, he did it step by step, looking like a butcher , and his body was soon spattered with blood.

They didn't know that one person could have so much blood.

But at the twenty-minute mark, when Kailar dug out a dark substance from Liu Bian's body, the little eunuch couldn't bear it any longer and vomited it out everywhere.

The adopted children who were lying at the door watching the entire operation could not bear it any longer, so they lay down outside the house and vomited.

This is really bloody.

Maybe they had drowned countless palace maids and eunuchs before, but there was really no blood at all. How could it be compared with the current scene of disembowelment?

By the twenty-fifth minute, Kelal had stopped the bleeding, sealed the wound, and then sewed up the outer opening with needlework.

He began to wash his hands in hot water and picked up a clean towel to wipe his face.

Liu Xi wiped the stained corners of his mouth and came to Kelal's side.

"Mr. Kai, is my adoptive father okay?"

"Well, the operation was successful. There weren't many serious problems." Kailar turned his head, took off his surgical clothes, and smiled at him.

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