The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 665 Jiang Lihua

Chapter 079 Jiang Lihua

Liu Bian's condition quickly stabilized.

The next step is to wait.

The news of Liu Bian's illness spread throughout the palace and outside the palace the next day.

But when the Eight Tigers gathered together, many people discovered that although Liu Bian looked a little paler, he was far from the point of imminent death.

The other Eight Tigers, secretly angry in their hearts, made up their minds to bury those talkative imperial doctors when they returned, but they did not realize that Liu Bian's back was actually soaked.

He was about to come over for a meeting just after the operation. In fact, his stomach hurt very much, and the anesthesia time had already passed. He secretly hated the other party, but he had to pretend that nothing was wrong.

For the other Eight Tigers, and even the forces outside the palace, they do not need to worry. At their level, defeating the enemy is no longer something that can be accomplished overnight. They need an extremely long-term plan and wait.

Liu Bian returned to his house. The group of disciples and grandchildren were still waiting, but compared with the expressions of a dead mother before, everyone seemed more relaxed.

"Liu Xi." He walked into the room and said.

"My son is here." Liu Xi came to Liu Bian and bowed down with a happy face.

"You did a good job today. Although you took a lot of risks, the Za family will never forget you." The joy on Liu Xi's face jumped out of his mouth as soon as Liu Bian opened his mouth.

"What about the doctor?"

"Still waiting inside, adoptive father, would you like..." Liu Xi looked fierce and lightly scratched his neck.

"Idiot, the Zajia's health has not recovered yet. Having such a doctor here is a good thing for the Zajia and you monkeys. Are you still thinking of killing people?" Liu Bian scolded.

"That's what the adoptive father said." Liu Xi was too embarrassed to make any more suggestions: "Then..."

"Assign him a position as an imperial doctor and let him stay in the palace. He is not allowed to go there. Protect him. If something happens to him, you can come and see him." Liu Bian shouted.

The great eunuch's power instantly made the group of eunuchs below all bow down: "Yes, your order."

Kelal knew too many secrets, but he couldn't kill him. It was already miraculous to know that his medical skills could save his life under such conditions.

Although Kelar almost cut off half of his liver, the liver's regenerative ability is very strong. As long as one liver is left to maintain body functions, the other liver can slowly grow back.

But all this is inseparable from Keilal's care. Killing Keilal now is like committing suicide slowly, and he can no longer trust the medical skills of the imperial doctors.

Imperial doctors are not the ones with the best medical skills, but the most famous among doctors.

Those with the best medical skills are actually controlled by those aristocratic families and used by themselves, so the level of imperial doctors is getting worse and worse. Even in the Forbidden City, it is almost impossible to enjoy high-end medical services.

Keilal saved his life here, and might save his second life in the future. How could he let Keilal die?

But his physical condition is politically top secret, so he is not allowed to move freely.

Then it would be simple, just imprison him in the palace.

The palace is his territory, and no one can attack Kelal in the palace.

So Keilal was absolutely under control and protected by him in the palace.

In this case, Kelal needed to have a reputation in the palace.

As a white man and an outsider, it would be difficult for him to have the required status in the palace. However, since he has medical skills, it is possible for him to be specially appointed as a royal physician.

Those imperial doctors were dying before. Whether they falsely spread the news that Liu Bian was dying, or because Liu Bian's physical condition was spread, everyone in the Eight Tigers wanted to kill them.

In fact, if the Eight Tigers wanted to kill someone, not even the emperor would be spared, let alone a few imperial doctors?

It couldn't be easier to stuff Keilal into the few vacant doctor positions.

"After he joins the job, let him do a check-up on the emperor." Liu Bian ordered as if he had thought of something.


The other eunuchs pay their respects again.

"Okay, the Za family is tired now, let's go our separate ways." Liu Bian then stood up, and two very discerning little eunuchs came to Liu Bian's side and used them as manpower ladders to help Liu Bian and Liu Bian Putting a hand on their shoulders, Liu Bian's arms passed through their necks, and his armpits rested on their bodies, like two shelves, lifting him up easily.

If this was entering the palace, there would be a sedan next to Liu Bian. Unfortunately, it was indoors now, so it was normal for two young eunuchs to wait on him.

To be honest, ordinary little eunuchs are not qualified to come in and show off, but only the adopted sons of eunuchs of Liu Xi's level have such qualifications.

All the eunuchs dispersed, and Liu Xi walked to the side room under the envious eyes of the other eunuchs.

Keilal is sitting here drinking tea and eating snacks.

He seemed completely unaware that he was almost killed, and was even killed by Liu Xi who begged him.

For the eunuchs in the palace, it is so normal to kill people. It is impossible to climb up without drowning two young eunuchs and maids.

Keilal, on the other hand, is like a person without any scheming, just a doctor.

It seemed like he was here just to save people.

As for him being simple, Liu Xi didn't really mean it when he said he wanted to kill Keilal, but for their own safety and not to reveal Liu Bian's physical condition, Keilal, as a doctor, could only die, and those who could pardon him It’s just Liu Bian.

"Mr. Kai must have worked hard too. Please come with the Za family." Liu Xi said with a smile to Kailar.

His current status and status are different from those in the past. If he was just one of Liu Bian's many adopted sons before, then now he has stood out and become Liu Bian's most valued adopted son. In the future, he will very It is possible to take over from Liu Bian and become one of the new Eight Tigers.

When he thought of this, he was extremely excited. Looking at Keilal's appearance, he looked a bit amiable. Those who didn't know it really didn't know that this kind middle-aged man was going to ruthlessly kill Keilal a few minutes ago. Where is the benefactor?

Keilar heard clearly inside and was not dissatisfied at all with the actions of this group of eunuchs.

This is what eunuchs are, and their deformed world view is what it is.

They are more loyal than dogs, and more vicious than poisonous snakes. They have almost no conscience and only care about interests, but sometimes they have stronger willpower and the ability to make decisions about right and wrong than ordinary people.

But being stubborn is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Keilal doesn't hate them, he pities them.

Because of mercy, we are tolerant.

He followed Liu Xi to a secluded courtyard, where two young eunuchs were waiting.

"Serve Dr. Kai well, otherwise your adoptive father will ask why Dr. Kai is unhappy, and the Za family will not be able to protect you." Liu Xi threatened the two young eunuchs, and then said to Kailar with a cheerful face: "Kai Sir, please stay here for a little while, and when your adoptive father gets better, he will naturally be rewarded."

He obviously saved the other party's life, but to him it was just a reward. What are the three views of the eunuchs...

Kailar didn't want to say anything anymore, just smiled and nodded, watching Liu Xi walk out of the yard.

He turned his head and looked at the courtyard carefully. It was actually quite good to have such a courtyard in Zhu Forbidden City. This was prepared for the eunuch supervisors. The young eunuchs could only live together in a big shop, while others The little eunuchs here can live in a side room as waiters like the two little eunuchs in Kelal.

"Do you have any needs, sir?" The two young eunuchs came up and asked obediently.

Don't think that the eunuchs have any special status or nobility in Zhu Forbidden City. There are more than 100,000 such little eunuchs in Zhu Forbidden City. They are already among the tens of thousands of people who can be assigned this kind of service job. The superior ones are good both in terms of perception and appearance.

"Prepare a bath for me, I want to take a bath." Keilar ordered calmly and matter-of-factly.

In fact, the Forbidden City is not as old as the outside world imagines. For example, electricity and water have been connected, and the things Kelar needs to bathe have been prepared in advance.

"I don't need you anymore, just go down." Kelar said to the two young eunuchs while taking off his clothes.

The little eunuch knelt down and retreated. Keilar slowly walked into the swimming pool-like bathroom, and his body slowly relaxed.

Zhu Forbidden City finally entered with a legal identity.

Next is how to meet the emperor?

He did not expect that the opportunity to see the emperor would appear in front of him so unexpectedly the next day.

Although he has calculated many things, sometimes it is not always possible to realize them once they are calculated. He has to wait for opportunities and opportunities to realize them.

But sometimes people are not as good as God, and his medical skills really helped him a lot.

It seemed that he was in a daze when he was brought to a young girl early the next morning.

"Mr. Kai?" Seeing him in a daze, Liu Xi reminded him with an anxious laugh.

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Kai?" A girl with snow-white hair, but not the slightest bit of an old lady, was sitting opposite Kailar. The eleven or twelve-year-old girl had a confused look on her face and tilted her head. Looking at Keilal, his red eyes were like two rubies, transparent and beautiful.

"No, it's nothing." Kailar smiled at her and said, "I just didn't expect that the emperor of the Chinese Federation would be such a cute girl."

His words suddenly made the emperor's face turn red.

"It's not cute or anything." She said with a little dance.

The maids and eunuchs all lowered their heads.

Keilal's words were enough to cause death, but because Keilal was introduced by Liu Xi, and behind Liu Xi was Liu Bian, such power was not something that eunuchs and maids like them could afford to offend.

Moreover, everyone present was Liu Xi's confidant. After all, he was the head eunuch of the imperial dining room. It was perfectly normal for him to replace all the people with his own during the meal.

"Eunuch Liu was rescued by me a few days ago. I am grateful for the emperor's kindness, so I specially sent me down to check the emperor's health, just in case." Kailar said gently.

The emperor has just had a meal, which is not the best time to check his body. As we all know, the most accurate way to check his body is to check his body before he has had breakfast, but since he has magic, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, okay." The emperor's face was slightly red, and he stretched out his hand from his sleeve, and a small white jade-like hand appeared in front of Kailar.

This is just a child. Keilal sighed inwardly and placed his hand on her wrist.

The magic power was like water droplets, entering her body along Keilal's fingers, and Keilal immediately knew her body well.

However, after doing the whole show, Kelal did not let go, but turned his head to look at Liu Xi.

"Eunuch Liu, do you have a stethoscope?"

Liu Xi's expression changed. He had seen how Keilar used a stethoscope. He pulled off his adoptive father's clothes and listened on his body. This was the emperor. How could he be allowed to be so presumptuous? He refused directly at the root. Keilal said: "No, there is no such thing in the palace."

This is obviously lying with open eyes. Kelal could still get it when he treated Liu Bian yesterday.

However, Keilal smiled slightly and did not argue with him, but just let go of the emperor's arm.

"The emperor's meal needs to be changed." He said to Liu Xi in real time, as if to the emperor.

"They are all steamed vegetables. It is very normal for the emperor to have a loss of appetite. Even I can't eat them. I suggest adding one stir-fried dish and one fried dish every week to help the emperor regulate his body."

It would actually be very troublesome to just add these dishes. Zhu Forbidden City has its own rules.

But if it is an excuse to help the emperor regulate his body, then it is still possible for Liu Xi to want to add these dishes.

Liu Xi responded to the emperor from the side: "I will do it tomorrow."

"In addition, the emperor should move more and not sit for a long time. It is also good to walk around the pillars twice in your free time." Keilar said slowly.

His instructions were actually no different from those of the imperial doctors, but the sincerity in them was by no means comparable to those sluggish imperial doctors who only spoke to complete their tasks.

"I have nothing more to say." Kelar smiled at her, and something quietly fell from his sleeve and fell into the emperor's hand.

The emperor looked at Keilal in surprise, only to find that Keilal had already stood up, turned around and left. She retracted her hand and put the stuff into her sleeves.

"Mr. Kai, please pay attention to your identity." On the way back, Liu Xi said quietly next to Kailar. He felt that Kailar spoke too much.

"I'm going to take a look at Eunuch Liu Bian's body later." Kailar lowered his head to look at Liu Xi and smiled, which made Liu Xi's face become more gloomy, but he stopped talking.

Keilal, who had already met the emperor and had a relationship with Liu Bian, no longer had much interest in Liu Xi.

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