Chapter 080 EU War

Keilar actually never expected that he would have the opportunity to meet the emperor so early, but what he didn't expect even more was that the emperor would be so young and young.

But there is no big problem now. Now that he has met the emperor and has established a relationship with Liu Bian, the mere Liu Huanguan can no longer threaten him.

This is also the reason why Eunuch Liu was silenced by Keilal after threatening him.

Keilal's current identity is actually above him, and he is actually completely unable to threaten Keilal.

Although Keilar didn't care about the values ​​​​of the eunuchs, he would be a little angry to a certain extent. What's more, Eunuch Liu's attitude of being arrogant and respectful at the same time was even more unpleasant.

With just one word from Keilar, Liu Eunuch Yan was silenced. After all, Eunuch Liu was a smart man. An ordinary fool would not be able to understand the key point of Kelal.

Liu Huanhuan shut up only after he understood what Kailar meant.

Kelal didn't care about this at all, but doing so would save Eunuch Liu from causing more trouble for him.

After all, Eunuch Liu has already used Kyle completely, so he is now treating Kailar carelessly. If he is allowed to continue like this, there may be some bad developments, and Kailar must warn him.

But in fact, his father, his adoptive father, Liu Bian truly understood the value of a doctor with superb medical skills.

What's more, Kelal is still an outsider. Entering the Forbidden City without any foundation can actually only rely on their lineage.

After Keilal and Liu had a common secret, the two became a natural offensive and defensive alliance.

Kelal can help Liu Bian protect his own body, and he can also help Liu Bian protect the emperor's body. In fact, they don't have any conflict at all. They are natural allies.

Kyle's daily life slowly stabilized. Every morning he went to check the emperor's health and brought a sweet candy to the little emperor.

Liu Bian's body was checked every afternoon to prevent Liu Bian's health from deteriorating and prevent him from losing his place in the palace.

It is precisely because of this. Kelal's time suddenly became more relaxed, and he was able to deal with the war on the EU side more calmly.

The EU war has reached a fever pitch.

Monica, the Knight of the Round Table, began to rectify the armaments after taking office.

She actually didn't know that his friend Cornelia had been "sleeped" by Keilal and had become Keilal's woman.

But Monica is more ambitious and wants to conquer EU directly. I want to avenge my friend's shame.

In fact, from the perspective of martial arts, Cornelia is more suitable to be the emperor than the second prince Schneizel. Because of Cornelia's relationship, they are spread across all major legions in the army. Friends and teachers are all key figures in the military.

It is precisely because of this that if Cornelia wants to rebel, Schneizel has no ability to resist.

But the woman Cornelia, Kelar, discovered at first sight that she was not actually a careerist. She was more like a pure soldier. As long as there was war, as long as she had military exploits, as long as she could show off her strengths, as long as she could It's enough for her to show off her abilities and leave her name in history.

It doesn't matter whether you want to be an emperor or not.

She just wanted to find a place where he could use his talents, and it happened that this place was just a battlefield.

But Monica's person, Kelal, didn't know much information. The existing information only knows that she is a woman, and she is the twelfth Knight of the Round Table, the last Knight of the Round Table.

But if you really think that there is something powerful at the end of Knights of the Round Table and nothing remarkable, you would be totally wrong.

After all, they are the Knights of the Round Table, and the combat capabilities of the Knights of the Round Table are definitely more than this. If equipped with some specialized machines, they can even break through the formation alone, break up the opponent's formation, and achieve the effect of taking the lead together.

Normal people would definitely not think that anyone could do this.

But Keilar has seen the real Twelve Knights of the Round Table fight against a thousand knights.

If ancient people could do it, why can't modern people do it?

Although modern human beings are already very weak, no matter how weak they are, there are still some outstanding individuals who can achieve the great deeds of ancient people.

What's more, with the machine, it is even easier to take the lead.

So Keller never underestimates these Knights of the Round Table.

The fact is that it is precisely because of the fighting power of these Knights of the Round Table that the Thalia Empire has so many colonies and territories.

Therefore, another attack on EU led by Monica is actually very risky, apart from Cornelia's strategic training. Monica's tactical level is definitely not low, and her combat effectiveness combined with the Knights of the Round Table can even be said to be terrifying.

To be honest, the girls were a little uneasy, but with Keilal as a consultant in communications, they all felt a little calmer.

Just like what Keilal said before leaving:

He believed in them, believed in their wisdom, and believed in their fighting power.

So Keilar safely entrusted the entire battle to them. He only listened to their reports at night. The night here was also the morning there.

The whole battlefield is actually a bit baffling.

The Brittanian Empire even seems a little vulnerable - if there is a reason, it is probably because of their newly developed machine body.

Before leaving Europe, Kelal once said that he would form an elite mecha force and equip it with the most elite aircraft in Europe. Let them fight as small units, skirmishing units.

And this world originally advocates that one ride can equal a thousand. After this group of people were selected and equipped with experimental machines on a small scale.

Whether it is actual combat performance or real combat effectiveness, it is somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

Kelal just proposed the appropriate tactics at the appropriate time and used the appropriate aircraft type to fight. The result was that the Bunitalia Empire lost.

The Twelfth Knight of the Round Table was gloriously captured.

This result was something that no one could believe, including Keilal. He never expected that this plan would go so smoothly.

Neither Layla nor Coco, nor Keilal nor Cornelia, who was far away in District 11, had ever thought of this outcome.

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