The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 668 Their bodies

Chapter 082 Their bodies

Sayamaliu was wiping his body.

His body is a spider-like Knightmare.

The lower body is a chassis with six legs, and its running speed is extremely exaggerated.

The upper body is a humanoid body holding a weapon in each hand - these two weapons will change according to the needs of the battle.

This "Spider" even carries four missile launchers on its shoulders. It is precisely because of this machine that the firepower of their team is not suppressed by the opponent.

Sayama-ryu cherishes his own body very much. Because this organism is something that belongs to him for the first time.

This is a machine that truly belongs to him, his companion. When he sits on it, he can even feel that his flesh and blood are connected.

This is his weapon, his comrade, the thing he relies on most, the thing with which his life is connected.

Therefore, he even cherishes his own body more than the group of laboratory workers.

Whenever he is free, he is either exercising or wiping the body.

The sound of footsteps came from the door, and when he turned his head, he saw someone walking in from the door.

That was none other than Hyuga Akito. A man who has changed his name and joined EU citizenship.

If anything, he must have been filled with hatred and hatred for the Japanese-European.

But now he is full of understanding for him, because his class has changed his status and his position, so he is now also one of the Japanese Europeans. He now no longer has the ability to use force and violence and terrorist attacks to overthrow or The idea of ​​threatening the government, but feeling that all this can really be changed.

Now that many Japanese have joined the army, their destiny has changed. He believes that as long as he defends this government, as long as he protects the EU from being overthrown by the Britannia Empire, then the Japanese will definitely You can continue to live and grow here.

So now his position has completely changed. He is now a supporter of the EU. Compared with the EU, the Thalia Empire is his real enemy, because the Britannia Empire directly invaded Area 11 and drove them away. , turning them into subjugated slaves.

"Captain Ajid," he saluted.

Obviously, Ajid, who first entered the EU army, has been a soldier longer than him, and this time he is obviously in a leadership position in this team. He is the captain of all of them. .

Although he is not the best player, Sayama Ryu is still very satisfied to have a Japanese as the captain.

This means there is no discrimination, only positions are divided according to military rank, and equal treatment is what they need most.

"Hey, morning." Hinata Akito was shirtless and wore military trousers on his lower body. His body was very tight without any trace of fat. He looked like an agile cheetah, but he looked a little thin. But everyone knew what kind of power his thin body contained.

There was a towel hanging around his neck, and his upper body was dripping with sweat. It looked like he had just finished exercising.

Hyuga Akito's expression is relatively cold, but Sayamaliu knows that this is what he is like, just like the director in the laboratory, Noeru.

He didn't expect that these senior officials would let a Japanese-European mixed-race person take charge of the laboratory work. And it is said that the current EU Speaker is also married to a Japanese woman.

Under such circumstances, what else could he be aggrieved about?

Hinata Aki obviously has facial paralysis, so it’s not surprising to Sayama Ryu? He nodded to Ajid and then continued to do his work.

The same was true for Hyuga Akito. After wiping himself clean a little, he put on his shirt and uniform, then found a clean towel and started wiping his body, just like Sayama Ryu did.

These two Japanese people inherited the unique Japanese love of cleanliness and diligence. Not only did they clean their cockpits every day, but they also

When other people walked into this huge mecha warehouse, they were a little surprised to see the two of them. They didn't expect that these two Japanese people actually cherished the mecha so much. Their attitude was very correct.

This correct attitude is what surprised them. Logically speaking, if the Japanese joined the EU, they should spend three days fishing and two days drying nets. But now they are the most dedicated among all. They seemed to have adopted a European identity and began to fight for Europe.

This is actually what they want to see. In fact, whether it is Koko, Leila, or Liwang, they are actually the most loyal to Europe. Of course, they hope that the same will be true for Japanese Europeans, but most of them None of the Japanese people regard themselves as a member of Europe, but as a Japanese who has lost their country. This is undoubtedly not conducive to their rule, so most Japanese Neither can integrate into EU society.

Of course, it is also another reason why ordinary EU people discriminate against the Japanese who have lost their country. However, the gap between the two sides cannot exist forever. Keilar is slowly putting everything back on track. This group of Japanese EU people The heart is slowly moving closer to EU.

Hyuga Akito's body is a body called Alexander III. The biggest advantage of his body is that it can transform. In its fast running mode, he can put the seat down and land on all fours to become a plane similar to A body that moves as fast as a spider.

However, compared with the third-rate [Spider], although he moves quickly, he cannot fight while moving. However, Hyuga Akito's talent is very powerful. He can even switch forms back and forth during the battle, freely and freely. Deformation.

He transforms during the battle, then quickly approaches the enemy, and finally changes back before attacking. His reaction ability is even faster than that of the ace pilot, but this is a very dangerous move, because during the process of his transformation, if the enemy catches By exploiting the flaw, it is very possible to kill him directly.

So even though he could do it, he had been warned multiple times by people in the lab.

And Ajid's body is the next generation of Europe's main body, the third generation Alexander.

As Alexander III, he can not only transform at will and use it to rush on the undeveloped roads and hills and mountains in Europe, but he can also mount a variety of equipment packages, which can be used to attack from near or far. It can be used for artillery and melee combat, and can even be equipped with a shield warrior. In the future, it will be a more versatile equipment than the fifth-generation knightmare Sunderland of the Britannia Empire.

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