The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 672 Who is the enemy?

Chapter 087 Who is the enemy?

"Then there's another issue involved." Kailar said. "Captain Li Xingke, who do you think our enemy is?"

Li Xing was a little stunned. He didn't know what Keilal meant by asking this question.

"Is it the eunuchs? Or the Britannian Empire; or these generals at home; the nobles who don't obey orders; which one do you think it is?"

Every question Caesar asks goes to the core.

Li Xingke was very hesitant and confused. Who is the enemy? He never seemed to consider such a question.

For him, it is normal to consider issues after becoming a person in power. But it seems that there is nothing wrong with Kailar raising these questions now. It's okay to find out the answer directly here.

Li Xingke fell into deep thought.

Keilal smiled next to him. Yes, who is the enemy and who is the friend? This is the primary question at the moment. This is a question written in the Little Red Book. Without the Little Red Book that points directly to the root of the problem, it would be difficult for many people to find the core idea of ​​​​this problem.

Who is the enemy and who is the friend? Many people do not have this clear understanding before doing things. Although Li Xingke has lofty goals and dreams. But he also faced this problem. He still does not realize who is the enemy and who is the friend. This is caused by the restrictions and limitations of the times.

But now that Kailar said it, Li Xing began to think about this issue.

Kailar also looked at Li Xingke with a slight smile, waiting for his result.

Even a quarter of an hour passed quickly. Li Xingke finally raised his head, looked at Kailar and said: "If Mr. Kai knows why, please tell me the answer."

"Captain Li Xingke can't think of an answer?" Kailar asked with a smile.

"This is the problem with this country, isn't it?" Li Xingke asked. "If Mr. Kai already has the answer, why do you ask me? I want to hear the answer from Mr. Kai's mouth."

Li Xingke is a smart man. In fact, he has not received any serious political education or studied politics. His understanding of people's livelihood is not great. The only thing that makes him outstanding is the military aspect. His commanding ability.

As a military leader, he has a very charismatic personality, but if he is just a politician, then he cannot even make progress in getting started. Li Xingke could clearly realize this, so he quickly gave up looking for answers on his own and began to seek help from the audience outside the court.

Seeing that he could react, Keilal first praised him secretly in his heart, then smiled slightly and gave his answer.

"Of course the Brittanian Empire is urgent, it can even be said to be very nervous. But because of the domestic problems of the Chinese Federation, the Brittanian Empire does not need to be anxious and does not need to pay much attention. The real problem is Domestically. The current Chinese Federation is like a huge bomb that is about to explode. Domestic political, economic and reputation problems have reached an irresolvable point. Numbers have launched foreign wars to relieve domestic pressure and public anger. Either carry out drastic reforms and change the entire country beyond recognition. This completely depends on the methods of the governor, but there is only one thing that is inevitable, that is, a strong leader is needed, and the execution ability of the leader must be better. Powerful. But unfortunately, the current Chinese Empire does not have such conditions, does not have such a leader, and does not even have the ability to choose to go to war against the Britannia Empire. Today's China is an old lion. Although it looks very scary, it is actually impossible to hunt."

Keilar's deep understanding of this country is based on the newspapers he has read in the past few months and his analysis of the domestic situation. As the saying goes, a wise man looks at the essence, and a fool looks at the surface. Keilal's short words left Li Xing conflicted and enlightened.

Keilal had completely controlled the entire conversation in his own hands, and the rhythm of the entire conversation had begun to move forward as he wanted. Li Xingke asked eagerly. "Can the Chinese Federation be saved now?"

"Of course there is." Keilar said confidently.

"Please sir, teach me."

Li Xingke stood up, bowed to the end, and spoke formally.

"Has Xing Ke ever thought about it, even if Xing Ke knows the crux of the problem now, what can Xing Ke do now?" Kailar pointed to the core of the problem. Let Li Xingke feel sad.

That's right, if you think about it carefully, what can a captain of the guard in the palace do? What can be done? Even if he knows the medicine that can cure this country, this country's prescription. Who will prepare medicine for this country and prepare medicine for this country?

It was precisely because of this that Li Xingke felt very sad.

"Is this country beyond saving?" he asked.

"If you are willing, this country can still be saved. But it depends on the price and courage you need to pay."

"In order to save this country, Li Xingke is willing. He will be shattered into pieces. Even if all nine tribes are killed, he will never regret it."

Li Xingke was quite aware. He looked at Keilal and said solemnly.

"Then first, let's gather all the people with your kind of enlightenment." I still want to read the new lesson here, and I am still very moved in my heart. It is precisely because of this group of people who are so innocent and have such pure ideals. Only when the building is about to collapse countless times can China be able to survive the storm.

Revolution is not a dinner party. How can there be no bloodshed or sacrifice?

But until people who actually shed blood and sacrifice are willing to do it, then there is no real revolution.

There are countless people with this kind of consciousness throughout China. They have tried countless times and countless ways to save this country. There must be a winner in the end, a way to truly save this country. While others will only be eliminated, they actually did it after being fully mentally prepared.

What's so scary about death? As long as I can save this country, even if my path is wrong, I will never look back.

If this is the case, then let's gather this group of people who are truly willing to save this country and come and save this country.

Keilal looked at the dawn star shining like a star. He thought silently in his heart.

"Gather them together?" Li Xingke thought silently in his heart. He stood up, his whole body filled with awareness. "I know, I will do the good news that Mr. Qin Kai is waiting for me."

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